the six stats , with the six worlds from Buddhism

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
6 Elves ---- Cha
5 Dwarves -- Str
4 Humans --- Wis
3 Demons --- Dex
2 Undeads -- Con
1 Devils --- Int

then, five levels of mastery

5 Master
4 Champion
3 Professional
2 Amateur
1 Debutant

and, four Auras

2 Might
1 Anger
0 Confidence
-1 Luck

Edit : confidence ===> no challenge


( Happy new Year to Everybody :) )
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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
or, I can also print :

7 Relationship
6 Mind ----------- Cha
5 Nature --------- Str --- Master
4 Logics --------- Wis --- Champion ------ Might
3 Technics ------- Dex --- Professional -- Nerves ( in lieu of Anger )
2 Body ----------- Con --- Amateur ------- Confidence
1 Influence ------ Int --- Debutant ------ Luck


===> replace Nature with Survival ;) ( or Solo :) )

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
well, I must admit was using opposite views ( Influence vs Relation, Body vs Mind, Technics vs Nature ) which were a little too simplist to found... ( a church !?? )
now for something more realistic:

7 Nature ( I thought Nature was full of Violence and Survival, Egoist things and the like; hopefully wrong )
6 Relation ( look at Charisma, Morale )
5 Willpower ( Mind , Mental Strength )
4 Logics ( so must link Logics to Wisdom, like in psychologics )
3 Influence ( because Demons are influencial , tormenting people )
2 Body ( Undeads, or Shaolin Monks lol )
1 Technics ( Technics is inhuman and cruel , like Devils)


( hope this time Spell of Development will last longer ( or is it Find The Path ?? ) )

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
grrr! I forgot the link in between Nature and Wisdom !

7 by default Logics
6 Cha Relation
5 Str Willpower
4 Wis Nature ( at the center , in the middle )
3 Dex Influence ( just a flag here, what's the connection between Dex and Influence ??? )
2 Con Body
1 Int Technics

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
note that Artificial Intelligence, computers, cyborgs etc ( to the point of Celestial Bodies from the Marvel Universe ) are great Logics :)

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
3 Dex Influence ?
===> Here's the link:
Dex to mimic ( call it Gestures )
then gain supremacy over another being ( like a Hunter who has captured his prey )

( or call it Possession , to remain in Demons' philosophy and behavior lol )


le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
obviously, if you renamed Dex to Manoeuvrability, then data would not at all be understood in the same manner;
if so, youngness in a Demon's life would teach the basics of Positioning, Repositioning and the like, so as to ensure great Swiftness in the so-called Demon's trajectoire ;


Voidrunner's Codex

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