D&D General This week on HOW-I-RUN-IT.com: VF5E: Homebrewing my own D&D

You have excellent suggestions there for making the Lizardfolk interactions more directed and comprehensible.

Glad to hear it!

I do eventually plan to do a post about The Final Enemy as well, but will be writing about "Salvage Operation" and "The Isle of the Abbey" first.

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It's DRAGON MAG MONDAY and today on HOW-I-RUN-IT.com we're covering Dragon Magazine #107 (March 1986), an issue I got during my freshman year of high school and that despite having a forgettable cover, turned out to have more that influenced my games and DMing than I would have thought.


I've been making some changes to the site.

I recently updated the "About STAT BLOCKS" page to add notes about alignment and to explain my changes/additions to the stat block (including breaking down the math for AC total, adding "Proficiency Bonus" as a category, and changing "Hit:" to "Damage:" in the stat block).

I am slowly going back and updating my old Troglodyte Tuesday posts to reflect the changes in stat block.
So far I have only completed the Stone Blight and the Troglodyte Juggernaut.

Look for a post on Wugs (my version of frog people) on Tuesday and a modification of my Minion rules on Thursday.

Today is "Troglodyte Tuesday" on HOW-I-RUN-IT.com and we're presenting my version of bullywugs - or as I have long called them "Wugs" with a little tangent about MCDM's Flee, Mortals!

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Today is #DRAGONMAGMONDAY! and over on how-i-run-it.com I did a deep dive on Dragon Magazine #109 from May 1986, an issue I bought off the stand at the Compleat Strategist in NYC and that had a huge influence on a 15-year version of me's D&D playing (and gaming in general).

I also recently updated the "ABOUT Stat Blocks" page for background info on how I do stat blocks for my Troglodyte Tuesday and Revenants of Saltmarsh posts.

Just a bump to say that the third installment of Revenants of Saltmarsh, covering suggestions for running the version of "Salvage Operation" found in Ghosts of Saltmarsh and examples of how it went for my groups will be going live tomorrow. Look for it.

Today on HOW-I-RUN-IT.com, the third installment of my Revenants of Saltmarsh series, detailing some suggested changes to adventures in Ghosts of Saltmarsh based on my having run them for two different groups over the last few years.

This time we are taking a look at a fantastic, fun, and harrowing adventure: "Salvage Operation" by Mike Mearls, and originally published in Dungeon #125 (June 2005). While it includes some suggestions for coming up with a new more involved hook that plays out with campaign themes rather than being a one-off, I think the most useful part is a revision of the rules for the climactic octopus attack portion.

I also includes links to videos demonstrating the ship map/props I created for it.

You can also download a PDF version of this post (sans videos, obvi) from this link (though I appreciate the click through to the site).

Today I cover another vintage issue of Dragon Magazine (are they all vintage now?), #110 (June 1986) which so happened to be the 10th anniversary issue. It includes stats of Elminster, Ed Greenwood's first dive into the dracoliches and the Cult of the Dragon in print (that I know of), a new secret society for Paranoia, and best of all a full module "House in the Frozen Lands."


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