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The Selgaunt Campaign


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The map room doesn't have its own light, except for the little bit provided by the glowing motes -- but it seems to almost amplify your torchlight, making the whole room bright and pleasant.

While Marduke continues to survey the map from above, Cupric takes a closer look at the runes on the wall -- and Tuggle, Artemis and Tal all hop down onto the map itself.

Taking a deep breath, Tuggle blows the dust off of the model of Selgaunt -- and finds that it may not be a model of Selgaunt. The familiar arc of the River Arkhen is there, as is the wide bay that opens out into the Sea of Fallen Stars, but this city is much smaller than Selgaunt. Tuggle's no historian, but he's heard of Chancelgaunt: the city that was built on that site, and later grew into the Selgaunt of today. It's quite possible that this is a model of Chancelgaunt.

The model is very detailed, but it doesn't look as though it's supposed to show the city's actual buildings -- more of an "artist's interpretation" than anything. Leaning in closesly, however, the gnome notices something unusual: there's a faint glow showing through the buildings -- as if the model city is resting on top of one or more glowing motes.

Artemis starts off by looking for the hatchery cave along the Starbound River, but the cave doesn't appear to be on the map (which shows only major geographical features). There are, however, two motes very close to one another on a site that's right along the river -- and about the right distance from Selgaunt to be the right spot.

When Artemis joins Tuggle over by the model city -- which is substantially larger than all of the other cities, as if carved on a different scale -- the sorcerer points to the spots where light is leaking out of the buildings, suggesting more motes below. Surveying the area around Selgaunt, Artemis sees seven more lights: the large one that represents the tower, as well as three along the coast and three others inland, all within (guessing based on the size of the map) perhaps ten miles of the city itself.

Also standing on the map, Tal takes a look at one of the other model cities -- what should be Ordulin, Sembia's capital city. He blows the dust gently from its tiny rooftops and peers intently at the buildings. Without a deeper knowledge of Sembia's history, Tal can only guess that the model represents Ordulin at least a hundred years ago. There's definitely a sense that the models are out of place, although it's hard to pin down -- they just don't look like the work of the room's (presumably) Netherese builders.

Up on the walkway, Cupric is having some unexpected trouble with the runes. After several minutes -- during which time the others have finished looking at the map and the cities -- Cupric is able to decipher the inscription:

"As the mythallar was for Ioulaum, so this nexus will be for us. The web of doorways is our secret path to power."

Leaning back against the walkway's railing, Cupric tries to tease more information out of this short phrase. Meanwhile, the other Follies take a solid ten minutes or so to thoroughly search the chamber -- finding only one thing that they hadn't already noticed: all of the other cities on the map appar to have motes under them as well, just like Selgaunt.

During this time, Cupric hums a few ballads to himself, letting his mind relax as he sifts through the knowledge that is his heritage. (Cupric only:
Ioulaum is one of the greatest human archwizards in history, and perhaps Faerun's longest-lived creature: a Netherese arcanist who trained over three thousand other wizards, and was skilled in leading arcane armies to battle. His most famous battle was the "Excursion to Extinction," a campaign to wipe out the orcs around Netheril that used magical gates to block the humanoids' lines of retreat -- allowing Ioulaum's army to wipe out over 140,000 orcs. He is also famous for creating the first mythallar and Netheril's first floating city.

Mythallars are somewhat similar to the elven mythals, and were created to allow Netherese arcanists to easily create permanent magical effects within a localized area. Having seen the mosaic room, Cupric can now say with certainty that the tower involves at least one mythallar.

When the other Follies are done searching the chamber, they join him in staring at the runes. The dreamborne nods once more, with an air of finality, and turns to his companions.

OOC: Although the room's atmosphere isn't one of danger, I didn't want to assume that anyone would touch or move the models. ;)

- Tuggle's Spot check to notice the glow under the model city: [20]+2=22.

- Cupric's Decipher Script check for the runes on the wall: [12]+10=22. There was a circumstance bonus built in as well, for being familiar with the other inscriptions in the tower.

- Cupric's Bardic Knowledge check on "Ioulaum," and his Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks on "mythallar" were as follows: BK: [15]+12=27, K(a): [9]=7=16, K(h): [1]+8=9. Results above in the spoiler text.

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"Let's take some time to copy down the location of the lights in some of the major cities, or perhaps just Selgaunt," says Tal. "On our next rip back we can try to validate Artemis' guess that these dots represent portals."


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"Indeed. I think this tower was central to some form of arcane military. There are references here to an archmage that outstrips Elminster himself.", says Cupric.
Cupric then takes the time to make the observations the other Follies made about the map.
"I think we may have found something that history may know very little of. This writing seems to imply this is some sort of portal nexus. They also liken its power to some of the most potent human magic to exist. It seems the builders of this tower seem to think it is on a similiar scale as the floating cities of Netheril.", having said this, Cupric proceeds to study the rest of the room.

After finishing his studies Cupric pipes up, "Let's try and re-assemble as much of the construct as possible before heading back to Selgaunt. That means dealing with the flyers. Do we think we have enough offensive power to handle them?"

[OOC: Cupric is going to use appropriate knowledges on the other fixtures of the room (map, metal, etc.) as well as a quick search.]


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"Never faced them before, myself, but if my 'battle' with that gelatinous cube is any sign, I'm due for some of Torm's blessings next time 'round. Besides, if there is evil yet in this place, I would see justice served. I would remind you though, that I have used most of my spells this day, and would be in short supply of healing blessings - and that we still do not know if we can leave this place. Perhaps now is as good a time as any to find out." And having said as much, Tal strides over to the entrance and attempts to cross back.

"I'll return immediately - if I do not, I can not," he says before stepping through.

OOC: I assume there is something to step through, but in fact don't know. If there is nothing obvious, he'll poke around the wall for the entrance/exit.


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Cupric's search of the room doesn't turn up anything new, although he does figure out a few things about the map. Notably, that the motes are a fixed and permanent spell effect: they are not intended to reflect current conditions. So if they represent portals, and one of those portals were to be destroyed, its light would remain on the map.

He can also tell that the architecture shown in the models fits with the time before Chancelgaunt became Selgaunt -- around 300-400 years ago. Unfortunately, the dreamborne can't tell if the models themselves are that old; whatever the case, they are definitely not of Netherese origin.

Returning to the entrance, Tal points out a nearby trio of runes. Touching these runes on the partially-assembled golem makes the portal reappear, and Tal steps through. He returns a moment later, having found the cylinder room as empty as it was before.

OOC: Cupric's rolls: Knowledge (arcana) - [11]+7=18; Knowledge (history) - [6]+8=14.


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"I suggest we re-assemble the golem, then explore Selgaunt and see what is currently where those motes of light are! Perhaps we will discover a connection between the different structures there. I too will be better equipt to face the flyers after a night's sleep."


First Post

"Have we finished exploring this place - or was there still on section we wanted to visit before returning to Selgaunt? I think Tuggle has made a good suggestion, but would like to finish exploring first, if we are very close to the end."

OOC: Taking part in Golem re-assembly until further notice.

Artemis Blade

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I guess that probably means we will head back to the cylinder room and prepare to enter the other portal (to retrieve some more golem parts) when everyone is ready.

Artemis heads back to the cylinder room and heads to the doorway that leads to the next portal. Once everyone is assembled he will lead the way through, unless there are objections. If we need to rest, I'll let the casters lead the way to a place to do that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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