D&D General D&D Assumptions Ain't What They Used To Be

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In a Lovecraft inspired setting, no, the good guys would be the supremicists. After all, that's what Lovecraft advocates in his works. Like, repeatedly. So, you kinda might see why I don't really think Lovecraft is a particularly good source for inspiration for D&D.

Lovecraft stories are really not about "good guys" or "bad guys". That's both an extremely odd take on the literature and very far removed from anything I would relate to TTRPG alignment systems.


Lovecraft stories are really not about "good guys" or "bad guys". That's both an extremely odd take on the literature and very far removed from anything I would relate to TTRPG alignment systems.
Lovecraft stories are generally about thinly veiled screeds decrying the pollution of the master race and how miscegenation is destroying reality. Shadows Over Innsmouth isn't really subtle about it.


Staff member
Mod Note:

I’m expanding on Umbran’s directive. There’s more than a couple people in here being uncivil.

Everyone, dial it back a notch.


Morkus from Orkus
That sounds like a campaign/adventure path which is fine, but not everyone follows them. I may just be once bitten twice shy about some of these topics. Folks may look for a revenge/hero fantasy, or they may look to explore the darker side of life. Worst case scenario is becomes a parody and/or perpetuation of stereotypes of topics I find sensitive. Its been quite sometime since I have included topics such as these and it hasnt made my games any less interesting. YMMV.
All you have to do is have in place a No Evil PCs policy and you won't get bitten by that sort of thing. It's already a very small percentage of games that goes the evil PC route, but if that's not your thing, ban it.

Removing slavery and other societal evils from the game doesn't prevent evil PC games as they will just add it in if removed, so there's no real point in removing things like slavery. Conversely, societal evils play an important role in the vast majority of games where the PCs do play heroes by giving them things to stand against.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
All you have to do is have in place a No Evil PCs policy and you won't get bitten by that sort of thing. It's already a very small percentage of games that goes the evil PC route, but if that's not your thing, ban it.
No, I mentioned this before, I like having evil PCs. I dont like low hanging fruit real scumbag type evil characters. While the slavery path is one an evil character will walk down, its not inevitable or necessary.
Removing slavery and other societal evils from the game doesn't prevent evil PC games as they will just add it in if removed, so there's no real point in removing things like slavery. Conversely, societal evils play an important role in the vast majority of games where the PCs do play heroes by giving them things to stand against.
Yeap, Ive mentioned this too. Nobody yet has asked me where the slavery is at. I dont make it a plot or game topic. I find it more challenging to come up with interesting stories of conflict that dont require topics like slavery. I dont begrudge folks that do, but that type of white hat play is too simplistic for me (also often times offensive). Clearly, our miles vary on this.

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