Thousand Year Old Vampire- a play through

I'm trying to start my own game of TYOV but I keep getting hung up on exactly what checking a skill is meant to represent.

And on the details of the eras in question

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'm trying to start my own game of TYOV but I keep getting hung up on exactly what checking a skill is meant to represent.

And on the details of the eras in question
You need to do outside research for the eras. I spent a lot of time on Wikipedia when I was doing my playthrough.

Can you be more specific about the skills issue?

Can you be more specific about the skills issue?

I'm not sure what not being able to use it again is meant to represent. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be used up or just started or that it's become conspicuous or if it's just meant to represent some quirk of fate that the vampire won't be able to use the same trick twice to get out of a jam.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
It's more of a concrete element of your current identity that you will later lose or, more rarely, will exist in a vacuum for your character, with your vampire having no context on how they know, for instance, how to paint frescoes, since all the attendant memories have been lost to the ages.

I don't think I ever "used" my skills in the way I would in another game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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