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Thread Recompilation - Places

El Jefe

First Post
Discussion - Adventure - (Adventure) Immortality Awakens (Knight Otu Judging)

At first glance, I thought one of the most vague and least accurate "facts" in the thread to be the bit about the desert being "hundreds of miles to the southeast" of Orussus. However, on inspection, the map shows that the closest desert to Orussus is at least 200 miles, no matter which direction is chosen. So, to my surprise, the bit about the desert being "hundreds of miles" away is literally true. Hmmm...

I located Briarton by just going southeast for 5 units, then west for 2 units. Voila, that takes one to 3-4 units south-southwest. Substitute "days" for "units" and there you are. For those of you who understand the math, I just summed a couple of vectors and found the resultant. Yes, that's a bit of a guess, but given the source material, that's all I had to work with...

Cross-checking with the "Thurgan and Krug" thread shows that the numerically- and vertically-challenged party (Thurgan and Krug were both dwarves, and the only party members...) travled "2-3" days on the Fallon road to get to the orc infestation. They must have then travled nearly due south to get to Briarton...which all fits.

Briarton must be small, because it isn't on the map. The description of the town, with fewer than a dozen non-residential structures described (and that was before some of them were razed), reinforces the "small" concept.

I'm more concerned with the "two small streams" that converge in Briarton. Obviously, they, too, are too small to be indicated on the map. And given that there are a large number of small, unmarked fords on the road from Orussus to Allimon, maybe that's a good thing!

The "small town" 6 days east of Briarton isn't on the map, either, which is hardly surprising.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
All of your assertions in the discussion are right on the money--I paid careful attention to the desert particularly and measured with my finger to get the distances. Actually, if it wasn't true that the nearest desert was hundreds of miles away, I'd be incredibly concerned about how small the world of LEW is (actually, I'm still concerned about that! but at least it isn't that small) since the desert is literally approaching the world's edge.

El Jefe

First Post
Well, we all seem to have a "disconnect" with regards to the LEW geography. The EnWorld hexagon or "disc" is 25,000 miles across, or about 3 years walk from edge to edge. The two EnWorld maps that we've been using are "only" about 1200-1300 miles wide (maybe 2 months walk), and only represent a relatively small area around Orussus. So, when you say that there's a desert to the southeast, there is easily room for what's on the map, a Sahara-sized desert, another termperate area the size of the map, a jungle area the size of the map, a third temperate area the size of the map, and then another Sahara-sized desert before one gets to the Tower of Fire. And you could substitute a third huge desert for the jungle if you wished. LEW is a big place.

For that reason, I don't get too bent out of shape over the placement of an area that's "off the map". There's a lot of spare room out there, you know? I do look out for "the land of Fergynog is about 2212 miles due north of Orussus" in one adventure and "Poleyn city, the capital of the vast lands of Smorgnyg, is 2204 miles north-northeast by north of Orussus" in another. But so far we haven't even had a near miss with stuff like that, the EnWorld disc is just too huge.

And I still don't know who provided the two maps that I reposted in the "Guide to Living EnWorld" thread, or if they've been adapted from some commercial product (they look like they might be). If anyone knows...?

Rystil Arden

First Post
El Jefe said:
Well, we all seem to have a "disconnect" with regards to the LEW geography. The EnWorld hexagon or "disc" is 25,000 miles across, or about 3 years walk from edge to edge. The two EnWorld maps that we've been using are "only" about 1200-1300 miles wide (maybe 2 months walk), and only represent a relatively small area around Orussus. So, when you say that there's a desert to the southeast, there is easily room for what's on the map, a Sahara-sized desert, another termperate area the size of the map, a jungle area the size of the map, a third temperate area the size of the map, and then another Sahara-sized desert before one gets to the Tower of Fire. And you could substitute a third huge desert for the jungle if you wished. LEW is a big place.

For that reason, I don't get too bent out of shape over the placement of an area that's "off the map". There's a lot of spare room out there, you know? I do look out for "the land of Fergynog is about 2212 miles due north of Orussus" in one adventure and "Poleyn city, the capital of the vast lands of Smorgnyg, is 2204 miles north-northeast by north of Orussus" in another. But so far we haven't even had a near miss with stuff like that, the EnWorld disc is just too huge.

And I still don't know who provided the two maps that I reposted in the "Guide to Living EnWorld" thread, or if they've been adapted from some commercial product (they look like they might be). If anyone knows...?
Ahhh, the map implied otherwise. If I had known that, I'd have made my desert location much farther. I was of the opinion (based on info for the city) that that city in the middle of the desert there was very close to the Tower.

El Jefe

First Post
Proposal - Planes and Planar Locations

This thread contained a description of the EnWorld Outer Planes:

The Outer Planes
These are the planes where the gods supposedly live, and where the souls go for their afterlife.
Default Traits:
Infinite (most layers are infinite as well)
Divinely Morphic
Normal Time, Normal Gravity

Multiplanar Features
The River Oceanus
This river flows through the Heavens, the Blessed Gardens and the Glades of Freedom. Side arms may also reach individual layers on other planes. A channel, thought to be the cooperative work of Delanor and Sela, connects the domains of the deities, and also flows through the City of Trades.

The Stygian Waters
The river of the lower planes, it is sometimes considered the dark mirror of Oceanus, but sages usually dismiss it as seeing mirrors that don't exist. It is unclear where the river starts or where it ends. It seems to flow both from the Hells to the Abyss, and from the Abyss to the Hells, leading some to believe that it feeds itself, as a perpetuum mobile. However, frequent bogs, seas and other bodies of water, filled with Styx Water can be found throughout the lower planes, suggesting there is more to the river.
Waters of End: The waters of the Styx cause various ill effects, most commonly forgetfulness. Drinking a glass of such Styx Water deals 1d3 points of temporary Intelligence damage. Immersion in this sort of Styx Water deals 1d6 points of temporary Intelligence damage per minute. Distilled Styx Water of this sort could make people forget their actual abilities.

The Lawful Good Plane
Commonly called "The Heavens" or "The Oceanus Spring", from the large river that starts here and flows through the planes of good.

Default Traits:
Mildly good and lawful aligned
Impeded magic (chaos and evil)

The Observatorium
The layer Antonidas calls home. The layer is large, but finite, sporting a huge tower and a dome. Supposedly, one can use the facilities of the layer to view all of creation.
Divination Spell Power - Casters get a +2 bonus on the effective caster level of divination spells they cast on this layer (for the purpose of level-depending variables only).

Delanor's Harbor
This is the layer where Delanor's ship anchors on the rare occasion he leaves it in the heavens.

The Lawful Neutral Plane
Commonly called "The Arch-Kingdom" or "The Pillars of Order", due to the huge mountains commonly found on this plane.

Default Traits:
Strongly lawful aligned
Impeded magic (chaos)

The City of Trades
A finite layer that houses a huge city. The City of Trades is the origin of a planar race called the mercanes. The houses tend to be large, not only due to the fact that the mercanes themselves are large, but also because they house servants of diverse races.

Library of Blades
This layer is said to be the home of Gliran. It takes its name from a huge building in which one can find weapons with runes scribed onto them, so they can act as spellbooks. Several inevitables guard the library, making thievery a dangerous and usually deadly undertaking.

Shural-kazi's Monastery
Despite the fact that the deity originally inhabiting this plane is no longer Shural-kazi, but Shural, the traditional name is still in use. Little is know about the layer, except that, after the binding of Taurusk, the monastery has shrunk slowly. Nowadays, this shrinking seems to have stopped.

The Lawful Evil Plane
Commonly called "The Hells" or "The Pits", due to a tendency of the plane to have layers with extreme depths.

Default Traits:
Mildly evil and lawful aligned
Impeded magic (chaos and good)

Jareth's Labyrinth
This layer evokes the feeling of a board game, made up of many more board games. The home plane of Jareth, one should be careful not to be challenged to a game.

Ba'atzri, City of Devils
The city of devils is a nightmarish sight, but oddly easy and clear to navigate. Energy bursts at what could be considered parks serve not only the devils' amusement, but also are harvested for several odd materials.

The Neutral Good Plane
Commonly called "The Fields of Good" or "The Blessed Gardens", from the large amount of cultivated land found on this plane.

Default Traits:
Strongly good aligned
Impeded magic (evil)

Halina's Garden
Halina's Garden is home to some of the largest trees, bushes and other plants in the universe. The layer is nearly overflowing with life and every sensation is strengthened.
Minor Positive-Dominant
Enhanced Magic: Spells on the druid spell list (even when cast by non-druids) are empowered. Spells that allow plants to grow in some way are maximized instead.

Sun-Blessed Fields
The layer over which Hyrag holds sway, it is always bathed in sunlight.
Purifying Light: On these blessed fields, Fortitude saving throws made against disease, poison and similar effects receive a +5 sacred bonus. Undead cannot enter this layer under normal circumstances, and are shunted off to a random location in the outer planes.
Eternal Sun: No spell, spell-like ability or supernatural ability can reduce the light level in this layer below shadowy illumination.

The Hunting Grounds of the Cycle
This layer is said to be home to Verdante, and is in constant, but slow flux. In keeping with Verdante's view on the cycle of life, many different environments can be found, including a few villages and a city.

The True Neutral Plane
Commonly called "The Common Grounds" or "The Pillar of Creation", due to the enormous mountain that serves as the connection between the outer planes and the energy plane - even though it is a misnomer, as many sages will be quick to note.

Default Traits:
Mildly neutral aligned

Lover's Rest
A small, finite layer attributed to the goddess Ulura. Legend says that Ulura sometimes hides persecuted couples away here.

Land of Speech
The Land of Speech one of the layers considered Russna's home (the other being the Observatorium, where she helps Antonidas). Some say that she shares the layer with her sister Phyrah, giving her a welcome home when she wants to rest from her travels.
Gift of Speech: All creatures that have a language can communicate with each other regardless of language barriers.

The Neutral Evil Plane
Commonly called "The Wastes" or "The Depths of Evil", since many layers can only be reached by travelling downwards.

Default Traits:
Strongly evil aligned
Impeded magic (good)

The Web of Lies
This layer bleeds into the Howling Madness, as it is the plane attributed to the drow pantheon. Lilitu and Mishtuli are said to reside here.

Eternal Night
This dark layer is reputedly the home of the assassin god Seto. It is whispered that ravens with scythes for wings plow through the darkness.
Unpierced Darkness: No effect can raise the light level in this layer above shadowy illumination.

Falcon's Flight
Few can say they have been on this layer - fewer still can say they wanted to be there, and were there. The layer seems to be always just a few steps awayof those who want to reach it, constantly receding so that one never reaches it. One should be careful when giving up all hope, though, as this is often the only step required to enter Taka's realm.

The Chaotic Good Plane
Commonly called "The Glades of Freedom", since forests and glades are among the most dominant terrain feature of the plane, or "The Heroic Domains" since common belief says all heroes reside here as reward for their good deeds.

Default Traits:
Mildly good and chaotic aligned
Impeded magic (evil, law)

The Dancehall
Though Grendath's home is considered to be the Material Plane, the Dancehall is said to be his favorite spot on the planes.

The Winding Roads
Supposedly the paths followed by Mongrel when he is outside the Material Plane, the Winding Roads lead through manifold terrain. It is said that any road's end leads to a portal to the Material Plane, and that the Wanderlust Inn follows the Winding Roads on its travels.

The Chaotic Neutral Plane
Commonly called "The Unsteady" or "The Churning Chaos", due to the fact that almost anything on this plane can change on a moment's notice.

Default Traits:
Strongly chaotic aligned
Impeded magic (law)
Highly Morphic
Many random traits.

Winds of Change
Half a layer, and half a phenomenon of the plane, the Winds of Change rarely stay in one place for long. Reputedly, Halor and Shurassa make their home in this region that ranges from a gentle breeze to a maelstrom making all other storms look like gentle breezes.

The Chaotic Evil Plane
Commonly called "The Abyss" or "The Howling Madness", for the winds commonly storming through this plane.

Default Traits:
Mildly evil and chaotic aligned
Impeded magic (good, law)

The Web of Lies
This layer bleeds into the Depth of Evil, as it is the plane attributed to the drow pantheon. Lilitu and Mishtuli are said to reside here.

Bloodstained Battlegrounds
Despite the absense of its alleged master, the Battlegrounds still exhibit all the traits attributed to Taurusk. Many demons have sought to gain control of the layer, but it seems the layer relishes the conflict they bring, tying itself stronger to Taurusk this way.
Thirsting for Blood: Any wound caused by a melee weapon continues to bleed, causing 1 point of damage per round. A Heal check (DC 20) or a Healing spell of third level or higher stops the bleeding.

Warrens of Hatred
Home to Kazikazi, these tunnels appear broken, unfinished and yet seem to possess a cunning instinct, rearranging themselves, in vengeance against anyone who would dare intrude into the home of the goblin deity.

Knight Otu

First Post
El Jefe said:
This thread contained a description of the EnWorld Outer Planes:
What irks me is that I did some more work on the cosmology proposal.... a few days before the crash, which happened so soon after that nothing was in the google cache. :mad:

El Jefe

First Post
Archive - The Outrider (Approved) Addendum (Approved)

Two, two, two rules threads in one! First a prestige class was approved, then it was modified. But no location information (unless you count a reference to movie Mongol horse archers in real life).

Rystil Arden

First Post
Oh, looking back at your vector summation for Briarton, I realised that the angle should have been southeast -> southwest and wound up south-southeast and a bit farther as the crow flies.

El Jefe

First Post
(Adventure) Heroes of The Vesper Peaks (Uriel judging)

For a while, this held the distinction of being the longest-running adventure in Living Enworld. Alas, that was also its downfall, as the reason it was so long-running was the slow posting rate. But before it eventually folded, it provided a wealth of information about the lands near the tower of fire.

Let's start with a description of the lands around the city of Ignussus:

Ignussus is a small city located in the deserts surrounding the burning mountains that form a wall around the tower of elemental fire. Located only a few hundred miles from the edge of the world, Ignussus is reputedly one of the most dangerous cities to live in. The town is controlled by a thieves guild called the Curved Blades of Arcton, a group of thugs and murderers that make their business the control of all goods coming in and out of the city. Ignussus itself would never have grown so large without them, however, as they were the original provisioners of water in the township for many years.

The main source of income here in the desert is in the refinement of gem deposits mined in the mountains to the south. The gems are brought into Ignussus once every month, under heavy guard, and more than a quarter of the town is set aside specifically for those craftsman that are in the art of gemcutting, cleaning, and jewelry making. There are many other crafts that are practiced in Ignussus as well, many of them involving the making of weapons for the guild and guards, and making tools for the workers employed in the steaming hot gem mines in the mountains.

Food is imported from the north and west, often by air. Many different sorts of mounts deliver these supplies, most commonly hauled by teams of trained gryphons. This practice is new to the city, provided for by a guild of trained riders in the windy country to the far west. These imports are expensive, though, and the price to live in the desert while mining gems is a steep one. If not for the rich gem mines, things would turn for the worse very quickly.

Water is provided by a few different sources. The first is a well controlled by the Curved Blades of Arcton. Rumors circulate every summer, when the weather is at it's worst, that the water well is drying up. Whether this is true, or if in fact the guild simply chooses to drink more or provide less of the necessary provision, this has brought many new sources into the city. Some sources include the Clerics of (water deity), who provide water to the poor and needy. Their generosity has quickly given them popularity to rival the gods of fire and the desert which have always been known as the chief patrons of the clergy of this region. The third source of water in this region is by import and trade, it is not uncommon for a merchant to attempt to trade "worthless water" during seasons of horrible heat for rich jewels and gems to trade in the cities in the center of the continent.

Religion in Ignussus is primarily the worship of fire, because it is believed that such worship improves ones resiliance in this harsh environment. Many have died from the heat, and the elderly are always treated with incredible compassion before summer comes and often brings a deathly heatstroke. It is because of this that gods with the fire domain are worshipped, as they provide some degree of protection from the heat in their domain. In addition, the swells of burning magma that creep through the mountains where the gems are mined are extrememly dangerous. A supersticious belief has developed that the unfaithful miners are the ones swept away in the molten rock currents that occationally breach the mines.

The Guild that rules Ignussus, while cruel and often greedy, still provides more than enough protection and well trained warriors to keep the city safe. It is because of their persistance and action that the guild has come to power and brought about some degree of wealth in the peasantry. The guild leader, Ramzos Balba currently, is called the Sultan by the guild members because of his wealth and respected position. It is this title that often earns the title of "Desert Snake King" for the man who leads the Curved Blades of Arcton. Outsiders often refer to that name in disrespect, because the man is often seen as a slave driver and monster by people from lands with more liberty and freedoms.​
Now, let's have a few facts about Ignussus itself:
  • There is a harpsichord in the bar in Ignussus known as the "The Father’s Wish".
  • Both stables and onions can be found in Ignussus.
  • It is approximately 20 miles from the mines to the gem cleaners and cutters of Ignussus. Gems are transported from the mines to the city twice a week.
  • The mines near Ignussus are guarded by a fortress to the south, near the mountains.
  • There is an inn known as "Uther’s", in a large building in Ignussus.
Here's a description of Uther's:

The inn you enter is a large building, and the interior looks to be stone even though the exterior to the building is overlayed with heavy clay. Inside you find a very quiet and rather putrid smelling place with only a handful of customers. On the sign above the innkeepers rocking chair it reads, "No Magic, No Pets."

The innkeeper is a tiny little man, human, but small enough to be a thin dwarf. He has a big white mustache and seems to be covered from head to toe in his pajamas. The greyhaired fellow has a cat in his lap, and when he notices the incoming crowd he plucks the cat up in both hands and puts it down on the floor.

"How many of you are there? I've got six rooms, all of them are empty. The rest of the rooms are on permanent free rental by the guild."​
Here are some more facts, one about Uther's and the rest about the mines:

  • The room rate at Uther’s in Ignussus is 3 silver/night, and breakfast is 5 coppers. The rooms can sleep 2 each.
  • The fortress to the south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines has some sort of steam equipment that whistles.
  • The fortress to the south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines has a 40’ by 80’ room with four 10’ wide exits and a 2nd floor walkway. The room has been used as both barracks and storehouse.
  • The fortress to the south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines has at least two levels above and at least one level below ground.
  • The fortress to the south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines has multiple buildings.
  • The 40’ by 80’ room in the fortress south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines has a window that faces an inner courtyard.
  • There is a passage north from the 40’ by 80’ room in the fortress south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines. The passage leads to, "the caverns".
  • The second floor of the 40’ by 80’ room in the fortress south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines is 15’ above the ground. There is a courtyard to the east of that room.
  • The stairs leading up to the second level of the 40’ by 80’ room in the fortress south of Ignussus that guards the gem mines are stone and near one of the large 10’ doors.
  • There are multiple entrances to the gem mines south of Ignussus. Most are sealed off.
There's a sort of "entrance cavern" to the mines, and here's a description of it:

The red rock that makes up the walls of this cavern are unreasonably jagged. Walking too close, a person could easily be cut on the stone. However, the cavern is at lest 10 feet wide and 10 feet high throughout this enterance. There is very little in the way of supports at this level, the rock appears to have naturally formed this first bit of cavern and stands on it's own.

The first interior room, as Kreepto explains, is an elevator shaft. It can go up or down into the mountain, at intervals of approximately 50 feet per shaft. The elevator travels straight down, but in order to move up into the mountain it travels at a slow incline of approximately 10 degrees.

"Those are the new caves. We never dig up until last year."

The elevator is a rope and pulley operated machine. It appears that the elevator is primarily used for the purpose of conveying large amounts of weight, such as rock being moved out of the mines. The actual incline to move up is easy enough to traverse on foot. The way down is a deep pit, and although a skilled climber may be able to descend, a fall would more than likely be lethal.​
After that, there is a second room deeper into the mines. It appears thus:

The ground seems to tremble a bit as you reach the edge of the first edge of the incline. Kreepto speaks up to explain that this is the first upper level, and that this level is safe from the gas. Everyone can see that the supports (some of iron, some of stone, and most of wood) are in good condition.

Everyone: This room is 20 feet by 80 feet (long), stretching forwards from the entrance. There are two (almost empty) lanterns set along the left wall. They each emit 30 feet of light, which is good enough to see most of the room, save the last 5 feet on each end which is only dimly illuminated.​
Finally, some more facts about the mines:

  • At the end of the second room, the mines south of Ignussus split into three tunnels: One to the left that slopes down slightly to a dirty pool, one to the center, and one that slopes up at a 25 degree angle.
  • The tunnel to the right leading up from the second chamber in the mine south of Ignussus is 7.5’ wide by 7.5’ tall.
  • The tunnel sloping up from the second chamber in the mine south of Ignussus eventually comes to a section that glows a dim red. There are seven corpses here.
  • The tunnel sloping up from the second chamber in the mine south of Ignussus opens up into a room after 240 feet.
  • The room that the tunnel sloping up from the second chamber in the mine south of Ignussus continues for 300 feet, then opens up rapidly to a room 100 feet in diameter, with an orange glowing pool at the far end. There is a small tunnel leading down and away from the east side of the room, and the west side of the room is covered by blue and white runes.
  • The runes on the west wall of the cavern with the glowing pool in the mines south of Inussus are runes of warding that give off cold and cause frostbite to the touch.

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