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Tis the season for repeat movies


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I always look forward to that old stop motion movie (arrgghh can't remember the title).The one with Heat miser and Cold Miser..............lack of sleep really does screw with your memory:)

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Laurel said:
Emmit Otters Jug Band Christmas... not remebering this one, but will have to watch for it, or see about renting it if it's that good :)

It's a Jim Henson production but not the Muppets. Kermit introduces the story but all the other characters are orginal to the story.It was done in 77 but really does not look dated at all.


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Hanuman said:
I always look forward to that old stop motion movie (arrgghh can't remember the title).The one with Heat miser and Cold Miser..............lack of sleep really does screw with your memory:)

The Year Without A Santa Clause

I feel the need to say, I adore A Christmas Story... but, much like Cthulhu's Librarian, I don't get to watch it because my husband doesn't like it. *pouts*

I am also a huge fan of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - haven't had a chance to watch it yet this Christmas season... ahhh, the fond, warm childhood memories.

But, I'm a sucker for Christmas, on the whole. Once December rolls around, I am like a little kid all over again. I get *so* excited... presents, pine trees, and apple cider are so grand!

*basks in the glow of her childlike attraction to Christmas*



How many of you have seen Santa Claus with Dudley Moore and John Lithgow?

It's one of my favorites... I have an old, old copy on VHS somewhere that my dad taped off of HBO when I was very little... (came on just after Rainbow Brite :)).


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Laurel said:
Dr. Anomalous, HA!!! I love it!!!! I'm still trying to get lights up in a small apt. complex :) There is a house just down the road that gets a tour of cars each holiday, as it has a blow-up figure for each season/holiday!

That's the plan here, too. We also have a pumpkin in a Witch's hat. The turkey was off-budget. This year... :D


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Queen_Dopplepopolis said:
How many of you have seen Santa Claus with Dudley Moore and John Lithgow?

It's one of my favorites... I have an old, old copy on VHS somewhere that my dad taped off of HBO when I was very little... (came on just after Rainbow Brite :)).

I love that one! I remember being quite disappointed as a kid that I couldn't have a lollipop that made me fly. My boyfriend's mom recently found in their attic the books that McDonalds gave out in happy meals that year for the movie. It was quite a nostalgic rush.

Speaking of favorites from childhood, I really like One Magic Christmas. It's super sappy and always makes me cry.

But my all-time favorite Christmas movie has got to be Scrooged.

"Sometimes you've got to slap them in the face to get their attention." -- Ghost of Christmas Present

Ranger REG

There was a time when I believe in Christmas, then I grew up.

We have repeat movies and TV shows mainly because the cast and crew are taking their holidays off early. That and the November sweep is over.

Personally, holidays are pathetic excuses not to go to work, from garbagemen to CEOs. It doesn't make sense to have days off when you DM's can't find the time to prepare for the next adventure or campaign, and look toward professional game designers to come up with adventures for them anyway.

Nevertheless, there are some holiday movies and shows that spark my youthful memories of Christmas ... but only for a nanosecond. Movies like the American Christmas Carol with Henry Winkler. Or the Christmas Carol by the late George C. Scott (well known for his Patton role). Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is still my all-time favorite animation.

My crap list include Scrooged by Bill Murray and Robbie the Reindeer animation series.

Voidrunner's Codex

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