Too many vampires


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Mystearia said:
i know im going off topic but about the vampire rules (if any) arent vampires supposed to be some form or another of evil?.. just my question

That depends on the system. I *think* D&D does have the alignment as evil. White Wolf/World of Darkness you can be good or bad. I'm not too familiar with other systems with vampires.
Free form - you can play anything you like. :) (within the CoC and Setting Rules, of course)
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Yes, D&D Vampires are listed as being "Always Chaotic Evil". They're also presented as feral, animalistic predators by 3E standards. By D&D alignment standards, you'll never find a "Good" vampire, no matter how altruistic they may be, because their feeding method causes undue suffering via blood loss (as we all know by now, unless it's a Ravage, if it causes ability damage, it's undue suffering in 3E).

Sienna_Rose said:
White Wolf/World of Darkness you can be good or bad.
Well, sort of, but it's a bit of an oversimplification. They can never truly be "good", since they're still parasitic creatures that feed off of the blood of other creatures, and only the weakest ones can survive without feeding from humans. Some might try to be agents of a greater good, and they might still undertake heroic actions, but the entire point of the games (Requiem and Masquerade, both) is that they are still very much inhuman monsters, and being anything but that is a struggle. It's part of the nature of the Beast.

Unfortunately, due to how romanticized vampires have become over the last sixty-odd years, this is all too often one of the first facts thrown out the window.


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Oh yes.. the age-long argument. Vampires can be seen as 'good' in the White Wolf spectrum, yes. They are still monsters, still need to feed off the life of others to survive, still have what they call Beasts that can turn them into frenzying psychopaths... but there's rules and morals set in place to justify themselves as being deemed good or holy. In White Wolf, there's vampires that are high priests and protrude the demeanor of being holy. Opinion is in the eyes of the holder, right? Same goes for the definition of good or bad in anything! Most folks just holds a bias against blood suckers to be evil because of what they must do to survive.


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I don't tend to let the D&D alignment system get in the way of a good role play, which is generally all it really does. That being said, try and keep in mind that the alignments are set from the viewpoint of a heroic style campaign. After all, I doubt the orcs really see themselves as being evil. Fact of the matter is, nearly all organized societies define good vs evil as "us vs. them".

Which brings us back to Vampires. Let's face it, if you attack me, drink my blood, and (in the D&D version of things) turn me in a horrific undead monster doomed to forever walk in the darkness feasting on the blood of my fellow humans, I'll probably treat as if you are evil, even if you aren't. It's safer for me to toss you on the bonfire first and ask questions later. Does that mean you *are* evil? Maybe. Maybe not. Evil, like beauty, is mostly in the eyes of the beholder.

That doesn't even begin to touch on the different sects of Vampires in WoD, which, like religious sects, tend to be divided more along their ideals. They all still believe and want many of the same things... "Humans are tasty treats. We should pick up a couple on the way home." Where they differ is in the way they get what they want. Some vampires prefer to work from within the system, while others frankly don't care about the system, and they take what they want, from whomever has it at the moment. But is either group really more or less evil than the other? That probably depends on who you ask.

One of the unfortunate side effects of the D&D alignment system is this attempt to try and clump intelligent beings into these neat little packages we know as the nine basic alignments. There were even attempts to account for the exceptions of behaviors (who remembers "Lawful Evil with Chaotic tendencies"). The problem is, the alignment system creates moral dichotomies that fail to resolve even very simple problems, so as a DM and a player, I tend to ignore it.

So instead of playing an "evil" character, I play a "selfish, self-serving, ego-maniacal" character. Does she do some bad stuff? You bet. But she will also do altruistic things, as long as those actions fit in with the overall scheme of serving her own best interests in the long run. Frankly, ditching the alignment system allowed my characters to be more consistent than trying to play them within it ever did.

I'm just posting because I play a Cainite... And yes, I use the term Cainite for a reason... Vampire within the world of EN is always taken as D&D, Cainite that makes a point they aren't D&D, but WW.

One of the reasons I don't like D&D is the limits placed upon what the game considers NPC.


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Merto said:
wasn't meant to be snotty.... when people watch good movies, movies that they go nuts over, they make characters like the ones in the movies... it's called inspirations... Trends... and just "hey that's cool, maybe I should do something like that too".....

Monkey see... monkey do....

but hey... if you think I'm a snob, then you can just bite me. lol... get it.... a vamp thread.... lol what a hoot.... but seriously...

*bites you, then walks around with a Dracula-like accent.*

You're probably partially correct. Influence is everything. Peer pressure ahoy!

I, personally get annoyed with anything that seems uber powerful be it vampire or not. I think that is what the real issue is. People play powerful characters because 'naturally' they're more fun and some people don't like it. No one wants their character to 'die' even if they're Undead.


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*laughs* Of habit, and probably my mistaking and choice, Ariel -is- both us and them as Morty so succinctly puts it. I've had people argue this point with me before. Of instinct and nature Ariel is evil; I totally agree that anything that survives by living off sucking blood is evil. This includes mosquitos, and we all know what we do to those little suckers...;). On the other hand, her base creature, da elf, was capable of good deeds as well as bad ones. Granted she's done a lot of nasty things while she was living, hence crossing over was probably easier on her. I'm getting side tracked...the point is. To cover up the fact that she dislikes the sickly sweet tastes of all the goodie two shoes out there, she'll stand right beside them, offer them drinks, aid, information; provided she's getting the same kinda goodies from them. I mean hell, she may not like the holy than thou types, but heaven knows they're good to have on your side when she irritates someone who's even less savoury than her. Evil does not mean stupid. It doesn't mean they cant bite their tongue and abide goodly people.

Perhaps Than's right though...maybe they should be animalistic and driven only by needs rather than the minds they once had.

*starts gnawing on willow, cause she tastes yummy*


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Elf_Ariel said:
Perhaps Than's right though...maybe they should be animalistic and driven only by needs rather than the minds they once had.
No no, Than's that other guy. ;)

And that's not quite what I meant, either. I personally despise 3E's take in having vampires as feral animalistic predators, because it's another support for the "Chaotic Evil = raving idiot" stereotypes that have taken over 4E's demon concepts. But that's more a matter of the company's continued lack of understanding their own material than anything else.

What I meant was that it's part of their nature to prey on others, and view their food sources as cattle. They're predators, and no matter how gentle and sweet a predator might pretend to be, that's ultimately all that it can be - an act, an attempt at being something other than what drives them to feed. It's all part of placing that secondary mindset behind the character that really isn't human anymore, and that applying human logic to only seems to create strange situations (Like the often referenced angels and demons sitting at a table drinking tea and having a good laugh like old college pals).

Then again, I'm extremely fond of leaving my human comfort zone behind when playing my non-human characters. Whether it's a drow, a demon, a vampire, a weretiger, an elf, or one of the obscure original races from my Veghinix writings, I try to drive as much human-baggage away as possible in the process. Understanding the "otherness" of something is often the best way to present it, just like method actors getting into the mindset of their roles, even if they have no prior experience.

Akea said:
... but there's rules and morals set in place to justify themselves as being deemed good or holy. In White Wolf, there's vampires that are high priests and protrude the demeanor of being holy. Opinion is in the eyes of the holder, right? Same goes for the definition of good or bad in anything! Most folks just holds a bias against blood suckers to be evil because of what they must do to survive.
They have morals to justify themselves being more humane, and even then, they demonstrate how unrealistic it is for vampires to not slide away from humanity in short order when so much of what they have to do is bound to cause degeneration.

And they're still bloodsucking undead that have to feed off of the living in order to survive - if your survival is dependent on the harming of others to survive, you are, at best, morally neutral. Is a mosquito evil? No, it's not capable of reasoning - and there's where vampires fall into the territory of evil, and why the "They're just doing what they have to in order to survive" defense holds no weight. They can reasonably be expected to understand that feeding by drinking another's blood is causing them harm, and is therefore, not a 'good' act, especially when feeding from other sapient beings. And they understand that because, before they became undead, they were the very same sapient beings that they now have to harm in order to survive. Without that understanding, it's morally neutral, at best; with it, it becomes evil, since understanding the consequences of our actions and having the judgment to act under that understanding is the very definition of sapience.

They might try to justify it, mind you, sometimes for their own sanity. Or they might try the "I'll only feed a little bit, but never kill anyone" approach. They might even try to only feed off of animals (and hey, then PETA can go after them for animal cruelty :p ) for a time, to ease their conscience. But underneath, they know what they're doing isn't benign or morally right. Yes, by subjective morality, they can believe whatever they want to believe, but only a sociopath with no regard for life would be able to reason it as a good action, and conveniently enough, that would create the Ding! on the Evil-o-meter too. But objectively, they're fooling themselves if they believe otherwise. Even without the alignment wheel, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that feeding off of another sentient being isn't a "good" thing. Opinion may be in the eyes of the beholder, but objectivity does hold merit in some things, this being one of them.

And since you brought up the Lancea Sanctum, I presume, there's a difference between religious fervor and genuine benevolence. Requiem presents a good deal of that religious fervor, but if you want to call having a holy demeanor justifying being deemed good or holy, then the Crusades were entirely justified as a good thing. Religious =/= righteous, never has, never will. Just like the other Covenants, the Lance are still monsters, and they know it. Hell, go back to Masquerade, the Sabbat had as much fervor as you can get, and no one would suggest that they had holy demeanors.

Cloaked Woman

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well what I was going to say has already been said lol
it goes in waves... I remember about 10 years or so ago it was the in thing to be! hehe I blame Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel for that wave lol this latest wave I think is in part to the vampire movies that have been out and a few really good vampire series...
I'm someone who loves to read the good vampire series but as for playing one... well my vampire chara is pretty much retired from online play, for to play her online is rather really complicated and well there is no need for her to be online anymore. but now and then she does make a rare apperance at night when I have the time, which hasn't been lately lol

I just think everything goes in waves, not that long ago it was Drow that was the race/creature to be, now it's vampires again, next it will be lycanthropes again, well if that has every even slightly died out lol


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Merto said:
I think Ariel, Bal, some others, and myself play the oldest running vamps on the rp.... I started with Vincent_The_Dark about 7 years ago.... He's changed from VTD to Vincent_Grey to Vincent G and to Lord Vincent..... but he's still the same ol' vincent that used to be obsessed with his human friend Wizo_Dantain and his [er] Demi god friend God _of_Shadows... or how ever it was.... as for the new vamps..... *shrugs* everyone sees us cool vamp-veterans and wants to get in on the action is my guess....

Who the heck is Vincent?

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