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The Sunless Citadel [IC1]

Voda Vosa

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"Where ye learned al' dose nifty tricks mate?" ask Krindorf casually as he darts forward and tryies to palce his sword in the corpse's guts. Surely the zombi wouldn't mind seeing his own guts spilt, but spilling guts was always a good thing to do, or so thought the dwarf. But the blade has other plans as it goes wide, almost gutting the hafling instead.

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Gregor successfully closes in for melee combat. Brunhilde's swing fells Zombie#1. Krindorf closes in [to G05] and misses.

The thwack of the guard's crossbow is heard again and the bolt sticks into the ground nearby. Eivan's grease spell causes the remaining Zombie to slip and fall prone. It tries to get up, provoking Attacks of Opportunity from all three characters nearby. All three hit, hacking it to pieces.

** Combat Ends **
Krindorf's arrow that hit the Zombie is broken.
Everyone receives 75XP (total at 175).
[sblock=Last Updated Tac Grid]

The guard calls down from his tower, "Thank you travelers, we appreciate your bravery in keeping those creatures from harming anyone. I am afraid I wasn't too helpful, it's a good thing you were there to stop them."

Answering the cry of alarm, a few armed townspeople are heading out from Oakhurst towards you.


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"By the grace and strength of Kord, the undead invasion of Oakhurst has been foiled." Says Gregor. "Now my friends," he continues, addressing the approaching townsfolk, "What ails the good people of Oakhurst that such creatures would brazenly attack their walls in broad daylight?"


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As the second zombie falls, Eivan breathes a sigh of relief and bends to retrieve his pack and equipment. "You seem pretty handy with that sword yourself," he remarks to Krindorf, still grinning in surprise at the unlikely reunion.

Soon after, he straightens up as the townspeople begin to approach the party, but cannot help snorting at Gregor's pompous address. "Oh, aye," he says, rolling his eyes, "Kord had everything to do with it." But the words, muttered under his breath, are only loud enough for those right next to him to hear.

Voda Vosa

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The dwarf cleans his sword before returning it to it's place. He pats the gnome's back "So, magician ye are ha? I saw it comin' I tell ye, never di strongest, never di sturdiest, never di nimblest, just di brains." Krindorf chuckles "So, it seems ye made yerself a nice bodyguard hm?" he says looking appreciatively to Brunhilde.


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The mini-whirlwind of motion that was Brunhilde comes to a stop as the last zombie is despatched. A rosy tinge colours the halfling's cheeks as she lets out a long breath, and says 'well, that wasn't quite the welcome I was hoping for!'

She prods both corpses with her toe just to make sure they aren't about to jump up and start clawing at her again. Satisfied, she looks around at the others and asks 'is everyone all right?' When they nod their assent, she looks at the approaching crowd of villagers and is about to say something when Gregor launches into his heroic speech. She spots Eivan rolling his eyes and has to cover her mouth with her hand to suppress a snicker. She goes to retrieve her pack and shield, content to let the conquering hero do the talking.

'Come on' she says, linking one arm with Krindorf, and the other with Eivan. 'Have you decided which of you is buying my first drink'.


As the adventurers approach the townsfolk, their attention is drawn to the female Half-elf leading 3 other armed men. She is striding with an air of authority and offers a greeting, "Thank you traveler's, your defense of our town is much appreciated. We don't get attacked often by monsters, but we keep guards on watch regardless. I am Constable Felosial. No one's injured I see. Well, welcome to our town. I hope you don't hold our unwanted guests against us or our hospitality." She motions two of her men to go burn the dismembered corpses and retrieve the crossbow bolts fired from the guard in the tower. She steps aside to let group continue onwards into Oakhurst.


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"it's no trouble at all" says Gregor approaching the woman. "We needed the exercise. One would think one would get attacked out in the wilds more often, but no such luck. Odd that it had to happen here, right at your gates."

He offers his hand to her. "My name is Gregor, battle-priest of Kord, and those three are Krindorf the dwarf, Eivan the Gnome, and the halfling dust devil is Brunhilde, if im not mistaken."

Voda Vosa

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"Nothin' I'll like di most fine lady, but I'm outa coppers." Krindorf grins. "But di gnome right there looks like he got some expensive valuables all over himself, he."

As the villigers approach and the introductions are made, Krindorf nods to the woman. "Krindorf di dwarf, as if it was not self evident." he says in a low voice.


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Eivan cocks an eyebrow in amusement at Krindorf's jibe. "Aye, I could show you a handful of platinum if I wished," he says, laughing, "but like as not it would disappear the next moment if I didn't keep the spell up."

To the constable, he nods amiably as he is introduced and says, "Thank you for the welcome, constable. We'll try not to take up any more of your time..." Glancing sideways at his companions, he adds, "we were on our way to the tavern, no? We'd best be moving on to see what we can learn there."

Voidrunner's Codex

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