The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

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Seebo - On its way.

Ryan - Right you are! Prospero's incantation in Act IV after the Masque of spirits is dismissed.


The last update caused my head to hurt. I'm surprised Eadric didn't ask to be transported back sooner, talking with that devil must have really made his head hurt.

Amazingly well-conceived and well-written conversation. I was enthralled, though I am unsure as to what Titivilius looks like.

Re: Re

Celtavian said:
I was enthralled, though I am unsure as to what Titivilius looks like.

I'm not sure why, but I keep picturing him as Sean Connery from "Thunderball" in a tuxedo.

He's smoking a pipe and has just the tiniest little horn stubs on his forehead. And of course, his facial expression is the half-smirk "I know more than you do" that Connery wore through the entire film.


I love the fact that this thread hasn't been updated in weeks and yet it is still on the front page, bumped nearly daily, and populated by people either looking for the compiled version or (like me) discussing the nuances of this amazing creation.
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I guess I'll just have to pick up a copy of the newest Robert Jordan book to keep me occupied... but it's just not going to be the same.

NO! DON'T DO IT! Didn't you learn anything from "Winter's Heart"? Nothing is going to happen! I'm not sure anything can happen in a Robert Jordan book anymore, it certainly hasn't happened it the last several novels.

There's more action and character development in one update from Piratecat or Sepulchrave II than in an entire book by Robert Jordan.

It boggles my mind how he can write one book that takes up more pages than the entire Hawkmoon saga by Moorecock and yet have less happen than in the first 50 pages of one of the 4 books in the Hawkmoon series.

[continue tangent to pass the time]

Winter's Heart? Maybe I read a different Winter's Heart than you did but I seem to remember some pretty history changing events taking place in it.

I have yet to fail to be entertained by one of his books. If the books just ended, we'd have one less series to read.

But in any case, how can the major events of Winter's Heart be called a lack of anything happening?

Winter's Heart? Maybe I read a different Winter's Heart than you did but I seem to remember some pretty history changing events taking place in it.

There was precisely ONE major event that took about a chapter, maybe two to resolve and two minor plot threads resolved, both of which had been forshadowed for about the previous 4 books. Everything else was basically filler.

In a 625 page book, that qualifies as nothing happening to me. The ENTIRE Lord of the Rings WITH appendices and language guides is only twice as long. The Silmarilion, which is every bit as complex and detailed with an even larger cast of characters than the Wheel of Tme series, is only 384 pages.

>Edited to remove Spoilers<

And I'll leave things at this.
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While my opinions of Robert Jordan are likely as strong as anyone else's in this thread, can we please not turn this thread into a discussion of his work? Such conversations have a tendency to get ugly, and I'm sure none of us want to do that to Sepulchrave's story hour.
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