The Westgate Campaign Chronicles - serial


As Shanni’s wounds were seen to and she was revived, Darrow began looting their fallen enemies, observing that they had the same type of equipment as the Astorians encountered in Westgate. Shanni and Dermot told the others that they had been poisoned during the fight, apparently by their enemies’ arrows, but there was little help for it. Darrow counted bodies as Shanni looted some weapons for herself, the dwarf coming up with nine as the total. The adventurers continued to patch themselves up as they examined their foes’ equipment. Aerikoth told Rahnee, who had recognized the weapons as having also been used by Night Masks, that the Masks and Astorians appeared to have an alliance of sorts.

As soon as they were as healthy as possible, they decided to move on, recognizing they had lost any element of surprise. Dermot located another snare in front of them and Shanni had a much tougher time disarming it than the others, finally just breaking its activating wire rather than disassembling it as she had previously. The group carefully advanced into a more open area, searching for anything out of the ordinary. Dermot, after a few minutes of careful examination, was able to spot a hidden trap door in the forest floor.

With the entrance to the lair now exposed, the company debated the best way to proceed. It was decided that Rahnee would go first, using her invisibility ring, to scout out the dangers. Aerikoth cast a stoneskin spell on her first, as added protection. She then carefully lifted the trap door and descended, returning after five long minutes.

Rahnee informed the others that there was a short tunnel immediately below the trap door, which ended in a large oblong room with a huge gas trap; she had been unable to figure out how to disarm it. She thought that they might be able to avoid it by hugging the room’s walls, but was not sure. A single exit led out of the room, from what she could see.

Aerikoth finished casting his protection spells and the group descended into the entrance tunnel. Rahnee motioned to Shanni to indicate where the trap was placed and the petite woman, using her small fingers, was able after some experimentation to render it harmless. She then moved stealthily toward the room exit, holding up three fingers as she peered around the corner, then adding a gesture indicating that there might be more enemies. Aerikoth summoned his dire bear, preparing for the worst. As the adventurers carefully moved toward the exit, where they could hear the faint sounds of breathing, a number of Astorians showed themselves and joined in battle, with several enforcers up front and bowmen in their back ranks.

The fight was chaotic in the flickering underground light, but despite the savagery of the close-in battle, the adventurers were too much for their opponents. Darrow ended up with a large gash from one of the enforcer’s axes, which was tended to by Rahnee while Shanni dragged a healing potion from her pack and drank it. Aerikoth then passed Darrow his healing ring, which he said would be on loan until Darrow had recovered. The dwarf grimly declared his respect for the fighting prowess of their foes and advised that they use the tunnel bottlenecks to better advantage in the future.

The party formed up and moved carefully down the corridor. Shanni encountered and disarmed another trap, then they came upon a chamber to their left that contained a small barracks and living quarters. Darrow counted the beds as six and noted that they had just faced the same number of opponents.

Their senses heightened by the expectation of further danger, the party moved down the long, turning corridor. Traps occurred regularly, alternating between projectile triggers that Shanni disarmed and venomous snakes falling into their midst. The adventurers expertly disposed of all obstacles, however, until finally reaching a door at the end of the corridor. Shanni was able to render the trap on it harmless and the five moved into the large room past it.

Dermot spotted two more traps inside, including one on a large iron cage in the corner. In the gloom they could see that a girl lay inside, motionless. Shanni carefully disarmed the trap, but could not open the cage, as there was no door. Darrow was puzzled as to how they had got the girl inside, but moved forward to see what he could do. The bars were placed too closely together for bending to be of benefit, so the dwarf decided to simply heave the cage over. After an exploratory push to get a sense of its weight, Darrow coiled his rocklike muscles and then in a single effort upended the cage.

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Rahnee held up a torch so they all could see better, as the girl staggered to her feet. Her rags were soiled and the smell of excrement and vomit was strong in the corner by her cage. Rahnee recognized Janatha and the others greeted her with pleasure, which turned to concern as the girl immediately collapsed back to the ground. Rahnee dipped a rag into the nearby pool of water and washed the girl’s face as the others quickly looked through the chamber for anything useful.

In addition to a large desk, there were a number of crates and chests along the far wall, which Shanni and Dermot checked through. Among other things, Shanni discovered a note which revealed that the leader of the Astorians in the lair had been called away, apparently because of something going wrong with a “Westgate shipment” belonging to the group. It also commended the leader for disposing of a “demon bitch”. (This appears to be a reference to the killing of former party member Khalen, the tiefling, who had chosen to pursue her vendetta against the Astorians on her own. --R)

Aerikoth volunteered to magically transport himself and Janatha back to Teziir, in order to save time and obtain aid as soon as possible for her, while the others went back to the hut in the forest to take care of Pincer. The others agreed that time was of the essence and Rahnee suggested that the wizard take Janatha directly back to her father, Queron Ulanthar. She also suggested that if they found any better clothes for Janatha, those should also be taken along. Rahnee jokingly mentioned that if they had found a black velvet dress, however, it was hers. Somewhat perplexed, Dermot said that there was in fact one and expressed his curiosity over how it had ended up down there. He handed over the other ladies clothing found, which appeared to be Janatha’s size, to Aerikoth.

After cursing some, Rahnee carefully packed her black velvet dress away. To a still dumbfounded Dermot, Shanni said that Rahnee could tell them about it later, once they were out of danger. Aerikoth, after dismissing his summoned bear, walked over to where Janatha lay. Taking her hand, he focused for a moment and then spoke a word of power, after which the two of them vanished. The four companions remaining in the chamber took one last look around, then headed out of the lair.

It was well past midnight when Rahnee, Darrow, Shanni and Dermot arrived back at the hut, which was just as they had left it by the pool in the forest. Darrow rapped on the door loudly and yelled for Pincer to stay away from it, as he would be bashing it down. The first mighty blow from Darrow’s axe nearly split the door in two and it only took a second to separate it entirely from the hut. A rather impressed Pincer cautiously emerged and was greeted by the adventurers. Even Shanni was cheery for once with him.

Darrow pulled a battle axe out of his pack and held it out for Pincer to take, saying that he should not be left weaponless in the middle of nowhere. Darrow looked to the others and said that he thought Pincer and they were square, recommending that the former slaver seek out Baron Pahar in Turnton, if he wanted to be put to good work. Pincer commented that he would not be welcome in Westgate or Teziir for a while, if ever, so thought that sounded like a plan. He accompanied the others as far as Traders Road, then said his farewells and headed east, while the others turned west towards Teziir. (In contrast with the fate of their vampire spawn ally Tuli, the company here shows mercy to Pincer. It seems they - or at least Darrow - believed redemption was possible for the former slaver. This is a welcome sign of positivity, in a chronicle that otherwise highlights the nastiness of life on the Dragon Coast. --C)


Assault on Astorians Headquarters

Seeking to beat any news of their raid on the Astorians’ forest lair, the four adventurers – Rahnee, Darrow, Dermot and Shanni – double-timed their road march and arrived at Teziir’s outskirts at dawn. Rahnee was concerned about whether they would be turned away, given the circumstances of their last visit, but no one bothered them as they set foot on the city streets. Tired from their efforts, they first thought of going to the temple of Helm, to see if Aerikoth and Janatha had been there, but the priest on duty indicated no one had come in that night matching their description.

After some further wandering around the city, the group finally found Queron Ulanthar’s house and knocked at the door. As soon as Rahnee had identified herself, the door opened and Queron’s servant Bustable greeted them excitedly, welcoming them in. Dermot and Shanni were quickly introduced and Bustable informed them that Aerikoth and Janatha had arrived in the early hours of the morn. He asked the four to wait in the entrance room while he informed the Councilman of their arrival. Returning quickly and somewhat breathless, he asked them to come upstairs with him.

Upstairs, they found Queron in a richly-furnished bedroom with Aerikoth, standing over a sleeping Janatha who was being attended to by a priest of Helm. The Councilman embraced Rahnee upon seeing her and pumped Darrow’s hand, thanking them for saving Janatha. He was also very welcoming to Dermot and Shanni, whom Rahnee introduced as having figured prominently in his daughter’s rescue.

The priest reported to Queron that Janatha was as well as could be expected, having suffered no permanent harm but requiring further attention and care. He said he would return with more aid, if given leave to depart. Queron did so, thanking him for his services. Queron then asked Bustable to prepare breakfast for their guests, sending him off to his duties.

After Bustable had left, Queron’s head drooped and he asked Rahnee’s forgiveness for his previous treatment of them and the harsh words he had spoken. Rahnee graciously accepted the apology as Darrow cracked a dwarven joke, lightening the mood. Queron reported that Janatha was weak from sickness and lack of adequate food, but he had been told by the priest that she would recover in time. He then invited the five adventurers to make themselves comfortable in the foyer until breakfast had been prepared, leaving further discussion until then.

The time before the meal was spent in relaxed talk, with both Shanni and Dermot indicating a desire to continue with the company. Shanni was unsure whether she would be a hindrance to the rest, however. This prompted a rare commendation from Aerikoth regarding her utility to the party. At this point, Bustable appeared and announced that breakfast was served.

The five adventurers filed into the richly provisioned table, as Bustable pointed out the poached eggs and salmon being served in their honor. Darrow took out a slightly grimy bottle and put it on the table, regarding it lovingly. Queron, at the head of the table, indicated they could start and asked Darrow about the bottle. The dwarf replied that it was his last bottle of Ironhelm Ale, which he had been saving for a special occasion. Queron in response led a toast to Clan Ironhelm.

After all had enough time to dig into their meal, Queron, apparently full of nervous energy, got up and began to pace back and forth. He said that he had been thinking of what must be done next, in order to set things right. However, he desired to hear the full tale of Janatha’s rescue, before speaking further. He noted that it was a shame the bard was no longer with them, given that it must be quite a tale for the telling.

Darrow somewhat hesitantly said he thought he had it down, although would look to the others for assistance. Rahnee encouraged him on and Aerikoth said he would add any details necessary, while Shanni and Dermot paid close attention to their plates of food. Darrow, with occasional interjections from Aerikoth, ran through the full story, from encountering Dermot on their way to Westgate after being kicked out of Teziir, to Shanni’s rescue in Westgate, and their adventures in Starmantle and on Slaver Isle before finding the Astorians’ underground forest lair and Janatha.

Queron asked to see the information they had found in the lair, namely the note to the lair’s leader and the map of Teziir. Aerikoth, not having seen the note himself yet, asked for it after the Councilman had finished. The wizard surmised that the “demon bitch” mentioned was their former companion Khalen, who had what he termed was an impractical desire for revenge against the Astorian leader Nemar, probably the “N” referred to in the note. Queron more closely examined the map and exclaimed that the building marked on it was only an arrowshot from his own home in Traders District. Excited, the Councilman recalled that the adventurers still needed their rest, but later on would be rewarded. They would also discuss what was uppermost in his mind: the final destruction of the Astorians.


Later on the afternoon of Ches 4, after a long and well-deserved rest, the companions rose from their comfortable guest quarters beds in Queron Ulanthar’s house. Darrow, Dermot and Aerikoth were the first to make their way down to the main floor, while Rahnee and Shanni took their time enjoying a hot bath that Rahnee had requested. Queron informed Darrow that Bustable had been sent on an urgent errand, but the party was welcome to sample the contents of the Councilman’s liquor cabinet while he went upstairs to check on Janatha. Darrow needed no further urging and immediately found an imported ale to his liking.

By the time the women arrived, looking refreshed, there was an array of looted equipment from the lair arranged on the ground floor. Aerikoth was slowly inspecting the lot, to determine what dweomers and properties they might have, using his knowledge of magic and wizardly powers. Rahnee and Shanni thought this was an excellent idea and contributed some of their own unidentified items to the pile.

Aerikoth spent some time looking at one of the rings in particular, finally identifying it as having belonged to a temporary companion of theirs named Khalen. The wizard explained that the tiefling had used the power of the ring to pass herself off as human. Shanni was fascinated by this and asked to try the ring, gingerly slipping it onto one of her small fingers. Her appearance was instantly transformed into that of a taller blond woman. (It is understandable why the tiefling chose to hide her true appearance in this manner, for there are many who would judge her by her looks alone. In the hands of someone like Shanni, the ring's powers could prove tempting to use for other purposes. --C)

As Shanni looked around for a mirror, Rahnee mentioned that a crystal in the next room would show her reflection. However, as Shanni started to head that way, Aerikoth interjected with a reminder that the house guards would not recognize Shanni’s illusory appearance. Shanni therefore decided to pocket the ring and explore its effects later.

The wizard finished sorting through the rest of the items, with only a cloak remaining unidentified; he asked if he could claim it for further study, to which the others had no objection. He also took possession of three small charms which apparently had originally been in the possession of Kain Graves and could only be activated by a practitioner of the Art. The remaining armor and weapons were taken by Darrow, Dermot and Shanni, who headed out to see if they could sell them, leaving Aerikoth and Rahnee to converse in the foyer.

After about an hour, the three returned, staggering a little under the burden of the gold they had received from selling their wares. Darrow reported, however, that their collection of looted arms had the Night Mask emblem and would not be touched by the local dwarven smith. It took a fair amount of time for the gold to be sorted in piles and for each of the companions to take their share. Meanwhile, an excited-looking Bustable had been coming and going, finally taking up station at the door in anticipation of someone’s arrival.

Since nothing of urgency had yet presented itself, Rahnee decided to depart for the local temple of Tymora, in order to make some much-needed prayers to her patron goddess. Darrow further availed himself of Queron’s generosity and took a drink from the liquor cabinet, followed a little more hesitantly by Shanni. Bustable, apparently unable to contain his excitement, exclaimed that he was expecting visitors from the temple of Helm, including the Grand Cleric himself. Aerikoth explained to the others that this would be Thyxlys Jon, the head of the Teziir temple. The wizard noted that his authority extended outside of the city as well, for example to the priest Carlin, one of Baron Pahar’s advisors in Turnton.

Only a short while after, three heavy blows were heard at the door and Bustable opened it to allow three Helm temple guards and Thyxlys Jon into the house, all fully armored and equipped for battle. After inquiring with Bustable about Queron’s whereabouts, the Grand Cleric formally greeted the adventurers, commenting that he had heard of their rescue of Janatha and stating to Aerikoth that once again the wizard’s deeds were impressive. Jon then excused himself to go upstairs with his escorts and confer with Queron. Aerikoth poured himself some water to quench his thirst, while Darrow returned to the liquor cabinet. Shanni rather wickedly observed that they could get very drunk before the priests came back, but just then Bustable returned with a summons for the group.
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Upstairs in Queron’s chambers, the Teziir Council Member introduced Shanni and Dermot to Thyxlys Jon and mentioned that the Grand Cleric had been kind enough to come himself to look after Janatha - the only reason that would be known by any outsider for his presence at the house. Thyxlys Jon stated that his curative spell had purged Janatha of disease and that her recovery should now be quicker. Queron then turned to the other reason for the Grand Cleric’s presence.

Queron explained that the Grand Cleric had been one of those in the city, like himself, who had looked with concern upon the rise of the Astorians, especially after they had bought themselves powerful friends among the Council and the City Watch. He believed their taking of Janatha was meant to be the final blow in their plan to control Teziir, as an example to all who would oppose them. However, thanks to the adventurers’ actions, Queron was now free to act against the Astorians.

Queron mentioned that he had a proposition for the group, but first wished to present them with a reward. He went and opened a drawer, removing several large pouches full of gold and handing them to the four adventurers; Darrow took possession of an additional one for Rahnee, who was still at the temple of Tymora. With the reward granted, Queron returned to the business at hand, dramatically pounding a fist into his palm as he spoke of the need to strike swiftly and decisively against the Astorians in Teziir.

Darrow raised the fact that they seemed to be allied with the Night Masks, displaying some captured weaponry of Night Mask origin. Shanni expressed her puzzlement as to how the Astorians had managed to strike a deal with the Masks in order to operate in Westgate. Queron speculated that the Astorians might be performing a service for the Masks, one the Masks were happy to let them take the fall for if it failed. However, he could offer no evidence of this, as his network of informants did not extend into Westgate.

Returning to the idea of assaulting the Astorians’ headquarters in Teziir, Queron explained that he could not rely on the City Watch, and there would be unwelcome political ramifications for using Helm Temple forces to invade a privately-held property. Dermot was the first to mention the evident utility of using hired swords from out of town in this scenario, and his companions rapidly indicated their assent to the idea. They would receive aid in the form of healing items from the temple, to be delivered to Queron’s before the planned assault at dawn. By that time, it was expected that all the Astorians would have returned to their headquarters. Queron would ask trusted members of the City Watch to put up a cordon around the building, so any Astorians attempting to flee would be caught.

On a final note of preparation, Thyxlys Jon before departing informed the adventurers that he had been granted the power to reverse death by the Vigilant One. However, it was to be used only on those who performed a great service for the temple; he noted that their act would be considered such a service. (It seems that adventurers oftentimes treat temples simply as merchants, while obtaining healing in between their expeditions. Perhaps there is some logic in this mercenary approach for things like potion-buying, but it is rare - or should be - for a temple head to share their most powerful restorative magics with anyone who simply walks through the door with coin. When one saves a life, one becomes responsible for it. --C) Following the departure of the Helm temple contingent, Queron then informed the group of an opportunity to obtain more information on the Astorians.

After the unfortunate affair with Reggius, in which Aerikoth had turned the Astorians informant into a toad - or perhaps a newt, as Darrow liked to joke - Queron’s agents had staked out Reggius’ home in the hopes of identifying some of his confederates. One such man had been captured earlier that day and was being held there. Queron urged them to go and interrogate him at once, as time was of the essence. In response to a question from Aerikoth, Queron said that he would be willing to pay up to 500 gold for a “relocation fund” for the individual, should he provide useful information to them. When the group was ready, they were to go to the Docks district and loiter in the far northern portion, past the canal. Queron’s agent Barakus, who knew Aerikoth and Darrow by sight, would then make contact with them.


The four adventurers – Aerikoth, Darrow, Dermot and Shanni – quickly made themselves ready and headed for the Docks district. Per Queron’s instructions, they found the canal and followed it to the northern end of the district. After spending some time eyeing their surroundings, they were approached by Barakus, who emerged from a nearby doorway. Queron’s agent motioned for them to accompany him and they all entered the house, which turned out to be the former dwelling of Reggius, the deceased Astorians informant.

After Dermot and Shanni had been introduced to Barakus, he queried whether they had been told what had happened with Reggius. He then let Darrow explain in more detail to the others how the adventurers’ meeting with Reggius, who had been a promising source of information on Janatha’s kidnapping, had turned into a confrontation. Aerikoth’s sole contribution to the tale was correcting Darrow when the dwarf incorrectly related how the wizard had turned Reggius into a newt; in reality, it had been a toad.

Barakus then related how he had managed to capture Valz, an Astorian who had some sort of connection with Reggius, by occupying the house and waiting to see who showed up. Barakus said that between himself and the two guards with him, they had spent several hours just getting Valz to admit that he was an Astorian and had known Reggius. He was hoping the adventurers could do more to get Valz to talk. Cracking his knuckles, Dermot confidently said that he thought they could handle it.

At Barakus’ suggestion, they took some time to search the ground floor of the house, while Queron’s agent went down to the basement to check on Valz. Little of interest was found, except for a smudged scrap of paper located by Shanni behind a desk drawer. Unable to decipher what was on it, the group then came up with their game plan for interrogating Valz. Darrow and Dermot would make the situation look bleak for him, then see if Shanni could get something out of him by giving him some hope for the future.

The two “heavies” descended the staircase into the basement and were escorted to the room where Valz was being held. Barakus and the two guards then cleared out, although Barakus lingered down the hall within earshot. Dermot took an intimidating tack from the beginning with Valz, backed up by the menacing, helmed form of Darrow. Dermot took out a knife and sharpened it on a whetstone as Darrow explained that they were the “cleaners” and Valz was the “mess” they had come for. Just as Dermot was beginning to get physical with the Astorian, Shanni and Aerikoth arrived and the petite rogue intervened, while the wizard looked on silently from the doorway. (Even though the Order is not pacifist, I would draw back at the prospect of employing violence in such situations, which do not involve battle against our enemies. I understand the point of staging such a scene with the informant, yet what would occur in this scenario if the party's bluff were to be called? I must meditate more on the threat and use of force. --C)

At Shanni’s urging, the others departed the room, although not without some further threats from Dermot and Darrow, so that she could speak with Valz like a “reasonable person”. Shanni’s sympathetic act and surreptitious display of a looted Astorians token quickly brought Valz around to being cooperative, although the 300 gold she gave him was probably the deciding factor, with the understanding that he would use it to go far away from Teziir.

After the others had been recalled, he told them what he knew about the layout of the Astorians headquarters building and the password for that night, which was “entrails”. He also disclosed the rumored existence of an escape tunnel that led outside from somewhere in the building’s underground level. After some further intimidation and threats assured the adventurers that Valz was telling them all he knew, they left him in the care of Barakus, who promised to release him, but not until noon on the following day.

A search of the house's lower level revealed nothing else of use, so the four adventurers and Barakus went back upstairs to discuss their findings. After Shanni passed him the scrap of paper she had discovered, Barakus held it up to a firelight and was able to make out some word fragments: ", 250, Hammer 10" and "...................................................................... vz, 100, Hammer 23". The group thought that this might be part of a ledger, perhaps of gambling debts. Barakus said he would ask Valz if the information meant anything to him and send Queron a note later, if the inquiry bore fruit. He then wished the four adventurers well and went back downstairs, leaving them to begin discussing their plans to assault Astorians headquarters.
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Darrow decided that the best preparation for him for the assault would be to troll the local drinking establishments, leaving Aerikoth, Dermot and Shanni to scout their objective. They soon located the building believed to belong to the Astorians, standing alone in the southeastern part of Traders District, and warily observed it. Aerikoth remained standing within view, to the north near the Silver Falcon inn, while Shanni and Dermot circled in slowly, appearing to be out for a nighttime stroll.

Eager to complete their task, they worked over the plan of attack while the innkeeper, the only other person in the room, stayed at the far end of the bar and studiously ignored them. Once their plans were set and Aerikoth had cast some defensive spells on his comrades, Dermot went over to the innkeeper and slipped him a number of coins, to ensure his subsequent silence about their presence.

The five adventurers exited the door and circled the Astorians headquarters, keeping a good distance as they passed it to the south and east. Per their plan, Rahnee and Darrow then advanced towards the southern entrance to the headquarters - although somewhat comically, they at first mistook an opposite building for it, and had to be pointed in the right direction by Dermot. Once at the correct door, Rahnee gave the password “entrails” – learned from their interrogation of Valz – and she and Darrow entered the building.

The array of Astorians guards in the chamber they found themselves in were not fooled for long, however. Darrow then shouted out his Ironhelm battle cry and charged one of the big enforcers. As the Astorians quickly engaged him and Rahnee, with lightly-armored crossbowmen moving to flank them, Aerikoth suddenly appeared at the far end of the room, flanked by Shanni and Dermot; the wizard had waited until hearing the battle cry before casting his spell to transport them inside. He immediately summoned a giant bear to aid in the fighting, which was swirling around them chaotically, then started targeting individual enemies with his spells.

The surprise arrival of the three provided a much-needed respite for Darrow and Rahnee, who had full need of the protective stoneskin spells cast upon them. More Astorians arrived from the east and west wings to join the fight, although their ranks were being continually thinned. One crossbowman placed a bolt expertly into the bear, killing it after it had rampaged among his comrades. However, by this point the momentum had swung in favor of the adventurers, who defeated the remnants of the Astorians’ forces relatively easily.

Searching the main floor of the headquarters, they found one room with its door open and its inhabitant obviously gone; it faced another room with a trapped and locked door. Mindful of the escape tunnel on the lower level and the possibility that some enemies were attempting to flee, the group moved quickly to the west and Shanni detected and disarmed several traps on the stairs down. She then stealthily but rapidly scouted the basement. She reported seeing guards by the end of one hallway, which likely held the tunnel entrance.

The party then followed her downstairs in order to find out what more they had to contend with. In the underground level, they searched through the corridors, trying every door. One of them in a central corridor opened onto a small barracks where a group of Astorians trainees dressed in black begged for mercy. However, once the party had turned their backs on them, the group whipped out their daggers and fought. This proved to be a bad decision, as Darrow and the others killed them to a man. The next time a similar group of trainees were found, this time dressed in brown, Darrow cut one down as a warning to the others and then wedged their door shut with a dagger.

Finally, at the end of one of the corridors, two enforcers guarding a stone trap door were killed and the party then lowered themselves down a ladder into a dark tunnel. The first two traps they encountered in the long hall were detected and disarmed, but the third one by the exit ladder was not spotted in time; luckily, no harm was done. The five adventurers climbed the ladder and emerged onto a grassy area from which they could see Traders Road to the north. Whatever tracks may have been in the area - Dermot saw some indications of someone heading towards the road to the east - were soon erased by a rainstorm that blew in. Aerikoth summoned his raven familiar and sent him winging down the road, in the hope of finding any fugitives that had escaped their assault.

After returning to the headquarters via the tunnel, the group found a central prison area, encountering and defeating two enforcers who had been guarding an insane prisoner shackled to the wall. The party then conducted a more thorough search of the ground floor and was able to enter the trapped and locked room. The man inside attempted to fight his way past them, but was quickly defeated. In his room, they found a chest whose complex trap defeated Shanni and Rahnee’s efforts to disarm it, but not Darrow’s axe. The gas it released into the room soon dissipated and the chest was theirs for the taking. They found inside what appeared to be a seal with a swirly “N” along with a ledger in code, along with gems and gold. Comparing the seal to the letter which Aerikoth had in his possession, the wizard confirmed the seal was the same and most likely belonged to the Astorians leader, Nemar.

After Dermot finished searching the Astorians training area, the weary band decided they had done all they could and departed for Queron’s house. They were received eagerly by Bustable and Queron, who had been anxiously awaiting their return. After reporting what had occurred during their victory and passing the ledger to Queron, the adventurers headed upstairs for much-needed baths and a short rest.

Here ends Part II of the Chronicles


Interlude from "R"

While the conflict with the ancient lich Ashnakzeroth dominated Part I of the Chronicles, which described occurrences beyond my ken, the events of Part II are in many ways all too familiar. My life prior to entering the Order and taking up the robes of a monk of Kelemvor was riddled with such happenings, which may be described as the tragedies of everyday life in Faerun, with the activities of slavers and oppressive petty lords being prominent among them. These chronicles are not simply a fairy story of right and wrong, however, but describe how the adventurers confronted the choices before them and coped with the consequences. Perhaps I did not need more evidence of how gray the world really is, but behind the monastery's walls it is a useful reminder of the fact that sometimes there are no ideal choices.

That said, some choices turn out better than others, and it is good to remember that not choosing is itself a choice. The Ritual of the Hand and its aftermath, including the destruction of Ashnakzeroth's soul gem and the sudden coma inflicted upon his former (?) servant Melissa, was a momentous occasion that it seems faded in the party's memory, with Melissa's fate still unknown. Brok-Tul and Veran's deaths in the conflict with the self-styled "Duke" Hallton also distracted the others in the party from the reason both had become part of the adventuring company, namely to uncover a possible vampire menace to Westgate. I cannot bring myself to condemn those left behind, especially the half-orc's lover Rahnee, for focusing on their own personal tragedies and other pressing situations. At least a measure of good was accomplished by the company in their rescue of Janatha, as new companions joined and old ones departed.

More will be seen of the loose threads in the tapestry, however, as the chronicles unfold.


Interlude from "C"

As I read the words of my senior initiate predecessor "R", I am struck by how involved I have personally become in these adventurers' stories; "R" seems to have kept more detachment from them. No doubt this is in part because I have decided to read and record my thoughts simultaneously, while he first completed the chronicles before making his own commentaries. As a result he is better able to understand the big picture and what was ignored or missed by the party during its conflicts and confrontations.

Yet I do not believe that his perspective is necessarily a better one, as life does not work this way while one is living it. Understanding it backwards can be of some help to those who must live it forwards, yet aside from a few great prophets - all of whom I understand have been mad or otherwise led difficult lives - no one can truly predict all the future consequences of one's actions. Living in the moment while remembering one's eventual Judgment is a central tenet of our Order and I see how these chronicles illuminate the wisdom of this practice. Brother Veran made the choice to accompany his two companions into peril and no doubt now rests content in the City of Judgment.

I am thus reminded of Kelemvor's charge:

"Death is but part of life: fear it not, evade it not, and view it not as evil. To fear death delivers you into the hands of those who can bring death down upon you. Die with dignity, neither raging nor seeking to embrace undeath. Do honor to the dead, for their strivings in life brought Faerûn to where it is now, and to forget them is to forget also where we are now—and why."


Here begins Part III of the Chronicles

To all those who read these chronicles: much is known, but still more is not known about the adventures and private dealings of those worthy people hereafter mentioned. One suspects that not everything that has occurred has been recorded for posterity.

For what has gone before, see Parts I and II of the Chronicles.

* * *​

Chapter VII: Old Wounds and New Enemies

A Hero's Return

After returning to the home of Teziir Council Member Queron Ulanthar, the five adventurers – Aerikoth, Rahnee, Darrow, Dermot and Shanni – spent the rest of the morning of Ches 5 soundly asleep in his finely-appointed upstairs guest rooms. At noon, Queron’s servant Bustable made the rounds and informed everyone that they would be expected downstairs in fifteen minutes. Darrow protested that this would not be nearly enough time to make himself pretty, but despite the dwarf’s jest the group mobilized relatively quickly and headed down. There they found Queron still in deep conversation with Thyxlys Jon, the head of the Temple of Helm, so were invited to partake of Queron’s lunch spread in the formal dining room.

After letting the others gather some food and drink, as well as express their relief at the outcome of the fight with the Astorians, the mage Aerikoth quietly informed them that his raven familiar Zeluth had made his way back. According to the wizard, the bird had not seen anyone on Traders Road who looked like they were running in fear, but he did see a caravan heading east. Shanni pointed out that whoever fled the Astorians headquarters could have asked for a ride; Darrow noted that it would be a good way to blend in. Dermot observed that given the caravan’s heading, it was likely bound for either Reddansyr or Westgate. Over the remainder of lunch, Shanni took the lead in distributing the items seized from Nemar, the Astorians’ leader, including a valuable ring of regeneration identified by Aerikoth and given to Darrow.

As Darrow and Dermot were finishing the last swigs of their ales, Bustable arrived and informed the group that Queron was ready to receive them. The Council Member was solicitous of their health, to which Rahnee responded by saying they had bounced back quickly. She also complimented Queron on setting an excellent table, as always. Pleasantries out of the way, Queron moved directly on to business, as Thyxlys Jon indicated he needed to be going soon. To help provide a cover for the party’s recent actions, Queron said he had instructed his agents to spread a rumor that the Astorians had suffered a violent falling-out amongst themselves. He also mentioned that he had already heard other rumors circulating about what had occurred, including that a wizard with a glowing staff conjured a horde of demons that ate the Astorians, with fearful howls.

Queron told them that the rumored explanation of an internecine battle should help divert any unwanted attention from their adventuring company. Nevertheless, he thought that a departure from Teziir for at least a tenday would be warranted, just to be safe. He then asked where they would go, recalling the previous mention of a barony in the hinterlands, which prompted puzzled looks from Dermot and Shanni.

Rahnee indicated that was a possibility, but said they also had been asked to assist one of the families in Westgate upon their return. She asked Thyxlys Jon if there had been any news of Carlin, the High Cleric of Turnton. Jon’s face hardened at the mention of Carlin’s name and he commented that he was concerned about Carlin and “that woman”, stating that “the abomination” should not be allowed to return in any form. This got more blank looks from Shanni, and Rahnee decided that would be a good point to move on, asking the others if they felt like leaving that afternoon.

As the group began discussing their traveling plans, a weak-looking Janatha stumbled into the room, with an apologetic house guard hurrying in her wake. She had insisted on rising from her sickbed and apparently had no idea what had just happened to her, asking her father Queron to explain. He told her that she had been in bed for over a day now and had been rescued thanks to the brave adventurers in front of her.

Janatha curtsied slowly to the group and then wobbled over to Rahnee, having recognized her and Aerikoth from their stay at the Gatereach Inn in Westgate. Rahnee introduced her to their other three companions, with Shanni asking Janatha if she remembered anything of their shared captivity on the ship. The girl, still evidently woozy, said she did not remember a ship and that it was all very hazy to her. Queron, moving to support his daughter, commented that it was perhaps for the best, while Shanni said that she was not surprised, given the effects of the drugs used in their kidnappings. Janatha was convinced to go back upstairs to rest, escorted by the guard.

Rahnee suggested to her companions that they get moving and, in response to a question from Queron, indicated that he could send a message for them to Jandrico Swift at the Gatereach. It still took some time to gather their belongings and for Aerikoth to study a key spell, but by early afternoon the group had said its goodbyes to Queron and were heading east along Traders Road. They arrived after nightfall at the Reddansyr Crossroads, where Aerikoth indicated that he could continue no longer, due to his fatigue from the day’s exertions. The wizard then moved off to the north side of the road and conjured a large hut to serve as secure shelter for the party, who was in any case glad to get out of the thunderstorm that had just burst.

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