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The Rules of Character Engagement



Basically a modified ripoff of Nevine's post.

Ruh-Roh. Turns out when we were making humorous RP Clichès, we were actually rating RP'ers.

Ugh, listen. Nevine's right, this is a joke, at nobody's expense. No names were stated, and the only people who know the names are those involved. Hell, I'm guilty of the Killer Intelligent Sword, and I'm not quite sure if Shadovar and Humans are cross-fertile. But this is all in jest, self-parody, if you will. We don't think we're better than anybody else, at least not to my knowledge. Doesn't mean we have to contain our cynism, sarcasm, and bitterness within. If everyone didn't at least complain, or critize then we'd be overrun with Drizzt Do'Urden clones, Wizards would turn into some kinda fantasy dating service, auto-hits and cursing would scour the land, and logic would be worthless. Just worthless, since people could be convinced they could have lil'Vampie kids. God, I don't see why people get a kick out of being seduced by vampires. It's necrophilia, for Christ's sake.

Anyway, my point is that we're all equal, but we're also allowed to joke. I didn't go out and say "DRINDIN IS SUCH A LAMER NOOB OMG WTF BBQ", now did I? We're just recording things that bothered us, into light-hearted, humorous rules. If someone flips out and adds a 162., then they're not getting the point of humor. All I can say.

And number 162. is very difficult to understand. I request an erratta.

The evil, holier-than-thou, puppy-kicking meany who gets such a rush after being mean with his evil, evil hopes to at least make people chuckle,


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Orbben_Avuna said:
162. That this entire thread was just made so that anyone who's above it all can laugh at the mistakes people make because they are here for fun. So that the fact that thos who might not have a rule book can have it shoved in their faces. That all ive seen here are the popuar loved characters and have now quarrels with anyone putting them down. That you all feel soooooooooo much better for putting down the little guy..is it a damn crime to do any of the stuff listed above?if not, end it now and finally say youre all better than everyone else HAPPY??!!
why instead of harping about it all, go out and tell them their problem, and someone has to take it seriously,
Okay, a couple of points:
  • This entire thread was made so that we could take a light moment to laugh at some of the absurdities we encounter during our roleplaying, many people have including things they know they're guilty of themselves. (I mean hell, put me down for 133, and err... let's not talk about how many other people's I used to be guilty of)
  • If we were out to put down anyone we'd mention people's names or very specific cases, not vagueries. Ala my web comic (I hate Jardel guy and hence like to make fun of him as often as possible).
  • No it's not a crime, if it was we probably wouldn't be joking publically about it. However I think demanding people stop a thread and posting how everyone who contributes to it is a malicious holier than thou technically constituites flaming.
  • So we have to end it all because you think you're better than all of us and can put us down for having a little fun? Is it a crime to post things in this thread? Do you feel soooooooo much better for putting us down over it?
  • Who's to say we haven't tried (and possibly successfully achieved) explaining to these people how to improve on these faults?
All that being said:

163. Always be sure to list all your equipment in your description, and then if you have space some details about what the character looks like.

164. A long and detailed description is a sign of a great roleplayer, so try to be as verbose as possible!

165. The wierder your character concept, the more likely you are to find someone just like you.

166. The Star Wars System is now d20 based, so everyone can add Jedi levels to their character without fear of messing up the rules. :D

167. If you're going to rip off... err... pay homage to someone's work, there's no need to be subtle about it. Just go with a SN straight from the book and a description that says you look just like them.


Bhryn Astairre

In response to the earlier outburst:

Please don't inflict your bad humour on those here who are taking a moment from their busy and often depressing lives to laugh at some of the stupid things people do. We never once said that WE weren't guilty of them. Perhaps you don't seem to see the fine line between thinking you're the victim and making everyone else the victim, because quite honestly, NO ONE is the preferred victim of people/persons here. I think perhaps you have your nose in the air. Just think of it like "Bloopers". Everyone makes a mess of things, it's the amount of people who notice and put it down for others to laugh at that count, and you'll find the same thing with television mess up shows around the world. Obviously WE can't show "clips" of what we do wrong, so we put it down in words.

As for popular, popular is an objective thing. Perhaps in this case, it simply means people who are willing to put aside differences and relax with one another for a short time.

Thanks for bumping it BACK onto Topic Jard.

And continuing in the same vein:

168: If a description is less than three lines, it's simply not good enough.

169: Some people are truly amazed when no one has ever heard of their "fabulous, amazing, shocking, great" feats of strength and their towering reputation...

170: Manic laughter for the evil can be bought at bargain bin prices. This laugh ranges from the inane cackle, to the truly booming ravening laughter of the insane.

171: If a name doesn't have an extended version that's over three syllables in length and almost dislocates your jaw trying to say it, then it's not "really" a name, is it...?

172: There's never a better time to talk to someone as when they are deep in some conversation/battle/scene. Invariably this person will ignore everyone else for a chance to be the focus of your attention.

173: Siani. Bargolem. River. Enough said.

174: Feegee's stall seems to be pillaged so often that he may as well invest in a vault.

174 (A): And said robbers are generally sat in the same vicinty not five minutes later.

175: Portal hopping doesn't make -anyone- dizzy or disorientated. How often do you see someone land and blink, wondering if they managed to get to the right place and in how many pieces?

176: You will get nicknamed. Pray to god it's not anything bad, or irritating. In consideration, an irritating nickname is always the best premise for a duel (see Rules of Dueling on the -Drop Of A Hat-)



To tell the truth I thought this post was hilarious. The reason I didn't add anything to the list is because I sat back and looked at the post and it occurred to me that even though it was set up in a joking manner it was a rant none the less. I can see why players would get upset over it because many people try to use "it was only a joke" as armor against any hurt feelings. All of this stuff has been said in other posts so it would seem to me that it would be common sense that some would take offense to what has been said but maybe I am just looking at things differently *shrugs*. Now that I have played devil's advocate for a short period time now for my additions to the list.

177 If someone is playing something like a celestial, demon or devil they will either be drunken fools, suffering from delusions of grandeur or both.

178 Elves and undead get along perfectly really they do

179 All clerics and arcane magic users can cast ninth level spells with a thought nothing else is needed what so ever

180 All races are tolerant of the other races, elves love drow, demons love devils, demons and devils love celestials and vice versa



. . . This is hilarious, and to tell the truth. I have fought a friendly spar with unsharpened weapons. Tsuko carries a sakabatou, a reverse blade. And before any of you lovly idiots accuss me of copying Kenshin. She's bloody had one long before Kenshin was even released in America, taking into account I watched in when it was first released in Japanese. . . *whistles innocently*. Another of my friends character's carries a bokken, and another a Shinai.
Bokken: Hardened wood training sword.
Shinai: Bamboo strip training sword.

181: Fae + Pou = collsion with wall.

181 There are only TWO well played fae in Juxta/Oerth. D'Shan and Aesynil. Take notes from them.

183 Fenmarel will ALWAYS steal your numbers. . .



Tsuko said:
181 There are only TWO well played fae in Juxta/Oerth. D'Shan and Aesynil. Take notes from them.
Well that was as pointless as 162. This will go a lot smoother if people just talk about concepts rather than finger pointing or attempting to glorify/demonify individuals.

184. People dressed in black are not to be trusted. People dressed in white with unholy symbols are just fine though.

185. You can always trust someone who tells you they have no bad intentions, they'd never lie to you.


Bhryn Astairre

:: polishes her Delusion of Grandeur © and then glances up idly ::

Huh this? It's um...

:: hides it, by kicking it under the bed ::

:embarrass ;)



186 If a pie is thrown, it's always the nearest fae that threw it.

186.5 If a pie is thrown at you there is always someone behind you.

186 3/4 If a pie is thrown is always seems to have an internal tracking system/

187 Beware flying bologna.*

188 Don't question 187. . .

*Oddly enough, it has happened to me. . .


First Post
**I must admit part of the thread got to me but then i looked at the list and can't stop laughing now because it's all true. And it's hilarious.**

Now i'm not sure if this one has been said but.

189. A single female character will be approached and professed to be the love of someones life within seconds of her entering the room and sitting down. *please don't smite me if it's been said...the list has gotten soooo long**

190. There is no way a female character could ever possibly out wit, out maouver or overall just beat any high and mighty man. Men don't have weakness to women's seduction, innocent of evil intentions abound.



191 Succubi and Incubi are in no way dangerous and can not seduce anyone. All have an immunity to them.

192 No ones soul may be stolen. All bodies are impervious to soul removal.

193 Even a newborn can take on sixty armed men and whip them all in two seconds flat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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