three types of spell proficiencies, along with Fatigue points and my version of 2d20

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
First, the 2d20 system:
you roll 2d20, with
either use the highest die and expand one Fatigue point,
or use the lowest die and regain one Fatigue point;
if both dice are equal, neither regain nor expand Fatigue pt;

now ( from Champions 4th ed )
Overall proficiency ( applies to all spells )

of all three types of spell proficiencies you cannot climb higher than 5th Level
i.e. Overall 5 + Stat/Class 5 + Specific 5

you substract your proficiency level from 18, then add the spell level ( from 1 to 9 hey )

Stat/Class are

Cha ( Bard )
Wis ( Priest )
Con ( Druid )
Str ( Elementalist ) ( à la Dragonball, mainly Evocation/Invocation, Transmutation )
Dex ( Illusionnist )
Int ( Psionicist )

Your Global Level provides your total #proficiencies;
because Overall applies to all spell profs , the first 5 Levels of your Global Level will be assigned to Overall;
next, you will begin to specialize in one ( or some ) Stat/Classes,
you can achieve a Overall 5 + ( for example Bard ) 5 ===> 18 - ( 5 + 5 ) = 8 at GL 10
or you can put 3 Levels in Cleric, 1 Level in Psionics and 1 Level in Elementalist,
Cleric 5 + 3 = 18 - 8 =10 , Psionics 5 + 1 = 18 - 6 = 12, and Elementalist 5 + 1 = 18 - 6 = 12

your GL gives you your #Fatigue Points;
you can spend one ( or some ) Fatigue point(s) to lower the DC of a given spell;

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