Gobblin => everything's for dinner
Rackshasa => Whether you're tortured, titilitated or just horny, you're in trouble
Fowlbear => and you thought normal bears smelled bad
Hobnoblin => Always reaching for the upper crust
Bunyipe => Surprise, it's not a bunny!
Spite => these fairies are dicks
Toll = > You'll pay to cross this bridge
Amodeus => This demon will rock you
Beelzeburb => This neighborhood has gone to hell
Hello Hound => Surprisingly cute. Why did I spend so much at the gift shop!
Fork => Not as dangerous, but still stabby
Mind Player => You're screwed.
Hind Slayer => Might need some Preparation H for that
Dork => mostly harmless. Will follow you and spout useless trivia about all the monsters you encounter
Horse Cat => does more than 1d4 damage. Still kills your level 1 wizard with one hit.
Plantasm => infects discussions about how to tackle the next room so 3 days go by
Ghust => An ill-wind blown from the nether regions of hell
Ghest => The new spirit possessing your body...