Thieves World


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Welcome to my Thieves World thread. Thieves World is a series of books, short stories actually, written in the 80's. THe following site is very informative on all things Thieves World:

I'm going to be slowly, very slowly, working on converting some old notes and new ideas into a d20 Thieves World game. I'm going to be posting them here and people can comment, critique, and critize.

First, I will be starting the campaign a few weeks or months before the first book starts. So, Sanctuary will be roled by the Pirates and othe none good doers, and the PCs will experience the taking over by the Rankan Prince. Another thing, I doubt this will be as dark as the books. No one in the books has a happy ending, well almost no body. So, while it's important to establish the random acts of violence and hav a few dead bodies show up and have a few living ones missing, that won't be the norm for the players. Sure, they may be attacked and be the cause for the dead bodies, but I really don't want them to be the dead bodies.

So, this is the start. More to follow at some point. I'm be mostly talking about character creation as that's probably the most important thing to begin with. No characters, no game.

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So, for my games I like each player to develop a concept first. These character concepts can be like those presented in the quintessential books for those who like them, but it isn't needed. The players in my games start out dirt poor and at the end of a long hook. People are usually in Sanctuary for two reasons.

1) They came here and are unable to leave

2) They are here to escape something

There are people who live in Sanctuary by choice, and like it. So, maybe that's a third option, but not as fun. I start the characters out poor, really poor. They live in Downwind and have a few coppers to their name. They might have an iron pot and a few bowls to fix food, and maybe a dagger or sharpened stick to defend them.

There are only humans for people to choose for a race, but there are a few different types. The most common are the Ilsigi and the Rankan. The Ilsigi are the most common, since they came down here for Sanctuary to get away from the conquering Rankans. There are some Rankans down here hiding, hunting others, or just trying to get by. That is before the Rankans come down and conquer Sanctuary, when that happens there will be more Rankans around and still not as many as Ilsigs.

Attributes: No modifications
Medium Sized
30ft base speed
1 extra feat at first level
+4 skill points at first level, +1 skill point every level after 1st
Automatic Language: Rankan (possible Royal Rankan as well)
Favored Class: Any

Attributes: +2 Con, -2 Str
Medium Sized
30ft Base Speed
1 extra feat at first level
+4 skill points at first level, +1 skill point every level after 1st
Automatic Language: Ilsig
Favored Class: Any

Then there are the S'Danzo. A race of gypsy like people never staying anywhere to long, always ready to leave at a moments notice. Playing one of these people will give the advantage of having others you can trust, as the S'Danzo basically take care of their own. However, the other S’Danzo might require certain things from you and decide whom you should and should not associate with. They are also very close knit and might not except the S'Danzo's friends.
Attributes: +2 Cha, -2 Str
Medium Sized
30ft Base Speed
Females have Divination abilities (work in progress)
Males have other abilities (work in progress)
Perform is always a class skill
Automatic Language: S'Danzo, one of choice
Favored Class: Bard

There are also the Caronne. They are from west side of the content, north of Ilsig. They are known for their art and philosophy. The finest wines and silk are imported from these people. So, there are few who would actually stay in Sanctuary, but it is a fun race to explore.
Attributes: +2 Dex, -2 Wis
Medium Sized
30ft Base Speed
+2 to any two Charisma based Skills (players choice)
+4 skill points at first level, +1 skill point every level after 1st
Languages: Caronne
Favored Class: Any

The Raggah are desert dwellers. They tribes that are large extended families. They speak their own language, rarely any other. Very, very few people not of the Raggah know their language. Occasionally, a single or pair will come into the bazaar to buy something. They rarely speak, and only to each other. Mostly, though, when the Raggah need things they raid caravans and the city itself.
Attributes: +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha
Medium Sized
30ft Base Speed
Proficient in Scimitar and Short Composite Bow
+2 to Ride and Handle Animal skills (Both are always a class skill)
Mounted Combat feat
+4 to resist thirst and heat in a desert
Languages: Raggah (They rarely speak any other language)
Favored Class: Fighter

Northern Barbarian (Name unknown at this time)
The mountain Barbarians are large people, built to fight and live in hostile mountains. They are also not conquered by the Rankan. They come and go from Sanctuary as they please. They also where armor and carry large weapons. One of the few people to be able to do so and not get harassed by the guards, at least not the ones who know what's good for them.
Attributes: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Cha
30ft Base Speed
+2 intuit Direction, +2 intimidate, +2 wilderness lore
Endurance, Toughness feat
Languages: Barbarian
Favored Class: Barbarian

The Nisibisi are a mysterious race of humans that live mostly behind the Wizard Wall. The Wizard wall is at the top of the continent and one of the few places the Rankan has yet to conquer. They are a magic using people, and summon demons to through at their enemies.
Attributes: +2 Int, -2 Con
30ft Base Speed
+2 Spellcraft and Concentration checks
+4 skill points at first level, +1 skill point every level after 1st
Language: Nissi
Favored Class: Wizard

Other Races:
Winged Folk of the North
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I like those races can I use them. Plus I have made soem changes to my Prc. If your wondering.

Since im make a multy plain place with lots a materials so all the race I have can help. So can I use these (ill change there names).


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ColonelHardisson said:
Nice job so far, Crothian. Keep up the good work.

Thanks, it's not as easy as it looks. There is so little solid info on the races in general. I can't even find the correct spelling of the Nissi or the name of the Mountain Barbarians.

Next I'm getting to the classes and how I'm go to alter some and place restrictions on other, while flat out eliminating still others.

Edit: The irony here will be after all this work and my group won't want to play a Thieves World game. :D
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As I said before some of those races will work for some world ideas I have. Could I use those ill change names and other things if you think thats better.

Always like what you do.


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las said:
As I said before some of those races will work for some world ideas I have. Could I use those ill change names and other things if you think thats better.

Always like what you do.

Sorry, I answered it just forgot to type it. Doh!! Of course, fill free to use anything I post here or elsewhere. That is why I post it, so people can use it.

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