Time is up.

Mayu Amakura

*The young woman approaches the board and wastes no time pinning up the following message:*

We don't have eat and we don't have to sleep. We don't have to breathe and we won't untill we see what we want to see. And what we want to see is you go to sleep in the dirt, permenatly. You have not met the rest of us but best believe you are going to know us. You are opposing a gathering overseeing Oerth. The deaths of Milosh and Elektra will be avenged by us, and those whom depict fiction in these words will be the first go. Trust not your friends, trust the desk. Use not your chest.. no we recommend you use a vest, before we choose your rest.. no you chose death. Six feet deep, my friends, that is the depth.


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First Post
A note is found upon the board


I already said that i would go after Defcarr, but i guess i will speak of this, i will take my blade to all undead i find, and if you wish revenge, i will be more then happy to let you try your blade against mine.


Mayu Amakura

*The young woman returns to the boards and places a note there before walking off*

Challenge accepted, grace your own heels from this point on.


The Anonymous

First Post
a messenger comes up to the boards and pins a note to the parchment

Do your worst... i come for you

A blue anch has been scribbled to the lower part of the note

Babylon Logos

First Post
*The Elf lass looks over the boards, her head shaking at this threat. She jots her own note quickly.*

1. Defcarr is my hunt, do not interfere with a previous responsibility.

2. Try me.

Babylon Logos, the Discourse of the First, Slayer.

*The Elf tacks up the note, turning with a quick shuffle, walking off.*


First Post
*chuckles lightly to himelf as he reads over the notes posted before scribbling one down himself*

"To whome it concerns,

I have and had, nothing agaisnt anyone. Milosh's death was of his own fault. Challange not when you know not the talent of your prey. If those in seek still wish to avenge him them so be it. Know this, i will not hunt you for i do not care though ( Know this,) you come for me and i shall stomp upon all who oppose me, it will be swift, painfull, and will will show no mercy.

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First Post

Well said. And your death shall also be painful. As I did with the late Sakul, I intend to keep you alive long past your body's limits of torture.

Silver and Slayer may wish to team up, I don't know if either is enough alone.

Defcarr, leader of Darkness


First Post
*stops near the boards and sighs slightly before writting a new message*

"Find my face among the masses and i will applaude you. Knowing my name isnt even half your battle. enjoy your hunt, it could be your last.


*heads away with no words left to say*


First Post
Raises a silver brow at the scribbles upon papers of the board and writes out a small note on Defcarr


Teaming up? In all my time so frequent i have neve seen two fighters compliment each other against any one opponite, i do not care for clumbsyness. Regardless, think what you will, the end result shall prove the truth of words that are spoke. Do not speculate or assume as so many have already done. I come for the challange, and if worth my time, that is all i need, your destruction, or my death, in the end i will be smiling upon either.

You accept a challange though i stood before you, nothing comes of it, to think the dead have fear would sound rediculous, or shall we set a date to this?


* heads away from the baords then . o O ( Not to being in to light as pun, though all there is, is talk and nothing more, when will they act, when will they live up to the words spoken.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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