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The Return (The Heros of Mergovie)


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OOC Sorry guys just got a new baby and time to post is very difficult to find.

Xavier carefully examine the soldier. Most of them are wearing chain shirt and a sword if required they could dismount and fight as infantry. Only a few high ranked officer are heavily armored.

The captain insists on Xavier for him to keep the sword for the battle.

A few minutes later as the last soldiers gets ready the commander starts moving towards the gate leading directly outside of the city. A few officers follow her closely and soon the rest of the soldier order themselves in ranks and follow them. Xavier notices that Karn is also quickly and very effectively taking his place in the ranks.

The large draw bridge starts to open as the heavily armored officer approache it. Almost immediatly the heavy steel grate opens in a thundering sound.


The elven lady don't try to stop Oculus as he excuses them. Oculus go back to join the other near the entrance. The dark elf looks at the group with a funny look, wondering why they are so busy. But all these years dealing with customer in this area, tought him that he shouldn't inquire too much and he quickly returns to his business.

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OOC: Congrats. How many kids is that now for you? You're catching up w/me. I do miss this game, anyway, when its in hibernation.

BIC: Solomon leads the group out, heading for the sewer entrance near the Temple.


Xavier Roces, Servant of Heironeous.

ooc: Congratulations Dark Master. So how many children do you have? How about you Manzanita?

Xavier acceeds to the captains insistance, and straps the sheath and sword Sanfanedial's saddle. Mounting up, he follows the Captain out of the stables.


If appropropriate, Xavier has Karn stay by his side, or at least nearby unless Karn wishes otherwise. If possible, Xavier will try and find out a little more about where they are going and what they expect to find there and how the Commander expects to deal with it. He won't press the matter if the Commander seems reluctant to speak on it.

Otherwise, Xavier uses the time to relax and let his mind wonder over the events in Mornonas so far. The familier rhythm of Sanfanedial's gait makes it easy. Its good, Xavier concludes, to get out of the city again (completely forgetting he has only been in Mornonas for two nights and two days; it feels like much more).


Dai follows along amongst the others, keeping the hood to his robe pulled up, even with most of the trouble being a day or so ago, he takes some solace in the shadows which conceal the darkness to his skin.


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The group quickly leaves the dirty hotel and heads towards the industrial section of the town. The group takes the longuer but safer road through a residential area. Disguised as wizards with their bodyguards they aren't bothered. The trip back to the temple is rather uneventfull.

Dai paying a special attention to hide the color of skin isn't noticed. The group walk among the early crowd, most of them heading towards the northern factory.
After about half an hour the group reaches the sewer entrance where they last saw Uder the councellor dissapeared. The steel grate was replaced on top of the man hole


The army slowly exits through the large gate of the Baron's castle. Karn follows closely Xavier without saying a word. Once everyone is out the commander starts yelling orders to the group. A group of 5 light armored soldier is then dispatched in front of the group and a few minutes later the rest of the unit heads through the woods along a small trails. The trail doesn't allow more than 2 horse wide at the time so the group is reorganised in two collumn.

About an hour later Xavier finally gets a chance to approach the commander. As he approaches she smiles back at him. Xavier discuss about an hour with her. According to various report a tribes of gobelin from the northern march invaded the village. In the last year these attack became almost non-existant and she beleived that local militia probably soften up and allowed the gobelin to do much more damage than they should have. They are basically going to restore the order there.

She also adds that an important lumber mill is located in the region and that for the economy of the Barony and the country, controls of the region must be regained. She then smiles as she finishes. "Wood or not, order must be restored in the region we can't allow these barbarian to disrupt our way of life. Letting fear paralyse the population is never a good thing."

OOC let's get this thing rolling again. I will try to post at least 2-3 times a week if everyone get's in.


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Solomon glances around to see if anyone is paying attention to them. He'd prefer not to be observed, but isn't willing to wait unless there's a guard company or other obviously suspicious observer. He bends down and examines the sewer entrance. If it looks like a simple steel lid, he will attempt to lift it off, look in, and enter, if it doens't appear immediately dangerous.


Dai gestures for the others to obscure the half-orc as he attempts to lift the grate, hopefully with a couple people milling about Solomon will be less likely to be noticed.


Xavier Roces, human male Servant of Hieroneous

Xavier listens to the Captain with a growing sense of unease. It seems that she is unaware of even the possibility that the militian were involved in the attack on Pruman. Or prehaps she is just keeping it to herself. Its not, Xavier acknowledges, the kind of thing you would tell a visiting emmissary. Xavier decides to hold his tongue for the moment, and see what they find in Pruman.


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Jasper Conrad

Jasper nervously follows the others to the sewer entrance. What will they have done last night? Surely they discovered that we were here. But we can't turn back now, it's too late for that..

He watches with trepidation as Solomon opens the sewer.


First Post
With all the activity around and a good job from Dai and the others, Solomon approaches the grate. It looks somehow heavy but nothing he can't handle. Seeing nothing threathning inside he slowly lifts the grate. A quick look inside doesn't reveal much. There doesn't seems to be any light source close enough to provide light.

The morning sun is preventing his dark vision from seeing more details. He can hear the sound of a small amount of water slowly flowing down the pipe.


OOC for time consistency I will slow down your part Doghead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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