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The Western Reaches: Voyage to Stonekeep [Closed]


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She moved out from behind Amarok, shifting awkwardly on her hips as she spoke"I have something for him." She revealed the package. "Which I've been charged to deliver personally." She returned it to her pocket. "We won't require very much time."

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"Oh, right. You must be here on errand from Warren. That is, I suppose the package? Well, it's none of my concern, but I just can't seem to figure out what he does with all of that." The woman stands and directs her arm towards the long, curving hallway to her right. "Please follow." She glides down the hallway, never pausing to check on her followers. Upon entering the hallway you notice a large portrate of a large balding man with a scowl and goatee, underneath a small plaque, "Quarnus Oakthorne", identifies the portrait.

The walls of the building are a mix of stone and wood, with wallpaper barely clinging to the surfaces. It's sparsely decorated, an occasional portrait or wall niche holding some small statuary, and every few yards, the hallway splits into a fork, and after passing through 3 forks, you notice that the rug you've been walking on continues to be red, but at the forks, the other carpets turn blue or brown. After a minute or so the woman pauses infront of a large wooden door, upon which the name "Phineus Blackroot" is carved. "He'll be having his mid-morning tea by now, so he'll be in a more docile state. Don't mind the mess." She knocks on the door, pushing it lightly ajar, nods, smiles and exit down the hall.

"Come in, I suppose."


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Searcion carefully walks in with a fixed gaze upon Phineus. "Greetings, Mr. Blackroot. Me and my... companions, would like to ask you some questions, if you wouldn't mind." he says.
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Lucrezia follows close behind Searcion, looking around the room, paying less attention to Phineus that she probably should have. She looks over the "mess" intently.

Blind Azathoth

Amarok shambles in behind the other two, nodding his head as Searcion speaks. He turns to the others. "May I ask my query first? I promise it shall be quick, and then we can proceed to other business," he asks, and then gives them an adorable pleading look.

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the continent, what was sunk has risen, and thousands perish in madness and pain as a dead god lives again, and terror stalks the world once more, with none to stand in its way... and a great green behemoth devours the minds and the bodies of all who stand in his path... Iä! Iä!


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Behind a massive pile of documents and deeds, books and bills, tomes and tax forms sits the man, the legend, Blackroot the Conqueror. A maniacal look stretches across the face of the short balding man who sits across the room from you. A small bird on his desk chitters badly at you then flaps its wings, stirring the small lines of white powder lined across the desk.

"You've got my package haven't you?" The small man queries as he wrings his hands.

Theres some pretty bizarre bits of bric-a-brac and knick-knackery, including a large purple disk held by two large peacocks behind the seated figure.

The ancient behemoth approaches a small floating civilization built on the cliffs overlooking the sea. The natives writhe in agony as Old God looks unto them.

Deep in the Western forests, an ancient evil stirs in its eternal slumber, "The ancient evil survives!"
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Blind Azathoth

Amarok nods. "We have it," he says, gesturing to Lucrezia. He then pulls from his furs the bottle of unidentified Something he was given earlier and holds it out for Blackroot to look at. "We also have this, given by the same man as the package was. Any idea what it is?"


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"No." Blackroot whispers with widened eyes. He stands up, then paces from his large wooden desk, over atleast a metric ton of paper and up to the tall elvish woman and extends his hand, which only reaches her chest.

"I believe you have a package for me!" he squeals with delight, searching her body for its whereabouts.


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She looks down to the man, uncomfortably shifting her shoulders. "I have." She reaches into her pocket and withdraws the package, "But first, promise to speak with us on the matter of the bulletin?" She places her other hand over the package, trying to seem as though she's the one in control.


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Upon seeing the package, Blackroot's eyes beam with joy, but as soon as Lucrezia finishes and claps her hands around the parcel, his faces changes from one extreme to the other; his eyes darken and appear half shut, his lips are pursed and his brow is knit.

"I don't like people touching my things! The bulletin in question speaks for itself!" He snatches the parcel from her hands and rushes behind his desk, concealing himself with stacks of documents. From the other side of the papers you hear him call out. "There are more pressing matters at hand!" He out from behind his desk, his face the most maniacal you've seen yet. There is a wild fire burning in his eyes ad he tears open the package and laughs hysterically. With both hands he tears apart the package. There is a large cracking sound, then the entire room is filled with a white smoke that quickly billows out of the package.

Purple light eminates from the disk situated behind Blackroot's desk and the serpentine necks of the mechanical peacocks begin to twist about as the clockwork birds come alive. The disk begins to spin, faster and faster until it's almost unbearable to watch. It seems as if time is slowing to a screeching halt as the disk glows brighter and brighter. soon, shapes form from in the disk, almost as if the growing disk is a window to another world, a window that slowly begins to open ad you are hurled through the violet conduit.

Make a will save.

Voidrunner's Codex

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