The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

Re: Re: Re

wolff96 said:

I'm not sure why, but I keep picturing him as Sean Connery from "Thunderball" in a tuxedo.

He's smoking a pipe and has just the tiniest little horn stubs on his forehead. And of course, his facial expression is the half-smirk "I know more than you do" that Connery wore through the entire film.

how about stanley tucci? he has the right kind of sneakiness steeped with intelligence -- plus his head works perfectly with those "tiniest little horn stubs" on that immense forehead of his... :cool:

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Grodog's files


I had you send me files quite a while back, and shared them with some friends then, but now I can't seem to find my copies any more and wanted to share them again. Could you email your files to me again? I think I may have blanked out my email, so the spam-proof address is "strawberry at jamm dot com"



Can some kind person with the compilation of these stories from
Sepulcrave please please please email it to me.

My undying thanks in advance.


Trigo -

You haven't provided your email address, so please email me at mine (click on the "email" button below to get my address) and I'll turn it right around to you.

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