Tomb of the Giants: Combining Classics

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To the Aid of the Demonweb Pits - The PC's must help Lloth (and Lolth) fight off an incursion of pesky heroes.

Sounds like Demon Queen's Enclave for 4E.
A Drow city has been overrun by the minions of Orcus. Enter the heroes.

Temple of Elemental Frog

You could proably make something good with that. Start with TOTF - a spaceship crashes in a swamp, and the survivors set up a cult in the wreck, recruiting the locals to their cause. As they dig down, they find a portal to Zuggtmoy's domain.
The main problem is that TOEE itself is kind of disjointed - some vague elemental references and then suddenly fungus demoness!


Unrepentant DM Supremacist
Is it me, or did 2e just not have very many memorable "generic modules"? It seems like most were tied to specific campaign setting.

Yeah, that was largely the case I think. Not too many generics beyond some of the big boxed campaigns. And I wasn't a big module buyer to begin with. Didn't make coming up with a mash-up any easier. :)

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