The Rape of Morne [Final Update]

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First Post
Nothing clever
have I to say
so I guess
I'll bump it this way



First Post
Eridanis said:
Mean DM, Samnell - The check's in the mail.

I'd describe it as the half-celestial love-child, myself. :)

No, no. It's a half-fiend seeking redemtion. Don't you people know anything? If only he can get over his past and get back from the darkness that his temptor of course.

It might also help if he can avoid using bad puns too.
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Long time reader here, but I've just managed to talk a friend into having a look at the SH. Could somebody send me the compiled version by email so I can send it on to him? He's going to be the DM of the next D&D campaign I play in, so I'm hoping it will be suitably inspirational...



Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
AOE - I'd be happy to, but you've blocked off your email address from viewing. You can post your address here, or just email me at the address in my profile, and I'll turn it around to you.


First Post
another bump in the night...

Bump. Or rather...

BBBBB   U     U M     M PPPPP  
B    B  U     U MM   MM P    P
B    B  U     U M M M M P     P
BBBBB   U     U M  M  M P    P
B    B  U     U M     M PPPPP
B     B U     U M     M P      
B     B U     U M     M P
B     B  U   U  M     M P
BBBBBB    UUU   M     M P
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First Post
Re: another bump in the night...

strawberryJAMM said:
Bump. Or rather...

BBBBB   U     U M     M PPPPP  
B    B  U     U MM   MM P    P
B    B  U     U M M M M P     P
BBBBB   U     U M  M  M P    P
B    B  U     U M     M PPPPP
B     B U     U M     M P      
B     B U     U M     M P
B     B  U   U  M     M P
BBBBBB    UUU   M     M P

I like it, oh sicky one. I like it a lot.

Might look better in pink though.:D
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