The things we do for our players...


So I just stayed up until 3am my time writing a smutty letter in a coded language because my players thought it would be hilarious if the coded messages they keep intercepting were actually raunchy love letters. The lengths we go to for our fans!

What is the most ridiculous thing you, as a DM or player, have done outside of the game? Not necessarily the most impressive, just the most unnecessarily over the top, I-can't-believe-I'm-doing-this, outside of your comfort zone (in a good way).

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So I just stayed up until 3am my time writing a smutty letter in a coded language because my players thought it would be hilarious if the coded messages they keep intercepting were actually raunchy love letters. The lengths we go to for our fans!
You're really going to post this and then NOT give us the letter?
What is the most ridiculous thing you, as a DM or player, have done outside of the game? Not necessarily the most impressive, just the most unnecessarily over the top, I-can't-believe-I'm-doing-this, outside of your comfort zone (in a good way).
I secretly invited former players, some flying hundreds of miles, to be an "Earth 2" team for a 20th anniversary Crisis level event for our long running (2 real world cities, 20 years of real world time, 2000 years of in game time, 3 game systems) campaign.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I created a cursed potion that was found with a lot of other potions. I'm forgetting exactly what happened if you drank it, but anyone carrying it them, would receive greetings in his or her mind in various languages. Eventually more elaborate greetings were given. The more elaborate, the greater the negative effect on skill checks, some saves, concentration saves, and attack rolls. The potion could not be destroyed or left behind once picked up. The only way to free yourself from it is to drink it, convince someone else to drink it, or to sell it to someone.

E.g., starting with "Hi", "Hello", "Goeie dag", "Tungjatjeta", "你好 (ni hao)", "⛥ h̶̯͋̀̋̆e̵̥̘̓͋̈́̓l̸̛͈̘͕̜͛̄̈́͠l̵̦͇̣͘ő̴̼̫̆́̏ ☠"

to more distracting...

"Hello from the potion you want to drink."
"Hey, hi, chug me down."
"Hey, just reminding you that I'm here, waiting to be swallowed by you."
"Hello there. Swallow me. All of me."

to longer and more distracting...

"Hi, if you are receiving this message, immediately drink the potion sending you this message."
"Hello! Did you know? Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, but whomever drinks me is wise."
"Hello! And these also reel with wine and stagger from strong drink: The priest and the prophet reel with strong drink, They are confused by wine, they stagger from strong drink; They reel while having visions, They totter when rendering judgment. Drink Me and be wise."

I created a grid for cutting out small cards, created 100 messages, printed them out, cut them, and during the game I would slip one of them to the player about once every 15 minutes or whenever the PC tried to make a difficult skill check, save, concentration check, or save.

This is from memory, but I believe if you drank it, the effect still continued. You would have to urinate in a vial and convince someone else to drink or buy it to rid yourself of the curse. Of course the PC would then also realize that s/he can drank someone else's urine.

Yeah, its puerile, but I I'm thinking of it as a college of magic hazing or some trickster mage creation. Just a silly cursed item that was funny, annoying, but not a full save or suck/die cursed item.
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