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The Trefaldwyn Chronicle - Dark Ages Pathfinder


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Myfanwy poked at the inside of her cheek with irritation at the priest's casual equating of 'old ways' with disease and curses.

Pick your battles.

"Bard or no, I think you'll find that I can answer questions about those ways just as well," she said. "But the Mysteries don't usually reach out and afflict people who leave them be. I suppose if they all started tampering with the Others..." She shook her head.

"I need to see some of the victims. From there I'll be able to tell if there's magic at work, or something else. If this bard had something to say, it might be worth looking at where he was staying as well. There may have been something written."

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Dr Simon

The infirmary is adjacent to the chapel and parlour, all part of the same building. It is a small room with a large fireplace and a kettle for brewing. At the moment the fire is low, enough to keep the winter chill from the room. At one end stands a table with pestle and mortar and various paraphanalia, along with a shelf of books including title by Galen, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Pliny the Younger and a couple of Pharmacopaeiae.

There are two cots in the room. One is empty, the other occupied by a young man, currently asleep and shivering despite the sheen of sweat on his brow. Above the bed hang a couple of bunches of rosemary and a simple wooden cross.

Myfanwy examines the man, young Rhonabwy. The disease seems to be the simple malady caught from foul air or water, not infectious to others and rarely fatal in someone with a good constitution. If treated, the boy should recover. [OOC: i.e. Filth Fever].

Brother Alwyn's head is nodding on his chest and he yawns widely and mutters something in Latin.

"And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him."
[sblock= Knowledge (religion) DC 12]
Genesis 15:12

Quint, too, feels sleepy as if Brother Alwyn's weariness is catching.

Fortitude DC 14 please.


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Myfanwy frowns a little as she checks the man's fever...it doesn't seem too terribly high to her. On suspicion she checks for some other symptoms, and finds exactly what she thought. Which was a little odd, since the priests here ought to have no trouble recognizing such a thing.

"It looks to me like he had some contaminated water, or wasn't washing his hands after working in the fields," she announces, standing up and dipping her hands in a bowl of water to wash them after touching the man. "It's unpleasant, but not usually fatal unless he's already in bad health. Give him tea for his fever, and make sure all his water is fresh and clean, and the rest should take care of itself..."

She pauses, catching Brother Alwyn's inattention. "I'm sorry," she says tersely. "Am I boring you?"

Dr Simon

Brother Alwyn smiles and shakes his head, holding up his hands hands in supplication to Myfanwy. He says something in Latin again.

"Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall."

[sblock=Knowledge (religion) DC 12]
First bit Matthew 18:7, second Isaiah 40:30.

I don't have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the King James Bible, BTW. It's handy having an online version that you can search for applicable words!

Quint feels tired, and from now on counts as fatigued until he gets some rest.


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[sblock=OOC]Ghostcat is paranoid and thinks Quint has drunk poisoned chocolate. Would this occur to Quint? Do I need to roll anything? [/sblock]


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Myf gives the priest a level look, then glances at Quint quizzically.

With a little frown she says, "Are there others suffering from this malady?"

She was beginning to feel that this was a colossal waste of time. One boy sick with an illness that any housewife could see to, and somehow that had been spoken of as a curse and a plague? Were people here really so soft that they believed that? Even the priest watching the sick could barely stay awake.

Voidrunner's Codex

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