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Re: more, MOre, MORE

Enkhidu said:
From the stats of the antagonists, I'm really interested in what the heros look like.
Picture gods.

Then scale back a tad, and you'll have SHARK's PC's.

Except make sure to equip them with more finery and unique items, and the best weapons that have ever been produced in history, and give them a horde of cohorts, who would be rulers in their own right anywhere else, and plop tons of powerful followers, of all different races, that are loyal to the death and all do exactly as the leaders command in battle, and you'll approximate the PC's.

SHARK - I especially like the dinosaur mounts you gave the hobgoblin race, and i think any flavor to a race is better than no flavor.
I agree with all the recommendations about you overpowering them, stat-wise, though.

However, i DO agree with you (*gasp!*) that more feats doesn't necessarily mean overpowering the situation.

I think PC's in 3E should have been given about 3 times more feats than they were.
Then you'd begin to see some actual power coming from the CHARACTER, not from the the magic items and spells they have going on.

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Yes, you just might get what you ask for!:)


You know, the characters that you're thinking of are very high-level characters that have been playing in the campaign for over *two years* of *real life* How experienced should they be?:) Not all of the PC's, or NPC's throughout the campaign are necessarily very powerful. Just some.:)

On another note: Yes, we agree that the initial feat assignment is wrong. I think player-characters and creatures alike can be statted up with considerably more feats than what the default allows. The feats allow a more accurate conceptualization, and realization of the particular character, than "More magic, more spells." Then, if one did permit three times the number of feats per character like you suggest, I'm sure someone, somewhere, would say "Great! I wanna take Toughness eight times so I have an extra hundred hit points!" or something like that.

I think though, upon careful analysis, when I have assigned additional feats to creatures, it isn't to make them some super-powered game-unbalancing nightmare. Rather, it is to realise the creature or character more accurately. Notice that the SHARK HOBGOBLIN, SHARK ORC, and SHARK OGRE all have widely varying feats. That, of course, is designed with a specific vision in mind. To whit, I see the SHARK HOBGOBLIN as the premier, elite goblinoid of the world. The Hobgoblins are tougher, more disciplined, and more organized than other goblinoids. In addition to different genetics, that makes them quite superior to many other creatures, for example.

Semper Fidelis,



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Re: Re: more, MOre, MORE

reapersaurus said:
I think PC's in 3E should have been given about 3 times more feats than they were.

I actually like the situation as it stands now. Kytess would love to have Weapon Focus, specialized as she is, but also wants Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Finesse, and a score of others. By restricting her number of feats, she's forced to choose what's the most important to her character concept. If there were more feats to go around, every fighter could afford the "basic" fighter feats (PA, Cleave, WF, WFin, WS, and the WW chain) and they'd start to look the same. As it stands now, characters are forced to differentiate themselves.


First Post
they'd start to look the same. As it stands now, characters are forced to differentiate themselves.

I don't buy this justification. Triple the number of feats available in the core rules (including "must-haves") and you'd get just as much variety.


First Post
Truly inspiring!

How fashionably unique. I'm particularly fond of the unique items, team fighting, organized war marchine, mounts, dogs...awesome!

I agree on the feats. I think you've stumbled upon a very unique component of your racial development. As I'm sure is evidenced in your world. MOST of your Hobgoblins are not "generic" low HD creatures. Insted, averaging around 6 - 10 HD, they would certainly justify this extended feat chart. Very cool.


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SHARK said:

Well, I suppose the feats could be trimmed, as desired. However, my rationale for them goes something like the following:

Alertness adds +2 to Listen/Spot
Acrobatic adds +2 to Jump/Tumble
Athletic adds +2 to Swim/Climb

These skill bonuses are simply to not only reflect what many Hobgoblins spend a lot of time doing, but also a natural skill in these activities due to their muscles, coordination, and so on, which are distinctly superior to a Human's, for example.

Skill Focus adds +3 to Ride; This seems appropriate for a race that values riding skills, by often putting their young in the saddle starting at the age of five.


Apart from the listen/spot bonuses, all of these have been given to your hobgoblins by having vastly superior stats. In total, your hobgoblins are currently getting +3 to jump, +5 to tumble, +3 to swim, +3 to climb, +6 to ride


If this is your justification for these stats and skills, I hope you apply to same metric to PC's.

And if you DO apply the same metric, then why don't you just run a campaign that starts at level 5 instead of level 1?

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