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The Sceptre of Kings-A Heroic Dwarven Quest


Living EN World Judge
Turlogh returns fromhis perusal of the place, sure that there is nothing nefarious about the place as well as noting to Alembregh that there is a well-concealed Secret Passage in the cellar (The Royal Suites), no doubt an escape tunnel to the streets nearby.
Burgain pauses in his fussing(polishing silverware) to say 'Aye, it lets off about a hundred feet South, in an old alleyway.'

Skezzketh doesn indeed feel the Spirits of this place, and while they are not hostile, they are restless and seem concearned with accomplishing some grand task left unfinished.
The Monk feels that perhaps they are uneasy due to the long absence of Dwarfs and the occupation of the Enemy races in Cuvaghn.

Rament sets up one of the chambers as a Hospital, noting that there are several extra tables in a side room which would make excellent operating boards/sickbeds if need be.

Mohgrym is likewise satsfied (once the former patrons are gone) that all seems in order.

The table is set up with efficiency and all seems finally in order.

Just when Alembregh is starting to wonder at Eugrimm's information regarding this Svirfneblin, startled yells from several of the dwarves signal that he is
already here .

Fading in from the Wall, the Deep Gnome cuts a small but impressively stately figure, ragsand wrappings covering most of his clothes, pale jewels adorning his sword-hilt and circlet, this keeping back sparce blond (almost white) hair.

'Greetings Prince Alembregh of Temperlain,Lady Elspeth,Masters Turlogh,Stori,Mongrymm,Rament and Skezzketh...I am Hreltren Jaspereye' The Gnome bows low, a twitch overshadowing his wane smile.

OoC:Off to RL game, Ill be abck tonight to post a bunch of maps and such.Great RPing so far, folks.

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Elspeth does her best to look politely unimpressed by such a melodramatic entrance, and her best is very good. She gives a polite nod to acknowledge his presence at her name.


"I will see what I can find out, your Highness." Storí smiles, bowing slightly. "Such tasks are my speciality, so I hope I will find some knowledge of use."

As the gnome steps into view, Storí studies the newcomer with some interest, focusing his magically enhanced gaze to examine any arcane auras that the Hreltren might have.


Slightly jaded at the mispronunciation of his name, Mohgrym waits patiently for the Prince to speak. The foreknowledge of all of their names by this deepgnome and his entrance through the wall has set Mohgrym on edge. He looks carefully and thuroughly at the gnome trying to gain a messure of his character. The rags and the jewels create a puzzling picture. At once a man who hides his stature at the same time appearing here in front of our great Prince he is trying to proclaim his position. The jeweled circlet might even indicate Svirfneblin nobility. Mohgrym does not offer the same curt nod that Lady Elspeth did.


Living EN World Judge
As the Gnome steps closer into view (and he does so warily, even though he knows that no Enemies are here), it becomes evident that any mispronunciaions in his speech are most likely due to a massive scar that runs the length of the left side of his face, clearly having done some damage to his mouth. The Gnome took precautions somewhat to cover this, though not overly now, as if he felt comfortable in his curent company. looking closer, it is evident that his left Eye as well was damaged, for he has a pale Jewel sitting in that socket...'Not for vanity do I cover,friends, but to be less conspicuous, for a jewel-eyed Gnome is a bit easy to spot,neh?'. Looking at the Map, the Gnome says 'I can outline all of the major factions within 2 miles, both Dwarves and Enemies, point out several Secret Passages even your finely honed Dwarven senses will no doubt miss, for i'twere Dwarven Master-Craftsmen what made those, and you all know what Pains they take...'. The Gnome makes sure all of the Prince's assembled companions are watching, though he looks less easy at the Dwarven soldiers looking on.Continuing he says I ask two things, one Payment in Jewels, as has ever been the bargain 'tween our two Peoples. Second, that you do not go where I specify My Folk live, for your Prize is not there, and we would remain as hidden as we can in these Times. Strife is rampant in this beleagured City, with less of those here that we are able to trust every day, though I have been assured that You are of a much different caliber than they. Payment for my services, and those of my brothers shall be no set at 200 Crowns plus 100 per Svirfneblin per week over myself and my brother, who is my partner.I have a total of 6 that I may set as your eyes, with daily reports.We do not sell your information to others, as your Wizard can no doubt tell you, should he wish to check. This may seem steep, but I assure you that those who use our eyes save many lives otherwise lost to foolish and rash action.'

As to the Svirfneblin, Stori detects that the Eye (which is indeed a Jasper orb...) radiates Transmutation magic, while there are several Enchantments on various items, though the Gnome doesn't have any obvious Spells in effect. As well, there is a vague lingering of the Shadow Magic, as if it somehow infused Hreltren himself.
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Knight Otu

First Post
Keeping back during the appearance of the gnome, Skezzketh closely follows the talks as closely as possible. "Hiss requesst doess not seem unreasonable... Not wanting his people drawn into the conflict...", he thinks to himself.


OOC: Sense motive on the guy.

Elspeth listens to the gnome speak, trying to size up his sincerity and whether, indeed, his price is negotiable. Haggling can be seen to be demeaning for a prince. Dragons on the other hand, even half-ones, can be expected to drive a hard bargain...


Storí leans closer to Prince Alembregh, speaking softly to him.

"I can see no magical wards on his person that could mask a lie, your Highness. At least from that point of view, I feel we can trust him." He glances back at Hreltren as he continues.

"If we hire his services, I would be interested to find out what magics our foes may possess. The more information I have on their abilities, the better I can prepare to defend against them."


First Post
Alembregh sits on his raised chair, listening to the gnome's proposal, thinking it over in his head. He makes a small nod at Storí's remark.

When the gnome is done speaking, Alembregh addresses him: "Your offer sounds interesting, I must say. Do not fear, your people will be safe from us. We have no deside whatsoever to focus the battleground over to another territory inhabitated by innocent bystanders. Enough innocent blood has run through the sewers by now.

Sincere apologies, but if you would excuse us for a few minutes, then I'll have the oppurtunity to discuss the matter with my advisors. There'll be the problem of having to switch valuta as well, might we accept the offer. Master innkeeper, please see to it that our guest does not come short of drinks and food, if he so desires.

Alembregh stays in his chair, open to suggestions from anyone caring to make any.

OOC: 1 crown = 1 goldpiece?


Living EN World Judge
Elspeth is absolutely sure that the Gnome speaks with sincerity and that his price seems what he genuinely feels is fair for the task.

<Rolled a '20' for your SM>

The Gnome nods and withdraws to the far side of the room, comtent to sip at the Ale that Burgain has provided.
<Yes, 1 Crown equals a GP, sorry>

Voidrunner's Codex

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