The Untamed Wilds: Electric Skies


Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: Gamemaster discretion: In the previous mission Stripe Suit's Mind was attacked at a distance by manipulating waylines. I have decided that is too effective a technique and could negatively effect gameplay. From this point forward, attacking the Mind is only possible through direct physical contact with the Body, or in other words, physical touch. The Mind can still be attacked through cloth, so you don't have to take your gloves off, but it cannot be attacked through armor plates. Attacking the Mind of a person wearing Light Armor or better will receive a +25 bonus to the target's defense to reflect the less amount of area that can be effectively attacked.

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Gamer Extraordinaire
Weekly post: +2 xp

A Proposal

The Runners have plenty of time and opportunity to search Stripe Suit and find nothing else of value. With his face revealed, Hawkeye easily discovers the identity of the secret Hudu Krew leader: Genghis Polima, Profit Manager for Mars Corporation, a mid-level management position. He had no wife or children on record, a confirmed bachelor. You find articles in the VR from last year referencing Helton city purchasing seventy water pumps from Mars, and Polima was the manager of that account.

The Runners collect ample evidence for Gibraltar before Trollick starts to incinerate the corpse. As Polima’s skin begins to boil, Shatterframe walks in through the door. When she sees what Trollick is doing, she waves her hands, amusement on her face. “Don’t do that here,” she says. At a silent command from her part of the wall opens into a chute large enough to fit the body. “Trash goes in there, right down to the incinerator. The owners don’t want anyone to know you killed someone in here, either. If you make too much of a mess, though, building security will stick you with a maintenance bill.”

Trollick looks around at the room splattered in blood, and shrugs before he tosses Polima down the chute.

Hawkeye contacts his Uncle Jimmy about confiscating Polima’s money, and includes Shatterframe in on the conversation since she is there.

Uncle Jimmy says, “Polima had no heirs so his credits will default to his corporation. If we raid the vault and take the credits, Mars and the bank will investigate, and they will come after us. Not even I’m willing to take on that kind of heat.”

Shatterframe says, “What we can do is wipe out the account, and destroy the credits. The thing about swiping credits is there’s always a trail in the VR. If we burn the credits, though, we take nothing back with us, and there’s no way to find us. It’s called a Smash and Burn, and that’s exactly what we do. Smash in the walls of the bank, burn Polima’s account, then run like hell.”

Shatterframe and Jimmy both volunteer to help Hawkeye if he wants to destroy Polima’s money.

State intentions

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Hawkeye intends to do the Smash & Burn! Mars should not get the blood money for his parents' and the other engineers' deaths. He nods at Shatterframe, in complete agreement with her proposal.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Weekly post: +2xp

Uncle Jimmy Said . . .

After meeting up with Uncle Jimmy at a local diner, he tells the Runners, “We’ll need a safe space to work from, without cameras and with no attachment to any of us. The bank hackers will be able to tell where we came back to the Hard Realm, but if we leave no trace of our identity, then they can’t find us.” He points to Trollick and says, “We’ll need you to guard us. While we’re in the VR, we automatically fail any perception checks from the Hard Realm.”

The Runners agree to meet at an abandoned skyscraper near Victoria on the far west side of the city. This building is partially collapsed and scheduled for repair sometime within the next five years. Inside, the ground floor is covered in the refuse of the indigent of Helton. A few dark figures are seen, but they quickly scurry away at the sight of this group. You ascend to the second level and find an empty room with comparatively less garbage and feces.
The three hackers pull out folding chairs that allow them to sit comfortably, and take their positions. Uncle Jimmy’s eye covers slide down from his hat, and Shatterframe puts her slim headset, like a black helmet, over her head. Trollick takes up a defensive position and weaves waylines to wrap himself in darkness and grant increased hearing.

Give six new rolls


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Uncle Jimmy Said . . .

..., “We’ll need you to guard us. While we’re in the VR, we automatically fail any perception checks from the Hard Realm.”
Trollick makes a deliberate nod. "Done."

The Runners agree to meet at an abandoned skyscraper near Victoria... ascend to the second level...
Trollick takes his assignment very seriously. He has no idea what is going on inside the heads of the three deckers, but he does not need to. He scans the perimeter of the sight, pausing his vision at the stairwell and any other point of egress or access. In addition to his mundane observations he tries to stay tuned to any fluctuation in the magic, the waylines that govern mystical activity.

If the three are 'out' for some time, Trollick will move about the level to make a more thorough check of security. Since his ability to bend light is limited, he will also obscure his identity from casual perception. He understands that the concept is called "soullessness" by aberrant mages.
OOC: Random Rolls: 87, 17, 65, 43, 92+66, 58
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Weekly post: +2 xp

Mission: Mayhem
OOC: Every VR user has an avatar. In the VR, will shapes reality, and avatars can look like anything. An avatar can be up to 1.5 times larger than a user’s actual size, or up to 1.5 times smaller. Avatar’s are meant to be anonymous to the Hard Realm, and should not look like the VR user.

The Virtual Reality Part:
Hawkeye connects to the VR and the familiar vibrant colors fill his vision. Adjacent to you are Uncle Jimmy, in his standard avatar of a baby wearing a military helmet, smoking a cigar in a tank. The third figure is a humanoid outline filled with static, which must be Shatterframe. The three hackers are standing next to an old mailbox on an empty street with a blue sky and bright sun overhead. There is nothing but a single road running through a field of weeds in this part of the VR.

Knowing the address of the bank, the three travel to it instantly. This part of the VR has a Victorian motif, and the architecture copies that period. The bank is four stories tall, with a row of gargoyles sitting on the roof ledge. A large sign above the front entrance names it as Mars Bank of Trust. Avatars are all around the hackers, flying over and around the buildings, coming and going through the entrance of the bank and other businesses around. No one is paying you any attention.

Uncle Jimmy puffs on his cigar and says, “Polima was mid-level management, which means his account will be on the second floor with the lowest level of security. I’ll blast a hole right through the wall. Once we do, those gargoyles are going to attack us, so be ready. Don’t be fooled by their basic looks. Those things could have any number of abilities programmed by the hackers that run them. Before they’re activated, they’re as tough as stone is in the Hard Realm, but when they come after us, we can hurt them. Once we bust in, there will be rows of books, which are the accounts. We’ll have to find the one with Polima’s name on it and burn it. That will destroy all his credits. As soon as we do that, log out. We won’t gain anything by sticking around to fight security.”

Shatterframe says, “Jimmy will blast open the wall, I’ll take the brunt of the security attack, and you get in to burn the account.”

The plan is implemented and Uncle Jimmy blasts with his tank, opening a hole in the side of the bank large enough for any avatar to move through.

At once five of the gargoyles lift their heads and screech, “Lousy hackers! Come get some!”

State intentions

The Hard Realm Part:

Back in the grimy, disgusting skyscraper, Trollick hears something moving in the dark. There is a shuffling of feet, and the clack of claws on the stone floor. With his enhanced vision, he can make out humanoid forms shuffling towards him, moving with purpose around the support columns. There are two of them, both with stretched, pale skin over bony bodies, sunken faces, and long, ragged hair. Their eyes are white and sightless, and they sniff the air continually. He has heard rumors of such creatures living in the catacombs beneath Helton. As the reappearance of waylines has changed people like him, making them giants, so did it twist those society had forgotten. Once human, now these creatures are called ghouls. Part of the rumors around these creatures state that they have a higher than normal resistance to magic, which is credited for how they have continued to survive attempts to exterminate them.

As soon as Trollick spots them, they let out a horrid cry and it echoes around the building, growing in intensity. A sudden terror attempts to take hold of his mind, but the hardened Runner resists the effects.
Ghouls: 50+21+25(assist)=96, Trollick resist: 62+87=149

The ghouls keep coming.

State intentions


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Trollick shakes his head and steels his mind. He will immediately increase the lighting in the room, hoping that it will have a negative effect on the homeless forgotten society calls ghouls. Prepared to physically defend himself if necessary, Trollick will attempt to assault them at a distance with various magic to determine what may be most effective.

He will first employ acid, second heat, and third electricity, since he is the weakest in that medium. If they manage to hurt him, he will attempt to siphon the loss back from them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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