The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


Back at the guest house, following dinner the group reunited with Aerikoth, and Rahnee explained the new assignment from the Mercenaries Guild. All save for Brok-Tul then went to sleep, planning to leave for the abandoned Dragon Coast watchtower in the morning. The half-orc stayed behind at the Gatereach to drink more after the meal. Rising at first light, Rahnee found the morning cold and snowy, and also discovered that Brok-Tul had not come home. The group roused themselves and went to the inn to quiz Jandrico about Brok-Tul's whereabouts, as well as to get an early breakfast. Following tea and biscuits, Jandrico informed them that Brok-Tul had been drinking heavily the previous night and had spoken of going back to the Shore, departing the inn at around hour 22. (The visit to his old home district and its sad circumstances must have affected the half-orc greatly. A humanizing moment. --C)

Rahnee, concerned that something might have happened to Brok-Tul, led the others toward the Shore to try and locate their wayward companion. On the walk over, she explained to Aerikoth what had occurred the night before at the funeral rite. Near the scene of the previous night's rite, they found a local inhabitant. After he made a few meaningful gestures with his palm and received a "donation" from Jokull, he informed them that there had been a commotion at Lilda's Festhall, suggesting that Brok-Tul might have gone there. Rahnee gave the man another gold coin for his trouble and with the others retraced their steps up the hill to Lilda's. There, at the cost of a (foul) ale and another gold coin, Rahnee heard from the bartender, Paus, that a big half-orc matching Brok-Tul's description had gotten drunk and belligerent the previous night, drawing the attention of some rough customers. Paus told her that Thessar the Warrior, who lived next door, had convinced Brok-Tul to let things be and sleep it off at his place.

Rahnee knocked on Thessar's door and was welcomed by the large, bearded former adventurer, who seemed delighted to have guests even at an early hour. Thessar heartily recognized Aerikoth, forcefully clapping a hand on the mage's shoulder. After explanations were made about Brok-Tul’s situation, Thessar informed them that their companion was on the upper floor, still sleeping off his previous night's activities. Rahnee took Thessar up on his offer to check on the half-orc, going upstairs to confirm that Brok-Tul was still breathing. She returned shortly and informed the others that he appeared to be all right, thanking Thessar again for his generous aid. Thessar mentioned to Aerikoth that he was still waiting for a friend to get back to him regarding their business, things not being quite ready yet; Aerikoth indicated that he was patient and thanked Thessar for his trouble. (The wizard has fingers in many pies, yet it seems his companions are not curious about the bakers. --R)

Thessar then insisted on sitting down and making full introductions, telling the group something of his past life as a mercenary and reminiscing about the time he had met Aerikoth, who was accompanied at the time by the adventurers Flavius Arcus and Gumble. Thessar recognized the Roaringhorn name, having ridden one of the clan's horses previously; sadly, it had been killed after saving him during an encounter with bandits near Elversult. Thessar mentioned that he had retired ten years ago, after fulfilling a contract for the dwarven Clan Ironhelm. In response to a question from Rahnee, Thessar indicated he had not seen any of the Ironhelm clan in Westgate recently - not surprisingly, since their clan stronghold was in the Giant's Run mountains. After promises were made to return and swap stories another time, Rahnee and the others departed, telling Thessar that they expected Brok-Tul would try and catch up to them on the Dragon Coast.

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By the evening of Nightal 13, a recovering Brok-Tul had trekked to rejoin the others by the abandoned Dragon Coast watchtower. Two cougars had been spotted earlier on the tower bluff, so the party proceeded with caution, Rahnee and Brok-Tul doing a quick reconnaissance of the tower's exterior. Finding nothing living, although an apparently empty ship was observed just off the coast, the group entered the tower through the open doorway. Inside they encountered the great cats emerging from a side room. The cougars were quickly dispatched, although Veran nearly had a foot taken off by one. After carefully ascending to the upper level of the empty tower, the group took the opportunity to further examine the deserted ship from their higher vantage point; however, it remained devoid of any signs of life.

Exiting the tower, the group contemplated trying to swim to the ship, while Brok-Tul scouted the area. He returned, excitedly informing the rest he had found a cave. En route, he became even more excited after accidentally stepping in a hole and noticing signs of digging. Brok-Tul began scooping out earth and was joined by Jokull, who improvised a shovel using his shield. After going down about two feet into the wet, muddy earth, it seemed clear nothing was there, a conclusion validated by Jokull encountering nothing solid after jamming his sword full-length into the ground.

Somewhat dirtier for their efforts, the party cautiously approached the cave mouth. Older sets of bear tracks were evident, as were newer, human-sized prints. Brok-Tul called upon Helm's power for light, as they entered the cave, proceeding slowly down a right-hand passage. Both Brok-Tul and Veran noticed signs of a trap in their path, Brok-Tul identifying it as a nasty one that used acid. Rahnee was able to disarm it, allowing Veran to slip into the shadows and move ahead. At a bend in the tunnel, he turned back to hold up several fingers, indicating that he had seen opposition. However, it appeared that they had also seen him, as a group of men rushed into the passage, surrounding the monk with flashing swords.

A general melee ensued, as Aerikoth summoned his favorite dire wolf to aid the party. The desperate fight left Veran and Brok-Tul bleeding on the ground, but between Jokull's mighty sword and the dire wolf's jaws, the companions emerged victorious. The leader of the opposition, bleeding from a number of wounds, fled to the back of an adjacent cavern, screaming that he surrendered, but Aerikoth's wolf failed to understand him and finished him off. Jokull was not pleased with this, scowling his disapproval, but accepted it as part of the fortunes of battle; Aerikoth explained that he had tried to call off the beast, but it had failed to heed him. Rahnee carefully disarmed a trapped chest, which held the booty of the pirate band. Veran, while examining the rest of the chamber, also found some trinkets among a pile of bones.

Aerikoth examined the pirates' swords, all of which were lightly enchanted. As the group spread out their newfound loot to assess its value, Veran heard snorting and snuffling coming from the tunnel outside. The rest quickly moved into position by the chamber entrance, dimly spotting something bestial examining the bodies of the dead pirates. At the others' request, Aerikoth carefully sighted down the tunnel and let loose a magical fireball, scorching and enraging the creature, which showed itself to be a large bear as it charged the party. However, the fight was soon over, as Rahnee's arrows and the others' swords made quick work of the beast.


After taking what things of value were on the pirates' corpses, the group carefully explored the remainder of the cave. On the opposite side of the tunnel complex, large webs were found blocking their way, but were quickly shredded. Upon entering the chamber beyond, the group was rushed by two blood-red giant spiders. Veran and Jokull were bitten, but the spiders were dispatched relatively quickly. Brok-Tul then used some salves on Veran to ameliorate the effects of the spider venom. Although one of the spider bodies was hacked up beyond recognition, the other was relatively intact and Rahnee identified it as a Bloodback spider, which was wanted by her brother Madrigal. Rahnee, simultaneously happy with her find and cursing the need to bring back the whole spider, accepted Jokull's offer of a large cloak, tying it with a rope around the spider's body and hauling it behind her as they exited the cave.

Back at the tower, Rahnee proposed checking the ship, then resting in the tower for the night. As the water was too deep to wade out to the ship while armored, she divested herself of her leathers and swam out, a dagger between her teeth, followed by Veran. Shivering as they climbed onto the deck, they checked the hold and found it empty. Once back on shore, Rahnee cursed the freezing water and wrapped herself in Brok-Tul's spare robe, teeth chattering.

The companions discussed their sailing experience, which amounted to very little, making the idea of sailing the ship back somewhat problematic. Deciding to call it a night, the group re-entered the tower, started a fire on its first level using a broken table for kindling, and spent more time examining and sharing out the loot taken from the pirates' cave. Rahnee agreed to take first watch as the others prepared to sleep. Aerikoth's raven familiar, Zeluth, took up station on some broken furniture next to the fire.

After two hours of keeping watch with nothing but the crackling fire and whistling wind for company, Rahnee woke Jokull to take the next shift. Jokull spent his allotted time softly pacing the chamber, sword drawn and alert to any possible disturbance, before rousing Veran. Veran in turn woke Brok-Tul two hours later, informing him that there had been a noise outside the door, but in the end it appeared to be nothing but the sound of waves against the shore. Brok-Tul rose and briefly checked outside, finding nothing. A short while after Veran went to sleep, Brok-Tul gently wakened Aerikoth, who had wanted to rise early in order to study his spells. The others roused themselves at dawn, slowly getting up from the hard stone floor.

Once outside, they saw the sky on Nightal 14 was darkened with snow clouds, keeping visibility limited out to sea. The group resumed their debate from the previous day on what to do with the ship. Rahnee and Jokull were for attempting to sail it to Westgate, while Aerikoth logically pointed out that none of them had the capability of sailing such a vessel. Jokull said that he did not have as much sailing skill as Aerikoth would like, but that he had some experience at sea and was willing to try. Aerikoth pointed out that given the weather and hazards of navigating a small vessel aong the coastline, it was not a safe course, and that they should first ensure that they had a place to dock the vessel. Rahnee conceded Aerikoth's last point and it was decided to return to Westgate overland, Jokull grudgingly accepting the group's choice.

After the group had walked for a short while, Rahnee dragging the spider carcass along behind her, Brok-Tul and Aerikoth approached her with a better solution to hauling it back. Aerikoth offered the use of a magical pouch, taken as part of the booty, assuming they could fit the spider in it. Rahnee gratefully accepted the offer, managing to stuff the legs and finally the whole body into the magic receptacle. (These items are godsends for the adventurer, for a variety of reasons, including evidently the storing of corpses. --R)


Rewards and Disappointments

After six hours of travel, they arrived at Westgate, somewhat chilled from the cold day. First stop once inside the city walls was the Mercenaries Guild, where they reported their successful completion of the pirates contract to the clerk, whose name they discovered was Tara. While Tara went upstairs to pass along the news to Varen Malavhan, the group eyeballed the contract list in the papers on her desk, noting that the only ones not crossed off were regarding the pirates and obtaining magical beasts, which they already were aware of. Tara returned and asked them to go up to Varen's office.

Varen was pleased to hear Aerikoth and Rahnee recount their success in ending the threat from the pirate band, and he paid Rahnee the reward money. Varen also asked them to list what they had found in the hands of the pirates, including the ship. Varen indicated that they would be able to claim the ship if they wanted, advising them to seek out the harbor master at the Watch Docks building in Westlight Harbor to discuss registration and berthing. Varen showed polite interest at Brok-Tul's invitation to come visit the new shrine to Helm that they were planning to build in the Temple District, wishing the group well and promising to keep an eye out for suitable guild contracts.

A rather lengthy visit to Shalush's shop in the Market District followed, with most of the pirate booty being sold; each person's share came to 1,678 gold, as calculated by Aerikoth. Discussing plans for what each would do with their share, the group set out for the Tower, where the clerk awaited with the deed to the Hidden House. Brok-Tul decided he would run on ahead to the Hidden House and start making plans for its renovation, while the others saw to the deed. Veran, debating what to do with more coin than he had seen in his life, also decided to split off, telling the others he had business in the Temple District and would rejoin them at the Gatereach. With that, Rahnee, Jokull, and Aerikoth continued on to the clerk's office at the Tower.

The clerk overseeing the Hidden House deed seemed somewhat startled to see Rahnee and the others. The three overheard two men talking in the back about the rumor concerning "Lady Ronny" buggering a half-orc at Lord's Water. Rahnee ignored them and asked the clerk if something was amiss. The clerk, clearing his throat, informed the group that their competitor had purchased the deed the previous day, after raising the bid to 2,500 gold. Some polite but rather bitter complaints from Rahnee and Jokull were (equally politely) refuted by the clerk, who asserted everything had been done correctly according to the bidding rules. The clerk then counted out the 100 gold that had been left on deposit and returned it to Rahnee. (While bidding over property in the city should be a relatively normal occurrence, the circumstances surrounding the Hidden House deed are puzzling, especially considering the history and condition of the place. There must be more to this. --C)

Jokull, resigned to the situation, asked the clerk for information on the new owner. The clerk checked his documents and informed them that the property had been purchased by one Rancelus Regis, representing Seriawan of Teziir. No address was provided, altough Rancelus had shown official documents showing him to be Seriawan's legal representative in Westgate. Once they had departed the Tower, Rahnee excused herself to go to Aurora's Emporium, so she could use their teleporatation service to send the Bloodback Spider carcass to her brother Madrigal in Waterdeep. Aerkoth excused himself for some personal business as well, while Jokull headed back to the Gatereach guest house.


Aerikoth returned to the guest house to find Rahnee, Jokull, and Veran there with Tabor, the boy used by the mage Gondeth as a messenger. Tabor had brought Gondeth's notes on the Thayan presence in Westgate, cheerily handing them over to Aerikoth, who gave him a gold coin for his trouble. Once Tabor had left, the group used the common room to spread out the notes and examine them.

They were of some help, confirming that a Red Wizard had recently arrived in the city and was working with one of the noble houses. Gondeth had ruled out House Thalavar, Malavhan, and Guldar. He suspected one or both of the Cormyrian exile houses - Bleth and Cormaeril - of being receptive to the Thayans, but was not sure if they had in fact been contacted. The Red Wizard, according to Gondeth, was using intermediaries to reach others within the city, ones who kept a very low profile. Finally, the few senior wizards of Westgate had failed to unite against the Red Wizard threat, although Gondeth continued to ask for their aid. (The ways of the Westgate wizards are not transparent, as they appear to lack a wizards' council or similar organization to regulate magical conduct in the city. Given the influence of the Night Masks and Westgate's free-for-all nature, perhaps this is to be expected. --R)

As Jandrico Swift knocked on the guest house door and entered, Jokull prudently put the notes away as the innkeeper arrived. Jandrico then passed Aerikoth a message, commenting that it had arrived the previous day when Aerikoth had not been present to receive it. Aerikoth pocketed it and Rahnee inquired about dinner, which the innkeeper said would be a roast of ham, before excusing himself. Their immediate business over with, a somewhat dispirited Rahnee departed for the Temple of Tymora to pray. Jokull discussed the current state of affairs with Aerikoth and Veran for a while, then left to see if he could find Jamal.

The evening of Nightal 14, Brok-Tul returned to the guest house and was informed of what had happened with the Hidden House deed. Smiling slightly, he informed his somewhat surprised companions that he had expected the other bidder to succeed first, stating he believed the Mercenaries Guild was behind their failure. Brok-Tul cited several things in support of his theory, including Varen Malavhan's reaction to being told of the planned shrine to Helm and the run-in with the Masks at the abandoned watchtower during the search for Klendt, saying darkly that the party appeared to have been protecting Night Mask interests, rather than that of a noble house, during their contracts. The others mulled over Brok-Tul's words. Aerikoth, commenting at Rahnee's invitation, said that he did not see enough evidence to prove such a theory. Despite the possibilities that Brok-Tul raised, all eventually agreed that it was worth continuing to seek work with the Guild.


A discussion followed regarding the next steps that should be taken by the group, given the array of choices before them. Rahnee brought up the possibility of further investigation of the undead threat near Amee Pass, in order to assist Veran's mission. Aerikoth pointed out that it would be at least two days' travel each way, not counting delays due to weather, which would put at risk Jokull's return for his match at the Quivering Thumb on Nightal 20. Jokull commented that there might be time enough if they departed the city the following day, otherwise he could not accompany them. Veran then raised the need for more information on the Ironhelm dwarves and queried whether it would be profitable to ask more of Aerikoth's "warrior-friend," an idea which Brok-Tul supported. Veran, when asked by Rahnee, indicated he would be happy to make the journey to Amee Pass after Jokull's bout, since there appeared to be no immediate need for it.

The conversation trailed off and the companions, tired from their recent activities, went to bed. Once they dropped off to sleep, they found themselves once again in the dream version of Ashnakzeroth's cavern, this time immediately recognizing what was occurring. While the throne and its evil aura appeared to be the same as before, this time they heard only one hammer in the distance, which shook the earth with each blow. Entering the chamber where the dwarven statue had been erected, they saw a lone dwarven worker, with a glowing aura, ringing out slow and steady blows with his hammer. The dwarf turned to regard them, saying "You are witnesses to what my children have done, then? Do not forget what they have done. They have forged their souls into eternity." With that, the dream ended. (The sacrifice of the trapped dwarven workers may not have been in vain, then? --C)

The next morning, an impromptu conference occurred outside the guest house in the morning light. The shared dream experience solidified the companions' desire to seek out Clan Ironhelm in the Giant's Run mountains - with the exception of Aerikoth, who felt it would prove useless. Nevertheless, the mage indicated he might accompany the others, should they make the journey. It was decided that they would leave for Ironhelm territory following Jokull's fight, postponing the investigation of Amee Pass until after their return. It was also agreed to seek out Thessar for additional information on the dwarven clan, including how to find them, prior to departing for the Giant's Run.

The afternoon of Nightal 15 saw Aerikoth locked in his room studying and Veran meditating in his room. Rahnee breezed into the Gatereach guest house, returning from a visit to the harbor master's office, and found Brok-Tul and Jokull in the common room. Rahnee, after asking Brok-Tul to marry her, casually mentioned that she had a lead on a good ship captain and that she had been told ship registration fees would amount to 150 gold. Once Brok-Tul had recovered somewhat from his initial shock, Rahnee confirmed that she was serious about her intent, leading the half-orc to nearly faint again and prompting congratulations from Jokull. (A moment of happiness in the adventurers' lives. Such must be savored, for one never knows what the future holds. --R)

Rahnee then elaborated on what she had been told about possibilities for docking their ship, which included common berths at the Shore, Westlight Harbor, and the Temple District. A clerk had also given her information about a retired ship captain named Corvus, who could be found at the Old Beard in East Gate. After a drink at the Gatereach and talk of the impending nuptials, the three trekked across the city to the inn, which as usual was occupied largely with older sailors and a few mercenaries. Bartender Jonson, after asking why they were looking for Corvus, pointed him out and furnished Rahnee with a mug of the retired captain's favorite stout. Corvus, once the situation with the abandoned pirate ship had been explained, struck a deal with Rahnee to sail the ship for them back to Westgate, taking 10 gold up front as a retainer with the promise of 40 more once finished. Wanting to get an early start, Rahnee confirmed that Corvus would be available early the following morning in order to start their journey.


The following morning, Nightal 16, dawned clear and cool. Rahnee gathered up her crew (everyone except for Aerikoth), picked up Captain Corvus at the Old Beard, and headed along the coastline to the old lighthouse and (hopefully) their salvaged ship. She set a very easy pace, complaining about the boots that were hurting her feet and swearing that she would turn Brok loose on the bootmaker who had had the audacity to think he could make decent boots. She winked at Brok when she made the complaint the first time and periodically found that she had to take a short rest stop to fiddle with the buckles on her boots. She kept an unobtrusive eye on the aged captain as they meandered along the road. Captain Corvus managed to keep up reasonably well, taking advantage of Rahnee's frequent stops to rest. (A thoughtful gesture from Rahnee, helping the old captain preserve his dignity on the journey - also the mark of a true leader. --C)

As they approached the area with the old lighthouse, Rahnee suggested that they find a spot where the Captain could remain "in reserve" while the rest of them went forward to check out the situation. The party stopped by a small copse of trees soon after sighting the ruined watchtower in the distance. Captain Corvus agreed that it would be best to wait on seeing the condition of the ship before discussing business any further, indicating that he would remain under cover of the trees while the rest go forward.

Dressed in his best Helm armor and gear, Brok-Tul meditated briefly, giving thanks to Helm before continuing forward. The time had come to investigate the ship, the sun being high and beginning to fall towards the western horizon. With one last blessing upon the group, Brok nodded to Rahnee, ready to defend or attack as needed. His eyes roamed, face serious, but there was an unusual spring in his step.

Once she was sure that Captain Corvus' hiding place was not easily detectable, Rahnee stretched to warm up road-weary muscles and prepared to sneak closer to the old tower in advance of the more heavily armored Jokull and Brok. She smiled a bit as she watched Brok settle his armor, then began to move slowly away from the others. The sun rode high in the sky, producing a dazzling effect on the waves. Brok-Tul followed behind by a bowshot, keeping her in sight while trying to be as unobtrusive as possible, walking half-speed at best. His eyes tracked the watchtower, the area by the pirate cave, and behind them to see if they were followed. After a short while, Brok saw Rahnee stop and put her hands on her hips as she stared toward the shoreline. He could read disgust in every angle of her being. About this same time, it became glaringly evident that something large was missing from the horizon.

Rahnee disappeared from sight briefly, only to reappear on the bluff edge outside of the tower. She waved an "all clear" signal after giving a sharp piercing whistle. She then disappeared down the side of the bluff that leads to where the ship used to be anchored. Her eyes were on the ground, searching for tracks when everybody else reached her. She informed the others that there did not appear to be any additional tracks in the area, yet the ship they had expected to be anchored off the shore was gone, implying that whoever removed it had come by sea. With the sun now sinking toward the horizon, the group grudgingly turned back toward Westgate. Captain Corvus was disappointed to hear that the ship was no longer there, but was grateful to Rahnee, who nonetheless decided to pay him the remainder of his fee.
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After taking some time to recover from the disappointing trip and pursue individual activities, the group next assembled together the evening of Nightal 20, shortly before Jokull's match in the arena with Gagh. Before Jokull left, Brok-Tul mentioned that he planned on visiting Thessar's house to see if he knew anything about Jamal. Both Brok- Tul and Jokull were worried, since she had not been seen by them for some time. Aerikoth declined to accompany the others to Thessar's and departed directly for the Quivering Thumb.

At Thessar's house in the Shore district, Brok-Tul, Rahnee, and Veran apparently woke a grumpy Thessar, who was less than appreciative about being dragged out of bed on a cold and rainy night. Thessar said he hadn't seen Jamal recently, but was not concerned, given that she was a street performer and moved around a lot. Mustering some measure of politeness, Thessar invited them to come back at midday the following day, if they wanted to talk.

Once the three had arrived at the Quivering Thumb, paid the entrance fee, and moved through the crowd to where Oddsmaker Drugo was taking bets, they noticed Aerikoth and Jamal sitting together. Jamal greeted them pleasantly and smilingly informed them that Aerikoth, who as usual appeared completely indifferent, had been keeping her company. After some banter with Brok-Tul, Jamal turned her attention to the arena, where the fights were about to start. Brok-Tul and Veran placed bets on "Josurr" and found bench seats nearby.

Stanslav's booming voice announced the fight lineup, which began with the arena's caged owlbear versus a ranger gladiator named Arlson. Stanslav informed the cheering crowd that Arlson had been trained to fight such creatures from birth. Arlson entered the arena and said he was ready to fight, prompting Stanslav to raise the magical barrier at the arena's entrance and have the owlbear brought into the arena from below. The beast seemed to be groggy at first, but quickly gathered its wits and roared out a challenge. The ranger circled the arena slowly, feinting several strikes and forcing the owlbear against a wall before engaging it. However, the monster appeared to be waiting for Arlson to do exactly that, suddenly coming alive and savagely ripping the ranger to shreds with its claws, although suffering a few wounds in the process. Stanslav announced a pause in the fights and a salute to the fallen ranger while the arena crew sedated the owlbear and removed Arlson's body.

The second fight featured a duel between two nobles: Fynolt Cormaeril and Sendt Bleth, who were settling a point of honor in the arena. Stanslav asserted to the crowd that each noble was practiced with the rapier and that regardless of the outcome, the bravery and honor of both was assured. The winner would be the first to score two out of three touches. They proceeded to opposite sides of the arena and Stanslav lowered the entrance barrier. After they each saluted with their blades, Fynolt assumed an en garde position with his rapier and slowly advanced, while Sendt made a few cuts in the air with his weapon and taunted his opponent. Fynolt then advanced into dueling range and, in a flurry of cuts and thrusts, scored first on his opponent. Sendt quickly retaliated with a lunge, but could not prevent Fynolt from scoring a second touch soon after. Stanslav proclaimed the Cormaeril noble's victory and encouraged cheers from the appreciative crowd.

Finally, the match everyone had been waiting for arrived: "Josurr" the exiled Purple Dragon versus Gagh, the undefeated half-orc slave gladiator, in a duel to the death. One way or the other, this would be Gagh's last fight in the arena - freedom if he won, death if he lost. The crowd cheered as Gagh strutted into the arena, followed by Jokull. As Gagh turned to face him and the barrier was lowered, Jokull extended his sword and said something that was drowned out by the yells of the crowd. Gagh grinned, said something in reply, and attacked.

Jokull was ready for Gagh's onslaught and swaggered blades with the half-orc, expertly landing his slashes while fending off Gagh's return blows. Gagh seemingly could do no more than inflict shallow cuts on his opponent, while "Josurr" landed blow after blow against Gagh's torso. Gagh soon slumped to the floor of the arena, bleeding from multiple wounds. Jokull cleaved his neck with one blow, ending the match as the crowd roared and Jokull kicked his opponent’s severed head into the center of the arena. Stanslav announced "Josurr's" victory and an end to the Quivering Thumb's Winter Solstice games, bidding everyone a good night.

Jamal cashed in her winnings with Oddsmaker Drugo and sauntered off. Brok-Tul and Veran also collected their newly-won gold, then departed for the Gatereach with Rahnee and Aerikoth, while Jokull stayed behind to speak with Stanslav. A short while later, Jokull joined the others for dinner at the Gatereach, after changing out of his armor. The serving girl Janatha, however, noticed his wounds and expressed concern for him. Jokull brushed it aside, saying that he had hurt himself in practice, which prompted a skeptical comment from Jandrico. Brok-Tul then healed Jokull with a prayer to Helm.

Over dinner, the companions discussed the events of the evening, including Jamal's presence at the arena and the duel between the Cormaeril and Bleth nobles. Jokull informed the others that his time in the arena was not yet finished, as much as he wanted it to be over. Jokull explained that, although he had not had any doubts about his victory that night, the minor scratches he had suffered might have been enough to kill him, had Gagh accepted the poison that was offered to him. Gagh himself had told Jokull of this offer, made by an unknown man. Gagh said that his sword would be enough to kill "Josurr", but had not elaborated further on the circumstances of the offer.

After the fight, Jokull had asked Stanslav for more information about Gagh's owner and who would have had access to the gladiator. According to Jokull, Stanslav had promised to discuss these things further - but only if Jokull returned to talk about the possibility of future arena matches. Brok-Tul speculated regarding who could have presented the poison to Gagh, while Rahnee offered Jokull both her support and sympathy. Jokull indicated that what occurred with Gagh might not have anything to do with his personal quest, but he felt compelled to pursue the possibility.

End of Chapter III of the Chronicles


Interlude from "C"

I have meditated much on the above events. While I have gone deeper into the story than before, I truth, I know...that I have but scratched the surface of events. The party's shared dream of the dwarves enslaved by the abomination, Ashnakzeroth, is a most important signpost. I both anticipate and fear what is to be further revealed on that subject.

A number of curious things have occurred as well, which bear reflection. Are things such as losing the Hidden House deed and the appearance of vicious rumors about Rahnee and Brok-Tul simply coincidences, being part of the natural challenges of life in Westgate? Or does the party have a hidden enemy? Jokull's experiences in the Quivering Thumb pit certainly point to this, given his attempted poisoning, as his personal vendetta against the Fire Knives remains unresolved.

As before, I shall set down my thoughts on the main participants, in order of their longevity in the Chronicles:

Aerikoth Ankharat - additional revelations about the wizard's background and abilities have been made, including his ability to speak Draconic (which I share). The results of the exploration of Urdo Island must have been disappointing for him, as the dragon Gonzo - despite his eccentricities - seemed to be of further interest to the mage. Aerikoth's exasperation with other party members, especially Brok-Tul, has been more in evidence. More importantly, the wizard seems to have grasped the significance of the history of Ashnakzeroth more than the others, although he has appeared to be more focused on the presence of the Red Wizard in Westgate.

Rahnee Roaringhorn - the young Waterdhavian noblewoman has emerged as a natural leader. This is perhaps not surprising given her origins, but has nevertheless been gratifying to see. Her openness to new experiences is perhaps best reflected in the deepening of her relationship with Brok-Tul. The two have formed an unusual yet genuine bond, one which they intend to make permanent. Such things are difficult for adventurers, however, given the lives they lead; marriage is more often reserved for after retirement from the wandering life.

Brok-Tul - the half-orc cleric of Helm has started to grow in his new faith, although he has just started walking the path. His impetuousness and lack of judgement nearly resulted in a disaster during the encounter with the young red dragon Gonzo, which does not bode well for the future - either that of the party, or for his relationship with Rahnee. Yet Brok-Tul's genuineness and caring lead me to hope for the best.

Jokull of Arabel - the ex-Purple Knight was triumphant in the pit, but is seemingly not much closer to realizing his plans of revenge for his brother Josurr. Following the trail of the gladiator Gagh's owner may yield results, but the corruption of Westgate runs deep. Jokull's relationship with Jamal, the Harper bard and street performer, has evidently grown deeper; what plots could the two be hatching?

Marik Tann - the circumstances of his departure from the party is an argument for character as destiny. A complete surprise, yet at the same time quite foreseeable. Also an example of how gratitude toward others may be a characteristic of animal companions, but not of humans.

Veran Bron - the legendary monk of our Order has now appeared in the Chronicles. Reading the account makes him somehow both more human and less understandable at the same time. I have been taught of his noble role in the fight against the abomination, which I do not expect is incorrect. However, my understanding of events has already been shifted and deepened, so I anticipate further revelations and perhaps challenges to my assumptions. The confusion surrounding the Order's prophecy of a newly revived undead kingdom, which appears to point in multiple directions, is but one example.


Chapter IV: In Search of Ashnakzeroth
Journey to the Giant's Run Mountains

The morning of Nightal 21 found the somewhat groggy companions having breakfast together at the Gatereach. Aerikoth informed the others that he would not be accompanying them to Thessar's that morning, nor on their planned journey to the Giant's Run mountains to find and speak with the dwarven Clan Ironhelm, explaining that it would be inconvenient for him to do so at this time. As they finished breakfast, Aerikoth again expressed his opinion that the journey was perhaps not the best place to put their energies, but he wished them well nonetheless.

Rahnee, Brok-Tul, Jokull and Veran made their way to Thessar's house at the Shore, where the retired warrior welcomed them with significantly more cheer than the previous night, when they had been searching for Jamal. Sitting in the semi-circle of chairs in front of his fireplace, they exchanged information with Thessar, who advised them on the best way to reach the Giant's Run mountains. Thessar told them to head west along Trader's Road and stop for the night either at the Reddansyr Crossroads, where a campground was conveniently located, or in the small town of Reddansyr, which was further to the south. A trail leading to the village of Mountaingate in the Giant's Run could be found southwest of the crossroads themselves, and Clan Ironhelm's valley was located nearby. Although Thessar had not been back to Ironhelm territory for some ten years, since he had completed his final job as a mercenary, he appreciated the party’s offer to send his regards to the clan. Thessar asked them to remind Aerikoth that he and the wizard had pending business, which Rahnee agreed to do. (While I perhaps am not as cynical as my predecessor 'R' has shown himself to be regarding the wizard's motives and actions, I must admit to some puzzlement regarding the apparent utter lack of curiosity on his companions' part as to his plans in Westgate. --C)

After departing Thessar's house, the group made for Shalush Myrkeer's shop in the Market district to load up on supplies. Tents and bedrolls were purchased, along with other items deemed necessary for the long trip, although Brok-Tul had no luck in finding iron rations. Taking advantage of the clear skies, the four made their way across the city and set foot on Trader's Road, moving west at a brisk pace.

Once night fell, Rahnee began to feel poorly, complaining of flu-like symptoms. After a few more hours of travel in the cold and rain, she collapsed on the side of the road. While Brok-Tul and Veran tended to her, a group of bandits dressed in black suddenly appeared out of the dark night, setting upon the three companions who were still standing. Brok-Tul stood by Rahnee's prone form, protecting her from the onslaught, while Jokull and Veran fended off the initial attack and then went on the offensive. Jokull's sword cut a particularly vicious swath through their attackers and the bandits were soon defeated.

After looting the bandits’ bodies for the few valuables they carried, the three debated what to do. Given Rahnee's condition, it was decided to make for the nearest settlement, Reddansyr, once they reached the crossroads. Brok-Tul unlimbered his shield "Picnic Table" and made it into a stretcher for Rahnee's unconscious form, the three hauling it the best they could down the road.

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