There's a TERMINATOR RPG Coming!

A Terminator RPG has just been announced by Nightfall Games, the publisher of SLA Industries. There's no information yet -- just a Facebook page!

A Terminator RPG has just been announced by Nightfall Games, the publisher of SLA Industries. There's no information yet -- just a Facebook page!


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Interesting! I ran a Terminator RPG using the Chronicles of Darkness (nWoD) rules back around the time Sarah Conner Chronicles was on. I'd built the Terminators using rules from Promethean and making the players use the base rules. Was interesting and fun.


The only issue I'd have with the setting is that it's tough to find a wide variety of plotlines to explore, as demonstrated by all but the first two movies.

I wonder whether they'll include world-building support for both the present-day and post-apocalyptic sides of the setting.


The only issue I'd have with the setting is that it's tough to find a wide variety of plotlines to explore, as demonstrated by all but the first two movies.

I wonder whether they'll include world-building support for both the present-day and post-apocalyptic sides of the setting.
The way I did quasi-homebrew was based off the premise of Sarah Conner Chronicles: Players are time-shifted resistance agents in the present, trying to find ways to sabotage the creation of Skynet and protect future resistance members and each other from time-traveling Terminators. I ran basically a "season" where there was a single Terminator they were trying to find and stop, and a human scientist who developed a critical piece of Skynet tech they had to find a way to stop. The stories are going to have common elements, but you can always find ways to mix them in new and exciting ways.

If want lore I can read freely the fandom wiki, if I want crunch I can use other system I am used, for example Starfinder.

I have seen and the owner of the rights of this franchise is Skydance Productions, and now this is working with Paramount Pictures, what currently has got a partnership with Hasbro. Skydance Production has got links with Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast.

I may be wrong, but I would dare to say maybe this time Nightfall Games will not use S5S system, the one for SLA Industries, but that we know because is the most known by the players.

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