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Too strong???


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IndyPendant said:
(i.e. that--note--optional feat from CA that allows a 1st level char to bypass prereqs by knowing a 2nd level spell)

The Frenzied Partykiller needs to be 100% avoided. It's a TERRIBLE player PrC, and one of the very few that I have outright banned from my games. The character *will* be almost impossible to stop short of killing, and he's very hard to kill. That's not the reason why I banned it though. RAW, he *will* eventually attack the party just when the enemies have been defeated--i.e. when the party's wounded and needs recovery. RAW, he *will* kill other party members eventually.

1) Wrong. The FAQ explains that Precocious Apprentice does not allow you to qualify for Prestige Classes requiring 2nd level spells.

2) As long as everyone in the party knows whats up ahead of time, and the player of the FB knows that his character might very well get kicked out if the party doesn't like him, nothing wrong with trying.

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the Jester

Bryan898 said:
The Deathless Frenzy ability only lasts 10-20 turns. That's one to two minutes. I've heard cops tell horror stories of how guys on drugs or just pure adrenaline have kept going for a minute or more after being pumped with dozens of shots. Those are real life stories even, and this is a fantasy game.

Well, here's the real touchy situation that I foresaw with deathless frenzy.

FB fights high-level party, is beat down to 10 hp.

PC wizard hits him with a disintegrate, against which he fails his save. It reduces him to -100 hp. It "killed" him, he just hasn't died yet. Yet, disintegrate, well, disintegrates you if it kills you.

After a couple of minutes, he disintegrates? Doesn't really make sense. Should he disintegrate when he gets zapped? Not according to deathless frenzy. The deathless frenzy ability seems to me to be really broken. It makes my 'dm balance alarm bells' go off.

I think the cop stories just sound like they were fighting high-level opponents. :)


First Post
At 21st level, there are many ways to bend the system around your little finger. How could you expect to rule them all away?


First Post
Shin Okada said:
Deathless Frenzy does not prevent death from Disintegrate. Read P.35 of Complete Warrior.

In fact, even if, as he is in Deathless Rage mode, he MAKES his save, the 5d6 dmg will be dealt, after which he would be at deathworthy HP, and he would disintegrate too. That spell stops an FB in DRage Mode and without Mettle or SR on a successful touch attack.


First Post
Even if some jack-arse drugged me and forced booze down my throat, I STILL wouldn't be braindead enough to allow a Frenzied Berserker in my games. Or brazenly munchkin enough to propose playing one myself in someone else's game.

Frenzied Berserkers ought to all be targeted with numerous Enervations, Fingers of Death, Wierds, and best of all, the epic Memento Mori ("I think, therefore you die"). Followed by Trap The Soul or Soul Bind. No other way to justly deal with a Frenzied Berserker at first sight.

Lord Wyrm

First Post
The way I handle frenzied berserkers in my game is how I handle anyone else that hard to kill. I maim them, in my games if you get hit hard you lose something. A fourth level rogue recently lost his foot to a blade trap, the same can happen to berzerks. Also taking off arms and hads is effective, yeah they can continue to fight but they can't lift their greatsword with one arm.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
the Jester said:
The frenzied berserker is banned in my games, not because of potential friendly casualties- I'm all for that part!- but because his high-level abilities make no sense. You can't die even if you're reduced to -2000 hp. A pulped mass of jelly- still fightin'. Nope, don't care for it.

Mirrors my opinion exactly. It is the most stupid ability I've ever seen written into a prestige class and makes it completely inappropriate for D&D.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Mystic Theurges aren't too strong, per se. The shapechange spell, on the other hand, might be too strong.

Voidrunner's Codex

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