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To Catch a Crimelord, or Down the Rabbit Hole (garyh judging)

Lord Sessadore

Raiyek's head reels from the zombie's powerful blow, but after a moment regains his senses. "Palladys!" With a yell to his goddess he spins, slashing his sword through both of the zombies threatening him, each hit infusing him with the valor of the honorable warrior.
[sblock=OOC]5 ongoing damage.

Standard: Strength from Valor, close burst 1 vs. Fort.
Big Zombie: 1d20+8=19
Zombie 51: 1d20+8=26
Damage: 1d10+4=11

Raiyek gains 5 temp hp for each enemy hit. I'm sure that hit the small zombie, not sure about the big guy.

No other actions due to dazed.

Save vs. dazed: 1d20=10
Save vs. ongoing 5 damage: 1d20=11

Both saves successful! [/sblock]
[sblock=Raiyek stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin (Palladys) 3
Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 19; Low-light vision
AC:23, Fort:16, Reflex:17, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP: 22/39 +5thp, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges Left:11/11
Resist 1 all, Resist 5 poison
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
Holy Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands (3/3)

Piercing Smite
Strength from Valor
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Hunter's Quarry

Paladin's Judgment
Group Awareness: All non-elf allies within 5 squares of Raiyek gain a +1 bonus to Perception.[/sblock]

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First Post
"Raiyek, I'm coming! Hold them fast!" Grim moves towards Raiyek, ignoring the pain of his wounds.


Move: G22
Minor: Quarry big zombie
Standard: Second Wind (7 hp, +2 defenses)

Save vs Ongoing (1d20=2)

Hmm. Could use a little help here.

HP: 15/35 Bloodied: 15 Surge Value: 7 Surges: 6/7
AC: 17 NAD: 16/15/13 Speed:6
AP:1 Second Wind: used
MBA: +1 Lifedrinking Bastard Sword +9 vs AC 1d10+5

Hunter's Quarry
Twin Strike
Hit and Run

Predatory Eye
Off-hand Strike

Jaws of the Wolf
Hunter's Privilege[/sblock]


Kruk, remember to move out of the way! Georg takes a deep breath and reinvigorated, holds up his staff towards to corner zombie. Fire leaps out at the creature

[sblock=OOC] Actually, most of my attacks are burst/blast, so Kruk is right in the middle of the two and I am not willing to take him in the blast :p
Minor: Second Wind to heal 7
Standard: Burning Hands at Zombie 40 1d20+7=27 CRIT (vs Reflex) for 2d6+8=20 (fire damage) with bonus from Rune Scribed Soul
Move: pending status of zombie, but likely stay put

Don't forget that melee attacks are +2 vs Prone targets (like the big zombie, LS)
(status=guardian blades does 4 damage to adjacent melee attackers)
Initiative: +1 Speed: 5 Passive Perception:13 Passive Insight: 18
AC: 16 NAD:13/14/14
HP: 30/30 Surges: 8/9 Surge Value: 7 AP: 1
Languages: Common (Allarian), Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:10 Wis:14 Con:16 Int:18 Cha:10

Scorching Burst
Burning Hands (used)
Second Wind (used)
Staff of Defense
Guardian Blades (used)
Horrid Whispers (used)

Full Character Sheet


First Post
Lily turned and pointed to the other side of the tunnel, Over there! The inky form Lith sped across the space like a hunting hawk, hungry tentacles unfurling to attack the undead monstrosity sprawled across the cave floor.

Meanwhile Lily held up the skull and called out. A wispy spirit drifted out of the thing and slide through the air toward Grim merging with his form. On the other side a portion of Lith dribbled to the cavern floor and slithered greasily toward Raiyek, and then in as the other had done.


move: move Lith to F21.

standard: Watcher's Strike: vs Ref [Target: Big Zombie] (1d20+5+2=17)
if that hits: Damage (1d8+5=10). Until the end of Lily's next turn, she and her allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +5 bonus to Perception checks while adjacent to her spirit companion.

minor: Healing Spirit on Grim, he can spend a healing surge and Raiyek regains 1d6=2 HP.

[sblock=ministats]Lily- Female Human Shaman 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19, Senses: Normal
AC:15, Fort:14, Reflex:14, Will:16 -- Speed:6
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:9/9
Action Points: 1
Powers -
Call Spirit Companion
Spirit's Fangs
Haunting Spirits
Stalker's Strike
Watcher's Strike

Healing Spirit
Healing Spirit
Speak with Spirits
Twin Panthers
Second Wind

Spirit of the Healing Flood
Hungry Spirits Totem


Full character sheet[/sblock]
[sblock=Lily's Spirit Primer (Please Read!)]
Spirit companions are complex critters, so this is to remind everyone, myself included, of the important points. The first three items are probably the most relevant to the other players.
  • Any of Lily's allies who start their turn adjacent to her spirit companion can shift 1 square as a free action, as the first action during their turn.
  • Any of Lily's allies adjacent to her spirit companion gain a +3 bonus to their damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
  • Lily's spirit companion occupies 1 square, Lily's allies may move through its space, but her enemies may not.
  • Lily's spirit companion may be targeted by melee and ranged attacks. If a single attack deals 10 or more damage to Lily's spirit companion it disappears and Lily takes 5 damage. Otherwise her spirit companion is unaffected by the attack.
  • Lily's spirit companion uses Lily's defenses.
  • Any enemy that leaves a square adjacent to Lily's spirit companion without shifting is subject its Spirit Fang attack. (This is an opportunity action and so may used once per turn, rather than once per round. Since there is no reason not to take this attack DM please feel free to roll them as necessary.)
  • Lily's spirit companion is unaffected by terrain and environmental phenomena.


First Post
Kruk screams back towards Georg "Sorry friend! Forgot where I was in relation to you."

Johnmeier1, feel free to blast away. Kruk's got powers that can grant healing if needed. Kruk will gladly take damage if it means that you get a chance to hit two of them.

Besides, I'd love the chance to roleplay Kruk's response to Georg if that would ever happen.


Carolina steps up next to Raiyek and delivers two quick stabs at the oversized zombie.

[sblock=OOC]Move: F21
Minor: Adaptable Flanker
Standard: Sly Flourish vs. Big Zombie, 1d20+11 hits AC 16 for 22 damage (Roll Lookup
Action Point: Sly Flourish vs. BigZombie, 1d20+11 hits AC 13 for 25 damage (Roll Lookup

I'm guessing both of those attacks are misses, which means I just wasted an action point. Thanks, IC! :rant:

*EDIT* I forgot to add the +2 attack bonus for combat advantage, so the attacks should be 18 and 15, respectively.[/sblock]

[sblock=Carolina's stat block]Carolina- Female Halfling Rogue 1
Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 10
AC:18, Fort:12, Reflex:18, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:21/29, Bloodied:14, Surge Value:7, Surges left:6/7
Initiative +6
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: used
Powers: Sly Flourish, Deft Strike, Positioning Strike, Blinding Barrage, Adaptable Flanker
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First Post
Raiyek's head reels from the zombie's powerful blow, but after a moment regains his senses. "Palladys!" With a yell to his goddess he spins, slashing his sword through both of the zombies threatening him, each hit infusing him with the valor of the honorable warrior. The large foe seems to ignore the effect, but the smaller 'dwarf' reacts in pain.

With blood gushing from his wounds, Kruk shakes his head in order to regroup and refocus. Then Kruk eyes beem and zero in on the one who just ate his own flesh. "You'll pay for that lad" he states as he swings his axe in a high arc. The axe comes down on its target and a clap of thunder roars loudly through the cave. A terrible wound opens up on the 'dwarf's' chest as the axe strikes true.

Kruk, remember to move out of the way! Georg takes a deep breath and reinvigorated, holds up his staff towards to corner zombie. Fire leaps out at the creature

Carolina steps up next to Raiyek and delivers two quick stabs at the oversized zombie. The blade can't seem to penetrate the disgusting mass of skin on the stitched together giant dwarf.

Lily turned and pointed to the other side of the tunnel, Over there! The inky form Lith sped across the space like a hunting hawk, hungry tentacles unfurling to attack the undead monstrosity sprawled across the cave floor. This attack does seem to affect the large foe.

Meanwhile Lily held up the skull and called out. A wispy spirit drifted out of the thing and slide through the air toward Grim merging with his form. On the other side a portion of Lith dribbled to the cavern floor and slithered greasily toward Raiyek, and then in as the other had done.

"Raiyek, I'm coming! Hold them fast!" Grim moves towards Raiyek, ignoring the pain of his wounds.

The big zombie stands up, roars in rage and charges forward, smashing through Carolina, Raiyek, Grim, and Lily as it's fists slam against anything in its way, including the smaller 'dwarf'. It slams the smaller enemy on the ground and takes a devastating swing at Carolina, but the halfling ducks under the blow at the last moment. Grim takes advantage as he ducks out of the way, stabbing the foe with his sword as it moves past.

The dazed, prone enemy feebly slashes at Raiyek, but the cleaver fails to penetrate the elf's boot.

The dwarf's around Kruk continue to feast on the warrior, the duo tear chunks out of his flesh, more bleeding wounds appear on him. They seem oblivious to the pain as more of Georg's blades chop into them. The 'dwarves' appear to be in a blood rage as they hack and slash with their weapons, drawing two more wounds on Kruk.

[sblock=Unlocked Monster Stats]
AC is higher than 15, but lower than 18
Will lower than 19
Ref is lower than 18

Big Zombie:
Will is 15
Ref is 17 or below
AC is higher than 18
Fort is higher than 21


Zombie 51: -26hp, bloodied
Zombie 44: dead
Zombie 88: dead
Zombie 40: -35hp, bloodied
Zombie 18: -36hp, bloodied, marked by Kruk
Big Zombie: -36hp, used Golem Rampage

Big Zombie stands up, does a Golem Rampage - moves to current spot, attacks anyone within reach during movement - vs ac (z51, Raiyek, Carolina, Grim, Lily); dmg; recharge (1d20 10=26, 1d20 10=12, 1d20 10=30, 1d20 10=14, 1d20 10=11, 2d8 4=11, 1d6=3) hits z51 & crits Carolina, zombie takes 11 damage and is dazed, Carolina takes 20 and is dazed...

That attack draws a bunch of OA's - OA's on Big Zombie (Raiyek, Carolina, Grim, Lily) (1d20 8=11, 1d10 4=8, 1d20 5=12, 1d4=2, 1d20 9=23, 1d10 6=16, 1d6 3=6, 1d20 2=6, 1d4 =1) Grim hits for 22 (inc. HQ as it will be still be active on your turn again) well that certainly could have turned out much different.

Zombie 51 - attacks Raiyek - vs ac; dmg (1d20 8=13, 1d6 5=7) miss.
Zombie's 18 & 40 bite Kruk (minor) - vs ref (1d20 10=17, 1d20 10=27) hit for ongoing 5 damage (save ends) x 2 (need to make it twice), both take damage from the blades of Georg, this triggers their immediate reactions & I'll roll their standard actions as well. vs ac; dmg (1d20 12=26, 1d6 3=8, 1d20 12=15, 1d6 3=6, 1d20 12=28, 1d6 3=5, 1d20 12=21, 1d6 3=5) two hits, 1 for 8 & 1 for 5

Grim: 22/35 - ongoing 5 damage (save ends), +2 defenses TENT (second wind)
Raiyek - 22/39 +5thp
Georg - 30/30
Kruk - 24/48 - bloodied, Ongoing 5 damage (save ends) x 2, +2 defenses TENT (second wind)
Carolina - perfect - now

Grim - 19 - 2 hs used
Bad Guys - 17
Raiyek - 15 <- you're up
Kruk - 15 - 1 hs used
Georg - 14 - Guardian Blades (enemy adjacent attacking with melee attack takes 4 force dmg) - 1 HS used
Carolina - 10
Lily - 5
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Voidrunner's Codex

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