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To Anyone Interested

Well, basically I have grown bored and cannot think of many more storylines that are good, in my opinion, or not cliched besides the ones I have. I have thought of starting something along the lines of a guild or so, but I doubt anyone is interested as nobody is interested in anything that I've proposed on these boards. Thus, I leave it in your hands instead. I want to roleplay a lot more than I currently am and I am wondering if there is anyone that is needing/wanting someone to roleplay with. I am basically willing to RP most anyone and would like to join a significant group, such as the Adepts though I'm involved in that already, though I really do not care if it is just a one on one thing right now.

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First Post
If you're asking for someone to create a guild for you take part in ... well, thanks to wonderful Dontella's work at maintaining the IC Group Reference thread, there are several groups for you to join.

If you're interested in forming a guild yourself, but are afraid there might not be activist in said guild ... well, that's the worst thing that will happen. You won't know until you try, right?

Saera Duraston

First Post
He plays one of the Adepts. He plays one of the Blessed. A new guild isn't going to help someone who bores so easily. (Ambiguous phrasing intentional.) Good luck in finding someone, John.


First Post
The boards are most certainly a helpful place for people get into stories, but if they aren't giving you the results you desire then take matters into your own hands. Talk personally to people you game with currently. I'm sure at least one of the players that you rp with would be more than interested in getting into something exciting. It couldn't hurt to ask, right? Also try to change it up a little. Rather than joining or starting a new guild, add the drama you want into a char that you already have. Don't look for other people to do it for you, and use inspiration outside of the places that tend to follow that cliché trend. Avoid movies, popular books, and the tv for your ideas. Find something that you think is interesting and build up a plot around that. You might be amazed where they come from if you keep your eyes and ears open for it.

Another tip for a storyline; nothing is ever perfect. Playing in a world of sunshine and rainbows might be amusing for a while, but it grows old quickly. Remember that supporting npcs do have a mind of their own, and not all of them are going to jump at the chance to praise what you have done. Sure you killed that pack of wild dogs trying to attack the village, but did you demolish the farmer's field and only livelihood while you did it? Try something where your char is the under dog, and struggle to reach your goal. Mind you, that doesn't mean running a week long game where you start out abused on the street then suddenly become king admired by all. Good drama and rich plot, in some cases, can be made better by letting it simmer. The lulls can be used as down time to let other players relax, or to help heighten growing anticipation.

If all else fails, talk to the leaders of the guilds you are already in. I am sure they would understand, and they might use you to further their plot along. Keep in mind most of these plots involve many people, so give being a supporting character a chance. The one who catches the hero when he falls is just as important as being the hero and getting all the action. It by no means makes you less of a player, only a more flexible one. You'll get your turn in the spotlight, and more respect for being able to allow other people to shine for a while too.
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I totally agree on the whole "use inspiration outside of the places that tend to follow that cliché trend." as well as "Avoid movies, popular books, and the tv for your ideas. Find something that you think is interesting and build up a plot around that." -All- of my ideas come from my creative mind, which seems to -always- form complicated plots involving many npc's and pc's, much of the time, I control them all. I am happy to say that I have gotten involved in a few really good rp's just recently and have also been asked to join a campaign. Though this isn't shutting anybody out either, I welcome ALL rping requests and no matter how busy I seem, I'll still roleplay with whoever, whenever I'm on.


First Post
You may want to make sure you can handle all the rp plotlines you are involved in . I am a prime example , where I will act on impulse to join in , or start something totally new ...but unfortunately leading me away from the plotlines I was already involved in . I mean its pretty clear what the negatives are to this . 1) You upset the other players you are involved with . 2) Some people may begin to think you are not in a storyline for its whole length , which in turn encourages people to become reluctant to start anything with you.

Also , keep in mind that each character deserves some development . Time is what makes a character more real, more unique shall I say . I hope you don't get caught up in creating a mulitude of characters and only managing to play each of them a short while. I speak for myself here , but I know I need a certain attachment to each of my chars for myself to be an effective rper. Adeleana's player brought that up within her reply , and she is very right by saying that sometimes what you need to do is just go back and re-design or add something to your character.

Anyways to cut my banter ..my point is to perhaps give the existing plotlines a chance to develop further . Perhaps they are just gathering suspense for a massive plot ending event ?
Who knows , but just try to be patient.
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