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The Retaking of Forgehold - 4E

Charwoman Gene

[sblock=OOC-Mal] The half orc playing the frame drum skips a beat when you say Dagron's name. (You think. He's really terrible.) There is a scruffy-looking man in shabby agrarian clothing near the door looking at all of you.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC-Arden] That's not Insight, that would be perception. Insight is a slightly broadened Sense Motive. You notice the stuff in Mal's Sblock[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC-DM]I've gotten overwhelmed. an inordinate amount of talking and ordering and action has occurred at the bar before I could post. My post may not reflect every action you wished to have recorded. If I missed som ething let me know, and I'll edit.[/sblock]

The barkeep looks at you and says, "Take a seat and I'll get him over to you."

You are shown to a booth by a rather plain barmaid in a gray dress who takes your orders. The Inn grows a little less irritating as the half-orc and half-elf stop playing and move over to the bar. The barkeep whispers to them and the the half-elf strides over to your table.

"I'm Mirten, Dagron is the big guy I was performing with. We're just taking names and skills of people interested in helping out in Forgehold, and his handwriting is pretty bad so he asked me to get your information. The next caravan is leaving in a fortnight. We were supposed to have on leaving tomorrow but some koblods took down a caravan delivering some supplies we needed."

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Wolfheart goes to the table and sits. As Mirten approach them, he nods. "A fortnight... that's long. We will need something to do during that time. How much are you ready to pay to get back what these kobold have taken to you?" asks Aelek. "If the pay is interesting, you'll have a whole team ready to help you. We have experience and a good diversity of skills that allow to handle most situation. Perfect for such job."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Diplomacy roll: 26[/SBLOCK]
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Mira takes a seat on the outer edge of the booth, not wanting to be trapped in since it would keep her from being able to bounce around. She did make sure that Aelek had a seat on the outside to what with his tail, boths were very good at getting people to sit on it.

"Umm...what do you mean kobolds took it? If Kobolds can take the supplies, couldn't that be a problem once we are there and trying to get to work? Does it happen a lot?" the brownish-blonde haired girl asks curiously.

"Oooh, how many people do you have doing helping you clear the city?" she adds in when she thinks of the question.

"Since your asking who we are, the 6 of us are together. We have faught together a couple times, and are good at all kinds of things from magic to sneaking to straight up fights. Give us all of the details and we can talk it over as a group."


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"While you guys are busy talking business, I'll start drinking. It would be a shame to waste any of this..." says Angel with a shy smile.

she pulls her hoody up and sets her long flowing black hair free.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Vargo said:
To Mal: "You do realize that you have now advertised to everybody in the tavern two things: One, that we don't have much money and two, that shortly we may have some that may be taken from us by hook or by crook."

Telsayn rolls his eyes.

-''You are worried about robbers?!'' he exclaims incredulously.

Mal starts laughing and then knocks on Teslayn's chestplate armour.

-''This armor alone you are displaying proudly for the world to see is worth over two hundred meals in a inn like this. And these meals are overpriced! My sword is probably worth a whole year's worth of revenues for a peasant. Of course, they need to eat and buy tools so it's probably more like ten years worth of savings. Our collective equipment is worth well over 500 gold pieces, which is probably worth over half the disposable income of this entire village. So yeah, I think it's safe to say that crooks have noticed us.''

Mal shrugs his shoulders.

-''We're targets, mate. We'll always be target for the rest of our life. Let them come, stand proud. Since potential robbers are gonna spot our ostentatious tools of the trade from a mile away no matter what, no point being coy. What do you think is more likely to deter them ; acting bold or acting meek?''

[Later, as the group is talking with Mirten]

-''Yes, what my friends said.'' Mal says, pointing to Aelek. ''For the right price, just say where and we're off pest hunting.''
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For a while, Arden seems content to sit with the others and listen quietly while sapping his wine. Then he casually asks the half-elf: How many kobolds are we talking about? A small group? a clan? a tribe? The creatures have a tendency to gather in great numbers...

[sblock=OOC]about the insight check, I thought it may be relevant to try to catch reactions around, anyway, I'll keep that in mind next time[/sblock]

Charwoman Gene

"I think I may have overstated my connection to the attacked caravan. That was coming up from the south and had some goods we need in Forgehold. We ahven't lost anything, because we had not yet paid for those items. Aside from delaying to replace a few items, we aren't affected. Our caravans are much better defended although we do have quite the humanoid problem as the city is basically overrun and we are basically a fort trying to beat back the tide."

"If you are that interested in the Kobolds, speak to the Lord Warden, I heard he is so upset over this he is offering a 20gp bounty on the responsible Kobolds. He is usually near the town jail."

He takes your names down to make sure there is room in the caravan

"Good day to you all, I hope to see you all in two weeks." He walks over to the stairs and goes up to his room.

[sblock=OOC DM]I am assuming you all follow the lead.[/sblock]

Just outside the inn, a soot-faced dwarf shouts at you while following after you. "Stop ye fools! Ye be wantin' ta hear this!"

You stop, and he continues, "Ye can call me Teldor. Teldorthan Goldcap the Armorsmith. I be the finest crafter of armor for leagues around. Them kobolds stole a fine cured green dragonhide that I am needing for a very particular client. If you do find that hide, bring it to my shop and I'll pay you a wee bit more than market price. And I'll even give you a little discount on top of that if ye do be needin' any supplies."

[sblock=OOC DM]Here I assume you accept his offer and move on to the jail.[/sblock]

Outside you see a tall, muscular man in chainmail loudly ordering two of the town militia to get back to their posts. As you approach, he hails you.
"Ah, well met. From your demeanor and possessions, you look like you might be just the type of people I might be looking for. The old King's Road to the south has become very dangerous of late, due to a newly emboldened tribe of kobolds living in the old Cadorna Manor ruins. The mayor and council have authorized me to pay a bounty of 8 gp for each kobold eliminated and 50 gp for proof the tribe has been cleared out, like the bone mask worn by the kobold leader."

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Charwoman Gene said:
"If you are that interested in the Kobolds, speak to the Lord Warden, I heard he is so upset over this he is offering a 20gp bounty on the responsible Kobolds. He is usually near the town jail."

-''20 miserable gold piece! Forget it, I ain't hunting Kobolds for 20 bloody gold piece split six ways!''

Mal grumbles as he leaves the inn.

Just outside the inn, a soot-faced dwarf shouts at you while following after you.
"Stop ye fools! Ye be wantin' ta hear this! Ye can call me Teldor. Teldorthan Goldcap the Armorsmith. I be the finest crafter of armor for leagues around. Them kobolds stole a fine cured green dragonhide that I am needing for a very particular client. If you do find that hide, bring it to my shop and I'll pay you a wee bit more than market price. And I'll even give you a little discount on top of that if ye do be needin' any supplies."

Mal perks up a little.

-''Oh. Well that's a bit better. Maybe we should look into this. Anyone knows the market price for dragonhide?''

Outside you see a tall, muscular man in chainmail loudly ordering two of the town militia to get back to their posts. As you approach, he hails you.
"Ah, well met. From your demeanor and possessions, you look like you might be just the type of people I might be looking for. The old King's Road to the south has become very dangerous of late, due to a newly emboldened tribe of kobolds living in the old Cadorna Manor ruins. The mayor and council have authorized me to pay a bounty of 8 gp for each kobold eliminated and 50 gp for proof the tribe has been cleared out, like the bone mask worn by the kobold leader."

-''Come on people, hustle up!'' Mal says with the enthusiasm of a digger who struck gold. ''We got kobolds to hunt and bounties to collect! Let's get a move on. These kobold aren't gonna kill themselve!''
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"Thank you Mirten, I have the feeling we will take you up on your offer, and in the mean time most likely your advice on the kobolds too." Mira said smiling at the friendly half-elf, she hoped he wouldn't be playing his poor tortured instrument on the way to Forgehold.

"See, good things happen to nice people. Your lucky that I let you hang around Mal." the girl jokes once the dwarven smith had made his offer and the group continued on towards the Jail.

After her brother's outburst though, she turned to Angel with a grin. "What do you see in the big lug? I mean, its like I'm the grown up or something." turning to the sheriff she gives the man her we are professionals smile. "Sir, do you have any idea of how many kobolds there actually are there? It'll make a difference in how we do things."


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Angel pots her hand on Mal's arm and looks up to him saying
"Shouldnt we wait until tomorow at least? We've been walking for days and I'm pretty sure we're all tired..." she then mumbles the next part "and I'm a little drunk..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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