Thread Game: Change/Add/Subtract a Letter, Ruin a D&D Creature

Like the title says. Change one letter, add one letter, or subtract one letter to ruin a D&D monster!

Like the title says. Change one letter, add one letter, or subtract one letter to ruin a D&D monster!


Some examples:

Orcus => Porcus
Demogorgon => Depogorgon
Asmodeus => Asmopeus​

Post yours in the comments!

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Staff member
A 2-fer:

Zombie => Zombee (magical parasitic Hymenopterans who pollinate the plants and fungi of the under dark in their uniquely dangerous hives- see below)

Beholder => Beeholder (the mind-controlled aberrations attacked and subjugated by Zombees to become their mobile hives.)


Awwww, since you had to start that...

Zombie-> Hombie: The undead remnants of your best buds and friends who you know you can still rely on, even when they are dead.

Beholder-> Be Bolder: A floating one-eyed monstrosity constantly haranguing you to get up and do something with your life, and no slacker can escape it...
Seriously, those mobile beehives are a great idea.


Staff member
Flesh Golem => Flesh Gelem (a modified flesh golem created by devotees of Juiblex, its fragile exterior serves as a repository for an ooze or slime within it. When struck, its torso erupts, splashing all within arm’s reach with the now-freed ooze. This has led to the nickname, “Piñata of Acidic Doom”)


Flesh Golem => Flesh Gelem (a modified flesh golem created by devotees of Juiblex, its fragile exterior serves as a repository for an ooze or slime within it. When struck, its torso erupts, splashing all within arm’s reach with the now-freed ooze. This has led to the nickname, “Piñata of Acidic Doom”)
Oh, yer gonna hate me.

Flash Golem: Typically made from corpses selected for their beauty and musculature, the somehow wrongness of the... chosen attire, or lack thereof, for this Golem results in an additional -2 to hit the creature in combat as attackers avert their eyes instinctively. If they are fully clothed (typically in a long trenchcoat) and fling it off in the first round of combat, this penalty is -4 for one round.
"Have a lollipop!"
"I have some candy if you'd like to come with me..."


Flesh Golem => Flesh Gelem (a modified flesh golem created by devotees of Juiblex, its fragile exterior serves as a repository for an ooze or slime within it. When struck, its torso erupts, splashing all within arm’s reach with the now-freed ooze. This has led to the nickname, “Piñata of Acidic Doom”)
Flesh Jelem: The Flesh Gelem's more stylish and tasteful cousin, as the slime within is always strawberry or grape-flavored, and if killed, loses its acidic properties and becomes a wonderful spread for bread. The rare raspberry variety is particularly sought after as a relief from trail bread in iron rations.

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