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The Sunless Citadel [IC1]


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Brunhilde marches up to the Constable, plants her fists on her hips, and says 'not very safe for travellers around here, is it? Lucky we were able to look after ourselves, but what if that had been a merchant or a family? Some shooting practice for your guards wouldn't go amiss!'. She wags her finger disapprovingly.

Lecture over, she gives the guard from the tower a hard stare, then pushes past the 'welcoming committee' and heads towards the town gate, muttering something under her breath as she goes. She gets about 30' further before turning on her heel and marching back again. 'And another thing: I'm looking for my sister and last thing I heard was she heading here. Was there a halfling like me here about a month ago? Well looked like me, but dressed like him' (she points at Eivan). 'Well?'. She fold her arms and looks impatiently from the half-elven woman to the guards and back again.

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He offers his hand to her. "My name is Gregor, battle-priest of Kord, and those three are Krindorf the dwarf, Eivan the Gnome, and the halfling dust devil is Brunhilde, if im not mistaken."
Felosial accepts the hand from the and replies, "Greetings priest, our town healer worships Pelor, but we do have some followers of Kord here as well."
Brunhilde marches up to the Constable, plants her fists on her hips, and says 'not very safe for travelers around here, is it? Lucky we were able to look after ourselves, but what if that had been a merchant or a family? Some shooting practice for your guards wouldn't go amiss!'. She wags her finger disapprovingly.
The Constable's expression goes from friendly to cold and she stares down at the Halfing Barbarian, deciding to hold her tongue.
She gets about 30' further before turning on her heel and marching back again. 'And another thing: I'm looking for my sister and last thing I heard was she heading here. Was there a halfling like me here about a month ago? Well looked like me, but dressed like him' (she points at Eivan). 'Well?'. She fold her arms and looks impatiently from the half-elven woman to the guards and back again.
Felosial regards the imperious request from the short woman a moment or two then turns to Gregor, "If your companion's sister has a similar tongue I would remember her alright. She must have kept herself out of trouble if she passed this way, since I don't think I have met her. Move along now, and you all had best keep your manners while in my town." She turns away with her remaining guard and supervises her men.
OOC: Being an authority figure, Felosial dropped from Friendly to Indifferent from the insults and attitude from Brunhilde. I would recommend more caution when handling NPCs who are higher level than you, a town Constable could be a level 4-6 fighter for all you know. ;) BTW, although the guard's shooting was not great (rolled a 1 on his 1st shot), he was shooting with some penalties from range and cover/concealment initially (-6). Then further penalties from the melee combat (-4), so no one in the party would have done much better.


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Gregor marches after the woman, his smile gone. As he passes next to the halfling, he says under his breath: "Thank you Brunhilde, that was most helpful." Adressing the half-elf, he says: "I appologize for my little companion, i dont think she's used to polite company. Fact is, i myself have come to answer a call to arms from Oakhurst. Perhaps we can help each other?"


Felosial doesn't appear to be too interested in talking further but acknowledges the apology with a nod of her head. She replies, "The call to arms, as you say, was not from myself but rather from the Hucrele family. As for helping with the town defense, you all don't strike me as the type to join the town militia nor help in repairing the walls. You can head into town and talk to the townsfolk, but don't cause any trouble or we'll have further issue." This is clearly a dismissal as the Constable returns to her tasks at hand.

The information about the Hucrele family was mentioned in the call to arms and is familiar to the party members.


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Gregor retreats from the vexed constable and heads towards town. He looks for a fruit vendor's stall or something simillar before finding the tavern.

[SBLOCK=ooc]He will ask the merchant for directions to the Hucrele estate, compound, mansion, or whatever, after buying a few fruits, and will tip 1sp for the info.[/SBLOCK]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Krindorf raises an eyebrow at the exchange and then spits to the ground. "Elves. Ye save dem from death but ye speak funny so dey turn deir backs instead of offerin' a reward." he mutters under his breath. "Lets go to di tavern, make some coin, drink some beer, and den head to dose Hucrele guys or whatever. What's di rush anyways ah?" He suggests.


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Brunhilde stands dumbfounded as the Constable stares frostily at her. Her mouth opens and closes a couple of times, but other than going even redder in the face than she was before, not a sound comes from the halfling. As the Constable stalks off with her men, Brunhilde's nose twitches in annoyance, and she appears to be intent on remonstrating further when she sees the thunderous expression on Gregor's face.

'What?' she says innocently, looking to Krindorf and Eivan for support. 'It's *not* safe for travellers if the living dead are roaming around the place chewing on people's brains! And that fellow' she lowers her voice and looks at the retreating guard 'couldn't hit a cow in the hindquarters with a paddle. A big one. Grrrr, stupid woman, stupid town, stupid....' she continues to mutter under her breath as she gathers up her pack.

'Well don't just stand there' she says to Gregor, 'I'd better not go asking for a room at the inn or we'll all be out on our ear'. She gives the now distant figure of the Constable another glare, then follows the others into town.
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Eivan sighs, following Krindorf off to the tavern. At first he seems annoyed, but as Brunhilde continues her indignant speech, his mouth twitches into an involuntary smile.

"Well," he says reasonably, "it's a small town, not a fortified city. You can't expect them to be constantly prepared to fight off the undead. It's not exactly a common occurrence, is it?"

Continuing in a more serious vein, he adds, "But it's probably not a good sign that the constable hasn't seen your sister. Although I've heard better descriptions." His amusement surfaces again briefly. "Looks like you and dresses like me, huh? ...anyway, let's get to the tavern and I'll stand you a round - and you too, Krindorf, we have some catching up to do."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Aye, di axe chick 's right, dats elf is plainly stupid." nods Krindorf to whom elves were worst than goblins.

"Sure thin' mate, lotsa thin's to speak 'f, like what have you bein' up to all these years!" comments the dwarf and delivers a strong pat on the gnome's shoulders, that make the hat falls over his face. "Sorry there."


The group of adventurers enters into the town proper, passing by the small Temple of Pelor, the Blacksmith and General Store before reaching the Ol' Boar Inn with its tavern in its common room.

Gregor can purchase a piece of fruit from a vendor's stall and get directions to the Hucrele's manor house. It's farther down the main street of the town, just past the town square, next to the Mayor's house.

The inside of the common room is as expected of a typical inn in these parts. This time of day (mid-afternoon) there are a few commoners or travelers inside, but not many. Off to the side is a short hallway and what appears to be a registration desk for the inn itself.

{OOC: I assumed Gregor entered into the Tavern's Common room with the others, but if he did not let me know.}

Voidrunner's Codex

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