D&D General The War Between Vecna and the Raven Queen: Origins, Thoughts, and Campaign/World-Building Ideas

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Well, still, Jame Wyatt's depiction in the 3E Deities & Demigods is worth a look:
For those without 3e Deities and Demigods here is the pertinent information on the two death goddesses that the Raven Queen is akin to:

Goddess of Death and the Underworld
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Her face
Home Plane: Niflheim
Alignment: Neutral evil
Portfolio: Death, underworld
Worshipers: Anyone who fears death
Cleric Alignments: CE, LE, NE
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil
Favored Weapon: Longsword
The daughter of Loki and the female giant Angrboda, Hel (hell) was confined to Niflheim by the gods. She appears as a gaunt woman whose body is fair and lovely on one side, but dead and rotting on the other. Despite her hideous appearance, she is the least monstrous of Loki’s three children from this union (the other two are Fenrir the wolf and Jormungandr the world serpent).
Hel teaches no particular dogma to the living, focusing instead on her dead minions. She does have a cult devoted to her, however. Its members feel that society unjustly imprisoned, exiled, or ignored them, and often seek revenge for real or imagined slights.
Clergy and Temples
Hel has no organized worship. Her few living worshipers keep to themselves, plotting against everyone they feel has wronged them.
Cleric 20/Wizard 20

The Witch Goddess, The Ruby Sorceress, The Stern Lady, Death’s Guardian
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Red skull wreathed in flame
Home Plane: Acheron
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Portfolio: Death, magic, vanity, law
Worshipers: Necromancers, wizards
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN
Domains: Death, Law, Magic
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Wee Jas (wee jass), deity of death and magic, is most often portrayed as a stunning woman dressed in a beautiful gown, wearing some piece of jewelry with a skull motif. Wee Jas is a demanding deity who expects obedience from her followers. She respects Boccob, but the two do not have an alliance.
Wee Jas promotes using spells and magic items (though many of her followers insist she favors the creation of such things).
Wee Jas tells her followers that magic is the key to all things. Wee Jas promises that understanding, personal power, security, order, and control over fate come with the study of magic. She admonishes her followers to respect those who came before, because they left their knowledge and died to make room for them. She reminds them that death is inevitable, but she promises that their learning and memory will be honored by those who come after.
Clergy and Temples
Wee Jas’s priesthood has a strict hierarchy. Her clerics are known for their discipline and obedience to their superiors. Clerics of Wee Jas arbitrate disputes, give advice on magic, investigate magical curiosities, create magic items, and administer funerals. Clerics of lower level are expected to defer to ones of higher level at all times. They wear black or gray robes.
Temples to Wee Jas are few and far between, but she counts many powerful sorcerers and wizards (especially necromancers) among her worshipers. Most of her temples are located in or near graveyards or catacombs, and they always contain crypts where powerful wizards are buried. They also contain extensive libraries of arcane lore and large collections of items that once belonged to great wizards from past eras.
Wizard 20/Cleric 20

In 3e Wee Jas also has an entry in the 3.0 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer:

(The Witch Goddess, Ruby Sorceress, Stern Lady, Death's Guardian), LN (LE) intermediate goddess of Magic, Death, Vanity, and Law
Wee Jas (WEE jas) is portrayed as a stunning woman dressed in a beautiful gown, wearing some piece of jewelry with a skull motif. She promotes the utilization of spells and magic items (though many of her Suel followers insist she favors the creation of such things). She gained her death aspect when the survivors of the Rain of Colorless Fire looked to their goddess of magic for assurance that the dead were being escorted to the afterworld. Her allies are the lawful Suel gods while the chaotic ones are her enemies (except Norebo, who is her lover despite their philosophical differences). She respects Boccob, dislikes the beauty goddess Myhriss, and ignores most other deities. Her symbol is a red skull, sometimes in front of a fireball.
Magic is the key to all things. Understanding, personal power, security, order, and control over fate come with the study of magic. Respect those who came before you, left their knowledge, and died to make room for you; there will come a time when your life is over and those who come after will honor your learning and your memory.
Clerics of Wee Jas arbitrate disputes, give advice on magic, investigate magical curiosities, create magic items, and administer funerals. The more powerful clerics use their magic to fortify their temple and city. Clerics of lower level are expected to defer to ones of higher level at all times. Her clerics must get her permission before restoring a weak or chaotic being to life.
Domains Death, Law, Magic; Weapons dagger, wizard weapons

I think that Wyatt's write-up of Wee Jas matches up with how he did the Raven Queen in 4E pretty well. Lawful Neutral went away in 4E, but it fits.

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