Top 50 Movies of the 21st Century! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT'S NUMBER ONE


It would be weird to put The Ring on the list because, though excellent and impactful, it is a remake of a fundamentally better Japanese film from the 90s, IMO. Completely agree about Hereditary, which is a profoundly disquieting, unforgettable film.

My best horror film of the 21st century is The Descent.

Edit: also, no Edgar Rice? The best visual comedic storyteller of recent decades?

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I'm saying the fact that it's a remake of a foreign movie doesn't really matter.
I was making a joke about it being a remake of a remake.

I'm not really too enthralled by the 2016 version, but I think it's pretty difficult to make a transcending western. I'd have gone with Logan, so take that as you will.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Unforgiven is still my favourite western, but Logan would absolutely make the list. So would Star Wars.
Bending a little on some of these picks but I get your gist. I think The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is top tier of all time.

I'm saying the fact that it's a remake of a foreign movie doesn't really matter.

As the person who is calling for accolades to be given to The Ring, I think it's worth admitting that The Magnificent Seven was much more transformative of a remake that The Ring was. I still think The Ring, despite being a remake, is more than strong enough to stand on it's own. I also think it's more, lets say 'polished', than Ringu was. To be fair, though, I should probably re-watch Ringu some day in hi def. I haven't seen it in about two decades. Luckily, I don't have to worry about pesky details like that the context of this thread, because Ringu was made in 1998.

My best horror film of the 21st century is The Descent.

I liked the Descent, but I don't think it's up to par with the others that have been mentioned. If I wanted to add another horror movie to the list, The Orphanage would be next. I'd say it's pretty much equal to Get Out. But Get Out definitely has more of a cultural message behind it. Personally, that's not as important to me when judging a horror movie. But I'm guessing it's a big factor for the author of the Hollywood Reporter list.

Other movies that probably should be on the list:
The Departed
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle

Voidrunner's Codex

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