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The Unusual Heroes: Journal Of A Half-Drow


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Thank you for your compliments.
I have been working on the story during my lunch break, and I will try to post more tonight, but we have our Thursday night campaign to play (which Doc writes for) so, we'll see.

Thanks again for the encouragement!! :D

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Seventh-day of Kythorn

My companions and I are now in the Underdark. Right now they slumber while it is my turn to take a watch. It has been rather quiet the last hour or more, (with the exception of the snoring coming from Varr.) Rossal is on watch with me, and he is quite a help, considering his psudodragon eyes can see any invisible foe that may sneak upon us.

At the other side of the cavern is Aarack. I am surprised he didn’t object to sharing a watch with me. Perhaps he believes he can keep an eye on me this way. I can understand that he may have anger towards the drow, but I am among his allies in this traveling group, and I pray that he will come to trust me before long. He takes extra watches, and seems to require less sleep and food than the rest of us. I suspect that the ring he wears, like the one Drexel had, enables him to function this way. It has been helpful to us, but I wonder if he uses it as a tool to watch over those of us he doesn’t trust.
He showed great distrust of our new traveling companion, Cleo.

I must admit that I don’t trust her much, myself. Doc seems rather taken by her. I am not upset by his interest in Cleo, but I find it unsettling that he should change his interest from one woman to another so quickly. I also think there is something more to Cleo than she is revealing to us. I fear that if I mention this to Doc he may think me jealous. I do not feel jealousy, however. I suppose I am just surprised by his hasty change of heart.

At any rate, my thoughts always take me back to my father. What have the drow done to him? Why have they taken him after all this time? I feel responsible for the horror that has been unleashed upon my parents. My travels with the group surely raised the suspicion of the drow. I know that Mother is being taken care of with Drexel and Spiderfang, but what of my father? Cleo said a “lame drow” was prisoner with her, but I don’t know if I should believe her story. Something about her seems odd, and I know that Aarack and Solstar felt the same when we found her. I know I will not be the only one keeping an eye on her during the upcoming day.

My watch has come to an end, and I must awaken Doc for his turn. Aarack still stands motionless and silent at the opposite side of the hall. I see that Rossal has gone back to sleep with the rest of the group, which is where I plan on going. My Blessed Dark Maiden, please keep my father safe…



As the party continued walking up to the dark cavern opening before them, Aarack paused.

“Halt…my sword is vibrating…there are drow nearby!”

Ziona, eager to find her father, sprang forward and screamed,
“Down with your evil ways followers of Lloth!”
Calling upon her divine gifts, she cast Flame Strike at her enemies. Three drow fell, but after the remaining drow recovered from their initial shock, they began their attack.

Varr began cleaving into the gnolls and drow that stood before him, killing three before he was finished.

Rossal telepathically related to each of his companions that a Priestess of Lloth was among their foes. He cast Magic Missile at her, but it seemed to have no effect. She grimaced at him, and everyone was suddenly engulfed in Darkness.

Doc, feeling along the wall, found a side passage and walked into it and out of the magical darkness. He realized that this passage must lead to other side of the cavern, which would place him behind the Priestess and the Magic-User. He ran down the passage, only to be welcomed by a slew of crossbow bolts. He was hit, and feeling sick and woozy, fell unconscious almost instantly. The pack of drow that was taking refuge in the side passage surrounded him.

Meanwhile, in the main cavern, Cleo fearfully called out for Doc. Ziona cast Daylight and her party members, who were waiting for her to do so, sprang into action.

Solstar recited words in the spidery language of magic and a Fireball burst into the room. The drow were stunned momentarily, but otherwise unaffected by the fiery effects. The trolls and gnomes were not so lucky, however.

Aarack ran up to the drow in his way and began cutting them down with great precision. Next to him stood Varr, who cleaved through a mass of evil-doers in the blink of an eye.
Cleo, finally able to see, continued calling out for Doc, and ran down the side passage where Doc had disappeared. She had not seen him go, but he was nowhere else to be seen, and she did not like all the spells and melee going on around her.

Rossal flew up and stung a gnoll that was preparing to attack Aarack from behind. The gnoll growled loudly, then fell to his knees and hit the floor of the cavern face first as sleep took him over.

The drow continued their attacks, and crossbow bolts flew through the air like raindrops. The trolls, who were beginning to regenerate, tried to attack Varr, without even coming close to hitting the heavily armored dwarf.

Varr, swinging his axe, Frostbite, over his head shouted “It’s time I put you on ice!” Then suddenly, as if frozen himself, Varr was Held mid-strike.
Solstar cast another Fireball which destroyed the drow mage, a troll and two gnolls. Ziona was stood beside him casting, and Flame Strike tore through the air, killing the remaining drow, and the Priestess of Lloth.

In the adjacent side passageway, Doc was rising from the ground. A wicked smile appeared on Cleo’s face as she shouted, “Kill them Doc Midnight! Kill them all!”

“Of course, Milady!”

Doc ran into the fray of crossbow bolts with increased vigor. He attacked and killed two of the drow that were surrounding him without hesitation.

Meanwhile, in the cavern, Ziona cast Moonblade and struck the motionless Varr with it. The magical blade scrambled the magic that held Varr, and he finished the swing with his axe, which took a chunk out of the ground below.

“Varr! Find Doc and Cleo. They have not been seen since the Darkness spell was cast,” Ziona instructed him.

Varr, seeing only one other passage Doc and Cleo could have taken, ran down the side passageway.

“Varr! Fabulous to see you! Help me defeat these foul villains,” called Doc upon seeing Varr enter. Varr, seeing no more drow to ‘defeat’ was confused, until Doc plunged his sword into Cleo’s midsection.

Cleo spat blood from her mouth in Doc’s direction and hissed “You’ll pay Doctor Midnight!!” and disappeared before their eyes.

Doc, looking hurt and shocked, turned to Varr.
“Women,” Varr mumbled, and began walking back to the cavern to regroup with the others.

Back in the cavern, Solstar polymorphed one troll into a turtle and Aarack was burning the body of the other. Ziona began making her way towards the sidepassage when Doc and Varr appeared.

“What happened?” asked Ziona upon seeing Doc’s pasty complexion.
“There were drow in the side passage waiting for us.”

“Where is Cleo?” asked Solstar.
“The wench was evil!” snorted Varr. “Told you, it’s bearded women or nuthin’!”

“I knew there was something odd about her,” said Aarack. “Where is she now? Did she get away?”

“She disappeared! Just poof! And she was gone,” said Varr.
“Did she say anything or attack you?” asked Solstar.
Doc just sighed.
“She said that I’d pay. It’s too bad, you know. I thought she really liked me,” he said, putting his arm around Ziona.
Ziona, shrugging of his arm smugly remarked, “You think that about many women, don’t you Doctor Midnight…”
She wiped the blood from her bastard sword and hurried them on.
There was no time to waste. Her father must be found.

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After wandering the tunnels according to their map, the party came upon another cavern. This one was different from the last…it was empty. They searched the area, and Aarack checked the floor for any tracks. They came to the conclusion that there was nothing to be found there. Doc, still feeling the effects of the drow poison, sat on the floor of the cavern.

“I think I need to rest,” he said.

“Rest? We cannot rest, Doc. My father’s life is at stake,” Ziona said flatly.

Doc did not want to ask for her healing, although he knew she would give it to him. He felt as though he did nothing wrong and that she shouldn’t be angry with him. His pride kept him from asking for her assistance.

“Well, I’m going to wait here. I think that it would be safer for the moment. If Cleo decides she’s going to get revenge on me, it could effect our mission.”

“But if you stay here, and she comes back, you’ll be without help to defend yourself,” said Solstar.

“I will be fine. After all, she is only a wench. I will have no problem defeating a wicked woman,” he insisted. “Just go. I will catch up momentarily.”

Although reluctant, the party turned to go. Ziona looked over her shoulder and said, “If you need assistance Doc, I can heal your wounds.”

“Not these wounds,” Doc replied.

Ziona frowned, then turned and caught up with the party.

They entered another cavern that seemed to be empty as well. It was just as dark and almost as quiet, except for the sudden vibrations that came from Aarack’s sword. There were drow inside, and Aarack was ready to make them bleed.

Aarack was the first to run forward to attack. He swung his sword and slashed into the dark drow flesh. Behind him, Ziona attacked the drow with her bastard sword, while Varr chopped them down with Frostbite.

The drow resorted to firing their poisonous crossbow bolts again, which hit Aarack and took him down. Solstar cast Fireball upon the drow, which dropped several of them. Rossal took out a wand and cast Magic Missile taking down a drow of his own, while Ziona approached Aarack.

Ziona knew that Aarack would accept no healing or “charity” from her. However, she knew that if she did nothing, he would be taken prisoner or killed. She knelt beside him chanting, and cast Neutralize Poison over him. She was quick to move away from him, in hopes that he would not realize she had helped him.

Varr charged and killed the drow that was fast approaching Ziona and Aarack. Groggily, Aarack got back to his feet, knowing that some sort of magic had rid him of the poison. There was no time to argue, however, since another drow was already upon him. He swung his Drow Bane and sliced the drow apart.

Darkness fell on the group again. Ziona feared she could not cast Daylight enough in this wretched place!

Aarack, not only worried about the attacking drow, but worried that Varr was so close to him, began making his way out of the magical darkness. Ziona began chanting to her Goddess, and Daylight poured over the room. Being able to see again, Solstar cast Hold Person on the female drow magic-user, but she was unaffected. Rossal tried his luck stinging the same female in hopes of putting her to sleep. Varr came running up to her then, ready to attack. She dodged his advances however, and made her way around the party, and disappeared down the corridor leading out of the cavern.

Looking around them, the party saw no other enemies.

“Where did they go?” asked Varr.
“I don’t know. They are fast and quiet,” replied Solstar. “I’ll stay here and watch while the others are searching about.”

Aarack, mumbling curses about the assistance he received when he fell, searched around the cavern for any sort of hidden alcoves or passageways. It wasn’t long before Solstar was calling out “We’ve got company!!”

Aarack turned just in time to see Solstar get struck by a crossbow bolt and drop to the floor. Varr was already advancing and attacking the oncoming drow. Ziona took out her bastard sword and dropped one drow. While trying to attack the next drow, she clumsily threw her sword, which landed in a small alcove near the entrance to the cavern.

Aarack, trying to make his way to Solstar, cut down two foes with his drow-hating sword. Varr cleaved into several more drow, while Rossal stung another.

Ziona, taken off guard by the sudden loss of her sword, was struck by a slew of crossbow bolts. She remained unaffected by the poison, however. She quickly reached into her pack and pulled forth a morning star and began attacking the oncoming enemies.

Rossal flew over to Solstar’s unconscious body and began stinging the drow who were trying to drag him away, while Varr and Aarack continued to hack down the wave of drow pouring into the cavern.

Rossal began communicating to Ziona that Solstar needed help. She made her way to them, swinging the morning star into the faces of her foes. Upon reaching Solstar, she cast Neutralize Poison and covered him while he was getting up.

Varr and Aarack finished off the last few drow and stood panting in the doorway of the cavern.

“How do these damn drow keep escaping?” cursed Aarack.
“They ran out this way!” shouted Varr, running out of the cavern.
“Don’t you fool!”

It was too late. Varr had run out of the cavern, clanging and banging in his full plate. The party saw darkness fall around him, and then suddenly there was silence. The sound of his armor could no longer be heard.

“Wonderful! The stupid fool of a dwarf is lost in the dark! Do something about it!” growled Aarack.

Ziona, fed up with Aarack’s attitude and unthankful manner, pushed him aside and cast Daylight.

“You should not have done that,” murmured Solstar. “Now you’ve got the attention of what ever drow and beast is out there…”

Ziona and Aarack only threw each other scalding glances, while Varr ran back to regroup with the party. But Varr only makes it half way before he is struck by a crossbow bolt. “Damn drow poison…Ya gotta do better than that to take me down!” He shouted heartily.

Ziona began looking around for her bastard sword. It was then that she realized the alcove her sword had flown into was in darkness.

“I’ll get it,” said Varr.
“Just a moment,” said Ziona, stopping him. “I’ll send something in to make sure nothing is waiting in the darkness for us.”
She began casting and a celestial badger appeared, and ran into the darkness. They waited a few moments and it didn’t return.
“Whattaya want? The badger isn’t going to pull out the sword for you,” snickered Varr, and he entered the darkness.

Ziona looked to Solstar, who said, “You enter this way, and Aarack and I will go around the pillar and enter from the opposite side. If there are any drow in there, they aren’t getting away this time.”

Ziona lifted her morning star and entered the darkness where Varr had, while Solstar and Aarack made their way out of the cavern and around the pillar. As they did, they came face to face with drow and kobolds.

“Wonderful,” grumbled Aarack.

Rossal, who was waiting on the other side of the pillar for Ziona to return heard crossbow bolts being fired where Aarack and Solstar had gone.

“Ziona…I think there is trouble! I hear the drow attacking!”

Rossal flew around the pillar and found that Solstar was unconscious on the ground and Aarack was standing motionless with his sword drawn. Just then, a small Air Elemental appeared and began to attack Rossal.

“Ziona! Trouble!” he managed to communicate to her.

Ziona, knowing that Rossal could read her surface thoughts, communicated back that she was going to use her Dust of Disappearing in the darkness so she would emerge invisible. She asked Rossal to tell Varr to do the same, but it was too late. Varr had run out of the darkness to find his companions being held a spear point.

“Zhfgheiok tyeewhkk thiiisannal!!”

Ziona, now invisible, whispered to Varr, “They said to drop your weapon.”

“Never!” spat Varr, and he turned, running back into the darkness.

On the other side of the pillar, Rossal had managed to fly away from the Elemental long enough to sprinkle some of his own Dust on himself. He communicated to Varr to do the same.

Ziona let Rossal know that she was going to try to find Doc. There were dozens and dozens of drow looking for them, and they needed his help. Rossal communicated this to Varr, who decided to stay and watch where the drow were taking Solstar and Aarack.

“Ziona said they will make them slaves. If they were going to kill them, they would have done it by now. Keep close watch on which way they go, and meet us in the cavern where we left Doc.”

“Be careful, lad,” thought Varr, but Rossal was already too far away to hear Varr’s thoughts.



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Why did Doc attack Cleo? I have a tendency to skimread, so I may have missed something... Still, I can't figure out why the previously smitten duellist would suddenly turn on her. Hallucinatory poison? :p


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Well Ziona can't write what she doesn't know. Cleo was a Succubus. No one in the party trusted her except Doc. So, she actually went to try to save him. She ran over to the unconcious Doc revealed her true form to the Drow who considered her an ally. She kissed Doc (draining a level) and got him up with a potion she had hidden from the party. She attempted to Charm Doc but he made his save. Midnight bluffed reasonably that he was under control and the creature was ultra vain.


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I got/guessed most of that. What I don't understand is;

Doc's smitten with Cleo. He leaps into combat to defend her, but is struck down. When he comes to (thanks to her), he... runs her through. Is it just me, or is a link missing there?

Unless he knew she tried to charm him and merely reacted to that, of course. Still seems a bit extreme. I don't understand why "what a babe" transforms to "she must die"...


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I understand what you're saying, but that's the way it happened, so that's what I wrote in the story.

Like Drak said, I was not fully aware of what transpired in the side passageway. Doc & Varr returned stating that she was evil, and that she would be returning to take revenge, so that' s how it came through in the write up. Sorry if it seems vague.

We have just finished this week's session, so I will be working on the story tonight. Hopefully I will have something to post before the night is over. :D

Thanks again for the support! :)

ps. very exciting night tonight! cool character cameos as well!! ;)
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Horacio said:
So dis Doc know she was a succubus or only she was evil?

And if he knows either of those things, how did he find out? :)

Sorry, Ziona. I should have phrased my question better; I was actually aiming to get a response from DocNight - he haunts these boards occasionally, IIRC. I picked up that your character didn't really know the whys of the event, but I hoped that he might enlighten me.

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