The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


Departing the Mercenaries Guild, the companions walked out into an even colder day, with snow now falling from the heavens. After they had made their way to the Black Boot, Jokull approached the barkeep and asked after Rancel. The barkeep informed him that Rancel was a gnome and a regular at the tavern, asking Jokull not to rough him up too bad. In reply, Jokull tossed a couple coins as thanks and headed to the corner where Rancel was standing. Rancel, seeing Jokull approach in his new black armor, looked nervous and greeted him mistakenly as one of "Edvar's boys." Rancel promised that he would be able to pay what he owed in three days.

Forced into taking a seat by an intimidating Jokull, Rancel acknowledged the scrap of paper in Jokull's possession as his IOU. After Jokull threatened him with a cut throat if he did not explain what was going on, Rancel decided that Jokull had not in fact been sent by Edvar and started yelling for help, eyeing Jokull's drawn blade. The barkeep and a number of thuggish patrons appeared, the barkeep explaining that no drawn weapons were allowed inside; in response to Jokull's intent to drag Rancel outside, he told Jokull kidnapping the patrons was not allowed either. Rahnee, jingling her gold pouch suggestively, stepped in to calm Jokull down and he put his sword away, but departed the tavern in anger. Rahnee and the others spent some time talking to Rancel, Aerikoth lingering in the tavern and then emerging a few minutes after Rahnee and Veran had joined Jokull outside. (It seems that the gambit with the black armor worked well for Jokull and was a clever idea - at first. Rahnee and Aerikoth - surprisingly enough - seemed to have more patience with the situation. Although I wonder why the wizard would care, as he seems mostly unconcerned with his companions' doings. --C)

That afternoon, Brok-Tul caught up with the others, who had returned to the Gatereach guest house. Discussing the contract, the companions reviewed what they knew of the giant's depredations and exchanged ideas for combating it and its presumed wolf companion. It was decided to set out after the giant the next morning, so as not to be hunting it in the dark. Aerikoth then took his leave, departing the guest house and leaving the others to their own devices. Veran departed the house as well, saying that he must seek out a storehouse of knowledge to make progress on interpreting his prophecy. (Brother Veran is nothing if not persistent. This is not always a recipe for success. --R)

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After awakening on the morning of the 2nd day of Nightal, Rahnee took some time to admire the dye job Brok-Tul had done on her leathers, deeming it quite stylish. Brok-Tul appreciated the compliment, but was skeptical of the new color’s value for sneak-work. As the group had risen earlier than usual, they made their way to the Gatereach common room for breakfast, rather than wait for Janatha. Jokull inquired if any messages had arrived, and was disappointed to hear a “no” from Jandrico.

After Janatha had brought their breakfast, including a new tea from Mulhorand, Jokull slapped his forehead and said that he needed to take care of something, grabbing an apple on his way out. After tasting the tea, Aerikoth commented that it was indeed genuinely from Mulhorand, acknowledging that he knew much of that sacred land, although he was not from there. (This still begs the question of the wizard's origin. --R). Jokull returned at the end of breakfast and, after Rahnee had some tea leaves packed for her to take away, the group headed for Trader's Road. Jokull, of note, had switched to his purple armor for the expedition.

Once they had traveled some way west of the city, the group came upon a group of smashed wagons and broken rocks, with giant tracks all over the area. Brok-Tul and Jokull made their way to where they had previously met the treant, but could find no sign of him this time, and returned to the attack site. The party made plans for defense if necessary, then began slowly making their way through the hills in search of the giant. Rahnee took the lead, carefully searching for tracks and discovering a series of them that lead to the south, only to disappear on rocky ground. She continued carefully, exploring this new area, with Brok-Tul and Aerikoth in tow. Jokull, less patient, explored the other side of the area and discovered a cave entrance with giant tracks outside it, then informed his companions.

While the others waited a short distance from the cave mouth, Brok-Tul circled the rocky terrain, trying to find a back way into the cave. Failing to find an alternative entrance, the group then decided to try and lure the giant out of the cave and ambush it it in the open. Rahnee bravely volunteered to enter the cave and draw the giant's attention. She emerged a short time later, running from the giant's worg companion, with the giant himself close behind. With help from Aerikoth's summoned dire wolf, the worg was quickly finished off. The giant was also dispatched, although it managed to catch Aerikoth and Rahnee glancing blows with hurled boulders and got a pounding in on Jokull. Jokull severed the giant's head, wrapping it in a used cloak for delivery as proof of their accomplishment.

In the aftermath of the battle, Rahnee sipped from a potion bottle as she watched Brok-Tul pray to Helm first for a healing spell on Jokull, then on her. The group entered the cave and first carefully searched the giant's possessions for traps, finding none. Aerikoth's warning on entering the cave of possible additional enemies proved correct, as more worgs attacked the companions while they were occupied with the loot. The summoned dire wolf helped the party make quick work of the beasts, however. Among the sacks and barrels of looted caravan goods, they found a large supply of dyes, some foodstuffs, a magical cloak, and a selection of rings.

After they made their way back to the city, Rahnee halted the others outside of the Mercenaries Guild to discuss whether they should also take the other available offer, the House Urdo island exploration contract. Brok-Tul was reluctant to go out on the water, but was eventually convinced that the benefits would be worth it. Upon entering the guild house, Jokull placed the cloak-wrapped giant's head on the clerk's table with a loud thunk. The clerk enlisted one of the guards to help her carry it upstairs, then came back down to inform the group that Varen Malavhan was waiting to see them.

When they arrived in his office, he paid their fee with a smile and asked if they wanted to take on the Urdo contract as well. When Rahnee answered in the affirmative, Varen said they would therefore be expected at the Urdo docks in the Market district, midday of day 4 of Nightal. The contract terms were reviewed, Varen cautioning the party that the clause about not taking anything off the island would be rigorously enforced. The island, to which an Urdo ship would take them, was small and it exploring it was not expected to take more than a day and a night. It had been previously known as a pirate stopover and Varen said that Urdo was concerned that traps and other dangers might still be present.

The party thanked the clerk on the way out, stating that they had accepted the Urdo contract. Back at the guest house, Rahnee divided up the individual shares of the contract fee and associated loot. Aerikoth meanwhile had locked himself in his room, becoming engrossed in his magical studies.


The Vulture

That evening, Aerikoth emerged from his room and went to the Gatereach for dinner, while the others remained in the guest house. Returning there, he indicated to Rahnee he would take his share of the rewards from the guild contract and then retire for the night, having exhausted himself with use of the magic arts during the earlier fights. While they were talking, a tall man dressed in fancy, dark clothing entered the guest house, asking in cultured tones to forgive the intrusion as he shut the door behind him. As Brok-Tul turned to see who the intruder was, his face drained of color once he saw the man, who introduced himself as the Vulture. Although Jokull bluntly told the man he was uninvited, the Vulture seemed unruffled, saying that he believed they had pressing business to discuss. The Vulture thanked Brok-Tul by name after receiving Brok-Tul's hesitant invitation to come in, drawing a somewhat surprised exclamation from Jokull, who resignedly accepted the uninvited guest's presence.

The unfailingly polite Vulture seated himself in the common room and directed his initial words to Brok-Tul, saying that he was surprised not to be expected. Brok-Tul countered by saying that their blood debt had already been paid, to which the Vulture replied that several Masks had also died. The Vulture's words made it clear that he had decided to pay a visit as a result of the party's encounter with the group of Night Masks outside Klendt's hideout.

During the subsequent verbal cut-and-thrust between the Vulture, Brok-Tul and Rahnee, the Vulture stated that he wished to know the party's relationship with the Night Masks they had killed and with Klendt. In a cool gesture, Rahnee drew and then gave one of the Night Mask swords to the Vulture, who smiled and thanked her for returning it. Rahnee explained that they had been in the area on a contract with the Mercenaries Guild, pursuing Klendt, and had been forced to defend themselves after being attacked by the Masks.

Brok-Tul then turned to Aerikoth, saying that Aerikoth "spoke the Vulture's language" and could help clear things up for the group. Aerikoth dryly replied that he thought the Vulture had spoken quite plainly about the situation. The Vulture seemed pleased to hear Aerikoth's words and agreed to answer a question from Aerikoth about the Masks' interest. The Vulture said that their association with Klendt was unfortunate and accidental. The Vulture explained that the three Masks the party encountered had apparently struck an unsanctioned deal with Klendt, who had murdered his fellow mercenaries and escaped with the wealth of their merchant employer. Apparently the three were on their way to collect from Klendt, who likely would not have survived the night in any event. The Vulture said one might even consider that the party had done the Night Mask organization a favor by eliminating these rogue elements.

Aerikoth told him that the others' reactions to the Vulture’s presence had been influenced by their emotional response to Marik's death, an opinion Brok-Tul swiftly reinforced. The Vulture was unmoved by Brok-Tul's words about Marik, instead raising the issue of the missing merchant's wealth that Klendt was supposed to have stashed. When it was clear no answer was forthcoming, the Vulture took his leave, but not before offering the group a business opportunity: should they wish to engage in business with the Masks, they were to leave word with the fence at the Blind Eye, outside West Gate. (The Vulture shows himself to be a cool, calculating, risk-taker. Given his role in the Night Masks, this is not a surprise. Although perhaps there was little true danger of the party going to the Watch with this information. --R)

After the Vulture's departure, Brok-Tul explained that the Night Mask representative was a master assassin, sent in by the Masks whenever business needed to be "made right." Often his visits ended with the people in question being staked out or strung up. On that note, Aerikoth declared he was retiring for the evening and bid the others a good night.

All of the companions went to sleep with troubled minds and experienced remarkable dreams, waking in the morning with memories of them fresh in their minds. Aerikoth took his breakfast at the Gatereach, having risen earlier, while Janatha brought a meal tray for the others at the guest house. Brok-Tul told her that they would be taking meals in the Gatereach common room from then on, mentioning that a strange, dangerous-sounding man had visited them the night before. Brok-Tul walked Janatha back to the Gatereach and encountered Aerikoth finishing his meal. The two discussed the possibility of informing the Watch of the Vulture's visit, which Aerikoth believed was a poor idea; it was agreed not to inform the Watch, at least for the time being. Brok-Tul returned to the guest house, while Aerikoth departed for the city. In preparation for their impending sea voyage, the adventurers pursued their own agendas for the rest of the day.

(An eye-opening account of Night Mask affairs and the party's first introduction to the organization in Westgate. It makes me wonder, though, how the Vulture knew of their presence at the Gatereach guest house. --C)


The “Mermaid’s Lance”

By late morning of Nightal 4, everyone had assembled in the main guest house room to depart. Veran's return was welcomed, although he was less than scrutable regarding the success of his researches. Jokull excused himself, saying that he had some messages to deliver before meeting the others at the Urdo docks, from where they would set sail to explore the island under the Mercenaries Guild contract. The rest of his companions left the guest house shortly thereafter, heading for the Market district.

At the docks, the Urdo guards informed them that the ship would be ready to depart shortly; they would be let on board, as soon as all of the adventurers hired by House Urdo were present. While the guard was explaining the situation, an elf walked up to the docks and was recognized by the guard, just as Jokull was arriving. The newcomer, Velduin Leafwalker, introduced himself as a recent arrival in Westgate and new member of the Naturalists Guild. Apparently House Urdo had seen fit to hire him as an expert for the expedition to the island, since "Helm's Shadows" had no one in their company with significant wilderness lore. Velduin commented that this was his first task as a Naturalists Guild member.

The Urdo guard instructed the group to board the ship, since the captain was ready to depart. One of the sailors graciously assisted Rahnee across the boarding plank, the others boarding without incident except for Brok-Tul. The large half-orc needed a few moments to get up his determination to cross over, quickly moving to the center of the ship once aboard and as far away from the water as possible. The captain, after welcoming the group to the Urdo ship "Mermaid's Lance," shouted orders to his crew to raise sail and cast off the mooring lines, explaining to the group that he wanted to depart the harbor soon to avoid getting in the way of the larger merchant ship traffic.

Once the ship had cleared the harbor and turned its prow northeasterly, heading into the Dragonmere, Captain Kelteel invited the group belowdecks and made proper introductions, sharing out some "grog" for those who wanted something stiff to begin their journey. The captain explained that the voyage would take around four hours, the gods willing, and explained the rules of the ship. These, it seems, boiled down to obeying the captain's commands at all times.

He told the group that the "Mermaid's Lance" was a small, fast ship and should be able to outrun any pirates spotted, but he hoped to avoid any contact with other ships. In the event the ship was attacked, the adventurers were expected to help repel boarders, and could use the crew's weaponry stored on the top deck (heavy crossbows and halberds) if needed. After arriving at the island, it was expected that the party would have several hours of daylight remaining for their initial exploration. The ship would anchor at the island overnight, then head back for Westgate in the early afternoon the following day. The captain reminded the party of the rules of the contract: no one was to remove anything from the island - except for Velduin, who was allowed to take wildlife samples - and all of them were subject to search before and after landing.


Not unexpectedly, the captain received several inquiries from the adventurers after he had finished his introduction. Responding to Velduin, Captain Kelteel said he had been to the island only once before, to chart its location. Kelteel explained that the place was known to be an old pirate stopover, but lay off normal sea lanes and was not on present-day maps. It was not a large island, but could hold hidden treasures, traps, and "Oghma knows what else" as the captain put it. In response to a question from Rahnee, Kelteel confirmed that House Urdo had recently rediscovered and claimed the island for its own, as no one else knew the way to it.

After answering the group's questions, he excused himself to go abovedecks, saying that they were welcome to come up if they desired, but should stay out of the crew's way. The companions fell to discussing their voyage and what might be found on the island. Velduin could offer no additional insights on what might be present there, but did mention that the Naturalists Guild was seeking the rare Bloodback Spider, which Rahnee confessed with a laugh she was seeking as well, for her wizardly brother's use in spell components. (Coincidence? Nay, I would bet a fair sum - were I still a gambling man - that the guild is now interested in the creature because of the Roaringhorns. --R). Jokull, looking exhausted, told the others he needed some rest and lay down in a corner, rapidly falling asleep as the ship rocked gently on the waves. Aerikoth, meanwhile, announced that he would be on the upper deck if needed, and climbed up the ship's ladder.

About two hours later, Captain Kelteel called everyone belowdecks for a meeting, since the ship was due to make landfall soon. Kelteel reminded them that they had agreed in the contract not to take anything off the island during their explorations, with the exception granted to Velduin, who would be allowed to remove wildlife samples. The captain explained that they would not be submitted to any embarrassing pat-downs, unless something untoward occurred. Instead, each adventurer would privately tell the captain what they had in their possessions, which would be recorded. Upon return to Westgate, a cleric hired by House Urdo would then "truth-tell" them all to see if what they were carrying matched their previously declared possessions. (A clever way of approaching the problem, as the adventurers could have many ways of physically hiding items on their persons. I must remember this, if I find myself in a similar situation. --C)

Rahnee volunteered to go first, the others moving up to the top deck to wait. After some time, Rahnee came up and Aerikoth volunteered to be next, with Jokull, Brok-Tul, Veran, and Velduin each taking their turn. Once the inventories were through, the captain returned to the top deck and informed everyone that they were about ten minutes from making landfall. After giving some orders to the crew, he asked the party to go belowdecks and wait there, since the approach to the island was tricky and the crew needed the deck clear.


Urdo Island

After a short while, the group felt the ship turn hard to starboard, then heard the splash of an anchor hitting the water. Captain Kelteel descended the ladder to the hold and informed them they had reached the island, and that he and the crew would remain with the ship. If the party ran into trouble, the crew would back them up at the anchorage site, but under no circumstances would they go further inland. (The insistence of the Urdo captain on this matter, consistent with what the party had been originally told about the contract terms, makes me wonder what had happened previously with the island. What was House Urdo afraid of finding there? --C). The captain described to the group what was known about the island: the inlet the ship was in was the only good place to anchor; a large, old wreck was nearby; and cliffs were on the south side of the island, with forest appearing to occupy much of the rest. The party was advised to wade across the shallows from the ship onto the island, when they were ready. Kelteel said that while the adventurers were exploring, the crew would be refitting the ship for the journey home, with their departure planned for the following afternoon.

The adventurers thanked the captain and went above decks, splashing ashore from the eastern side of the ship. From the position of the sun, they could tell it was mid-to-late afternoon. The first thing to catch their eye was what was left of the old shipwreck, which on closer examination by several party members appeared both waterlogged and scorched. The hull of the wreck could be seen below the water. Rahnee, shielding her eyes against the sun, queried if the others thought they could see ruins on the bluffs to the east of the ship, but it was too far to tell.

Brok-Tul moved inland a short distance to examine what appeared to be an old well and was surprised when a mass of sharp vines on the ground slashed up at him, drawing blood and wrapping around his legs. Jokull ran over to assist and was similarly entangled, although he cut a vine to pieces in the process. Once everyone else joined the fight, the vines were soon killed, although Brok-Tul and Jokull had several painful wounds to show for their troubles. Brok-Tul tested the well by yelling down its shaft and thought that there was still water in it, albeit deep down.

Deciding that the best course of action was a methodical search, the party headed to the western shore of the island, north of the ship, and began circling the island's perimeter, moving clockwise. Velduin stopped several times to examine some plants, and the party exchanged speculation about the uses House Urdo might have for the island, but they saw little of interest until they reached the southern bluffs. Reasoning that the interior of the island could be seen from higher elevation, and the bluffs themselves should be explored, the party agreed to attempt the climb. Rahnee, boosted by Brok-Tul, scrambled up a cliffside to a small plateau, carrying a rope with her. After she tied the rope around an overhanging tree, the others were able to ascend with little difficulty - except for Brok-Tul, who fell heavily on his first attempt. After his pack was hauled up separately, he made the climb successfully on the second try.

Nearby, the party found a small mound with an unusual arrangement of six unmarked stones over it. Aerikoth hypothesized that the arrangement was either a marker for the spot, or a burial site for someone smaller than human-sized, which was also suggested by Velduin. Rahnee wondered aloud if the sought-after Bloodback spiders would make a nest like that. (Ah, the wishful thinking of youth. --R). Meanwhile, Brok-Tul cast a detect magic spell, and received faint indications of something magical under the mound. Veran reminded the others that if something were buried, it had been buried for reason, and that in any case they were not allowed to take anything off the island. Aerikoth suggested that, given the previous inhabitants of the isle were pirates, it might be their rudimentary buried treasure, although he could be mistaken. Jokull asked if anyone had a shovel, and although no one did, he commented that they should try to find out what was under the mound; however, he took Rahnee's point that it was not going anywhere.


Abandoning the strange mound for the moment, the group moved to the east along the top of the bluff and entered a cul-de-sac, discovering a cave entrance. Velduin's elven ears detected what he thought was a rumbling from the cave, although he wasn't sure of it. Brok-Tul, leaning into the cave entrance to hear better, commented that it sounded like his idiot father snoring. Readying themselves, the party carefully entered the cave, which smelled sulfurous. Jokull took the lead, wrinkling his nose against the smell, and told the others that the sound was getting louder the further in they went. Grunting in frustration, Jokull took another few steps, then turned and yelled at the others to RUN! Immediately obeying Jokull's command, the party headed for the exit, as a large red, scaly head loomed out of the cave's darkness toward them. Brok-Tul magically summoned an angry badger in the hopes of creating a distraction, but Jokull, Brok-Tul and Velduin froze in their tracks, paralyzed by a wave of fear before they could escape from the young adult dragon's reach. Its tread shook the cavern as it approached them, then it opened its mouth and said in Common, "Wait! Don't leave just yet! Are you weregnomes too?" (What the ...? --C)

Stupefied by the dragon's question, Brok-Tul and Velduin struggled to provide an answer, while the dragon blithely squished Brok-Tul's summoned badger under a claw. After a short pause, Rahnee, Aerikoth, and Veran cautiously entered the cave, to see what had happened to their comrades. While looking at the dragon in amazement, they also were asked if they were weregnomes. The party denied this (thus breaking the rule that if you are asked if you are a weregnome, you say yes. --R) and Brok-Tul, Jokull, Velduin, Veran, and Rahnee introduced themselves. The dragon poked his snout toward Aerikoth, declaring that he smelled different than the others. (A telling indication that the wizard is, in fact, different from the others. Yet they seem to ignore this, just as they do his other unexplained activities. --R)

When Brok-Tul explained that he followed Helm, the god of guardians, the dragon - whose name was Gonzo - declared that his weregnome father had taught him about the gods, and that in addition to being lord of the island, Gonzo worshiped and was a champion of Garl Glittergold, lord of weregnomes. This pronouncement managed to flummox even Veran and left Rahnee gasping for words. Aerikoth took the opportunity to address the dragon in a reptilian-sounding language, which Gonzo exclaimed he recognized as what his mama had spoken. The dragon, however, shamefacedly confessed in Common that he could not speak his mama's language well, it being so long since he had seen her. In response to another phrase in the strange language from Aerikoth, Gonzo cocked his head and asked him to speak in Common, which Aerikoth acknowledged.

In response to questions from Aerikoth, Gonzo said that his mama and father had brought him to the island as a wyrmling, maybe fifty years ago. Nobody else had come to the island since she died, but his weregnome father lived with him for a long time before he died. Brok-Tul asked if the group of stones on the bluff was their memorial; Gonzo confirmed that it was his father's burial mound. Aerikoth queried Gonzo how he had lost his parents, deferentially indicating that the party had not previously been aware of Gonzo as the island's ruler. Gonzo, sniffing and with a sad expression on his face, said that he didn't remember much himself. His father had told him that evil men had killed mama, but she had burned them all up, saving Gonzo; her resting place was in the forest.

Brok-Tul then asked if he could talk to Gumble, a gnome acquaintance, to see if he knew about these weregnomes Gonzo had mentioned. Gonzo was indifferent, saying that he already knew all about weregnomes, but in an excited tone asked the party if they wanted to see his treasure. Brok-Tul, after a moment's pause, agreed, and Gonzo led the group to the back of the cave, where a few small bags and an old chest lay against the wall. Gonzo preened while the party looked it over, saying that his father had said it was important to have a hoard. Brok-Tul and Veran made appropriately appreciative noises, Brok-Tul saying he had only heard of such things in bards' tales. (The half-orc shows some sensibility, for once. Never tell a dragon their hoard is not up to snuff. --R). Gonzo opened the chest with a claw and, showing his generosity as lord of the island, allowed the party to remove an old, tattered logbook. Jokull and Aerikoth agreed to remain with the attention-starved dragon, while the others left the cave to explore the remaining part of the island while daylight still remained.


Later, back at the ship and after making themselves as comfortable as possible, the group quickly dropped off to a dream-filled sleep. In the morning, some compared notes on their dreams, while others went up on deck to see what the new day looked like. One of the sailors had a kettle going over a firepit, heating up some beans to go with hardtack for breakfast. The scent of the food cooking drew everyone outside, with the exception of Aerikoth. The fine day, coupled with breaking their fast, served to heighten the group's spirits.

Aerikoth eventually emerged, petting and feeding his large raven familiar, Zeluth, who then flew back up to the top of the rigging. Those who needed to readied their equipment, and the group set off towards the center of the island. In the clearing surrounding the old dragon bones, the group carefully went over the large dirt mound nearby, which appeared to be covering a buried underground entrance; however, too much dirt and rock was in the way for any of them to clear it out. Brok-tul commented on the rusty blades found by three skeletons, which were laid out on the edge of the mound facing the dragon bones. Velduin wondered if Gonzo could be convinced to dig out the entrance; Brok-Tul commented that Gonzo would probably be spotted from the ship.

At Rahnee's suggestion, the group returned to the well, to better examine its shaft with the sun high in the sky. A pebble and a lit branch were sent down the well, which was thereby determined to be deep and still have water at the bottom. Aerikoth, bored with the well, indicated he was going to go speak with the dragon, and the group decided to accompany him. Using the rope they had left tied to a tree at the top of the cliff plateau, they carefully ascended, although Brok-Tul pulled a little too hard going up the embankment and again ended up sprawled on the ground.

The party cautiously re-entered the cave. Gonzo welcomed them back and thanked Aerikoth and Jokull for entertaining him the previous day. After the party offered some polite greetings, Brok-Tul told Gonzo that he had bad news, that the people who had hired them were interested in the island and might bring an army and wizards to kill Gonzo and take his hoard. (Not incorrect, perhaps, but certainly not wise to mention at this time. --C). Gonzo roared in anger at the thought of his rule of the island being challenged. Brok-Tul, trying not to flinch, asked Gonzo if he could leave the island, avoiding the confrontation, and come with them secretly, following the ship from a distance. Gonzo said that his father had warned him not to fly too far from the island, or he would get tired and fall into the sea. Brok-Tul then asked him if he could look like a person. Gonzo shook his said, saying that he could not assume another form, the weregnome curse having died out with his father, and the dragon not knowing such magic otherwise.

Aerikoth vehemently objected to the idea of Gonzo being taken back to Westgate, calling it foolhardy. He and Velduin attempted to explain the threat of discovery to the dragon, who made the point that if no one returned from the island, then he could not be discovered. (It seems that even an orphaned and somewhat batty dragon was smart enough to figure out the obvious solution, to the party's detriment. --R). Both Brok-Tul and Aerikoth quickly averred that another ship would follow to see what had happened, regardless. Gonzo, sniffing once again, turned to Aerikoth for advice, saying that since Aerikoth "had some of the blood" he should be able to understand. Aerikoth explained that although Gonzo was lord of the island, his presence should not be revealed, lest it cause a future confrontation. Gonzo was unhappy about the idea of more "bad men" coming to the island and vowed not to let anyone take his magnificent hoard.


Brok-Tul, as a friendly gesture, offered to bless the island in the name of Helm. Gonzo however disliked the idea, asserting that since he guarded the island as champion of Garl Glittergold, no other gods were needed. (The dragon takes seriously his role as upholder of the gnomish pantheon, it seems. Commendable. --C). Brok-Tul persisted in his effort to convince Gonzo of the blessing's usefulness, only desisting when Gonzo put a massive claw down on the floor in anger. Rahnee, seeking to distract the dragon's attention, asked about the dirt mound by the dragon bones. Gonzo explained that he had not disturbed the area where his mama's bones lay, his father having cautioned him not to, so he had no idea what was under the mound. Rahnee then asked what shape his father had assumed when not a gnome. Gonzo said that his father of course was a dragon like Gonzo, only the curse had made him assume gnome shape. As his father grew older, he could no longer fight it as well and was nearly always a gnome, Gonzo explained.

Aerikoth asked Velduin if the Naturalists Guild could declare the island a sanctuary and a risk to travelers, thereby halting any development by House Urdo. Aerikoth said he doubted that the word of the party alone would be sufficient to keep Urdo from the island, but it might work if others intervened as well. Velduin was unsure of the possibility of success of convincing the guild, but was willing to try. Aerikoth, with Rahnee's qualified support, queried if all were in agreement to block House Urdo from developing the island.

Aerikoth's attention was then distracted as Brok-Tul, who had muttered something about the "real hoard" earlier, started explaining to Gonzo that, based on the ship's logbook they had read, "they" had tried to fool the dragon and hide the rest of the hoard. White smoke began issuing from Gonzo's nostrils as he asked how he could be fooled. Brok-Tul, ignoring Aerikoth's hissing entreaty to shut up, said that although he wasn't there, he thought wizards had hidden the hoard in the burial mound, and that they should go out to it.

Growing increasingly suspicious and angry, Gonzo accused Brok-Tul of disrespect, saying that maybe he was like the other evil men that mama had burnt up. Rahnee was able to calm Gonzo down by pointing out the misunderstanding regarding the dirt mound in the forest and the burial mound of Gonzo's father. Gonzo meanwhile was also listening to entreaties from Aerikoth spoken in a tongue foreign to the other party members. (Another hidden ability by the mage is revealed. --R). Gonzo told Aerikoth that he understood, but sullenly asked the party to return later, to give him time to think and check on his hoard. The adventurers beat a rapid retreat from the cave, to the sound of clinking gold in the back.

A safe distance from the cave, the group debated their best course of action. Brok-Tul pointed out the obvious conclusion from the information available: that Gonzo had been charmed by a gnomish illusionist mentioned in the old logbook and was raised by the gnome on the island until the wizard's death. But, as Rahnee countered, that knowledge did not lead to an obvious solution of what to do with either Gonzo or House Urdo.


Brok-Tul and Veran returned to the ship, partly to get Brok-Tul out of the now-grumpy dragon's way, while the others made another sweep of the island and debated their next course of action. The group reunited shortly after midday and indicated to Captin Kelteel that they were ready to depart, having fully explored the island. Once below decks, the party heard the captain shouting the necessary orders, telling the crew that they needed to beat the rough weather coming in.

After the ship had steadied on its course for Westgate, the captain came down to give a status report. He put their chances at even for outrunning the weather and asked the adventurers to stay below, unless told otherwise, as rain had started up and the deck was slick. Velduin asked how long the return voyage would take and was told three hours, give or take. The captain returned abovedecks, leaving Brok-Tul and Jokull looking a little green as the ship rolled up and down over the waves.

Rahnee mentioned that after they returned to Westgate, she expected to receive the results of a title search done on an old temple that she, Brok-Tul, and Jokull, had discovered in the city. Rahnee explained to Aerikoth that they had investigated a burned-out building, discovering a pathway from its basement that led to a cave with huge, foul-smelling beetles. Further in, they had discovered an altar that had shown recent signs of use. In response to a query from Aerikoth, Brok-Tul indicated that symbols to the dead god Leira, Lady of Mists and Illusions, had been on the altar. A woman had come upon them while they were in the altar room, but immediately fled up a tunnel, which collapsed behind them after they pursued her up it onto the streets of Westgate. Brok-Tul and Rahnee thought that the place might be suitable for setting up a shrine to Helm, and perhaps a forge in the basement. (Evidently, the active shrine of a dead god run by a secretive preistess is an excellent place to set up shop. --R)

Jokull crawled into a corner, not at all impressed by the exhilaration of the power of nature, as Rahnee put it, and rolling thunderclaps were soon heard, along with a hard rainfall and wind gusts. Drops of water also began falling down from the upper deck hatch. Velduin initially expressed some desire to go above and experience the storm, perhaps tying himself to the mast to avoid falling overboard, although deciding in the end to remain with the others. Some light banter was exchanged on the prospect of taking over Castle Cormaeril, suspected home of the Fire Knives; Rahnee said she would have to introduce Velduin to the place. She also needled Aerikoth about the possibility of having a wizard tower there, commenting that her brother in Waterdeep had a corner tower of the family castle.

With thunder echoing in the distance, Captain Kelteel descended the deck ladder and requested Aerikoth come up and bring his raven. Aerikoth complied, then returned to the hold several minutes later, as the captain shouted to his crew to put on full sail. Aerikoth informed the others that the "Lord of the Isle" - Gonzo - was about to overtake the ship. Brok-Tul responded enthusiastically to the declaration, getting up quickly (albeit wobbly) and ascending to the upper deck, with Veran and Jokull close behind. The captain yelled at them to get below and prepare to fight, if need be. Brok-Tul made a confident assertion that the dragon was unlikely to fight, which the captain met with an incredulous look and reiterated his orders to clear the deck while they tried to outrun the dragon.

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