Top Games Played On FG In 2018: D&D, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds

Fantasy Grounds has sent me over some graphs showing the top games played on its virtual tabletop platform throughout the whole of 2018. Unsurprisingly, the top three are D&D 5th Edition (67%), Pathfinder (12%), and Savage Worlds (5%). These are followed by Starfinder, D&D 3.5, Call of Cthulhu, D&D 4E, Star Wars, then Pathfinder 2. The figures are much the same as we've seen previously, with an increase by Starfinder and the appearance of Pathfinder 2 from July.



Previous stats: 2016 | 2017

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Plus people worrying about PF is not really about diversity. It's yet another D&D. It's more like two players splitting the D&D market which is its own. Taking them out of the picture and making a chart of the rest would be interesting.

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I fear that Starfinder will continue to decline in 2019. I have yet to get anyone interested in it.

I do wish that Paizo would have a team that translates their APs to 5e.
I'd love a Runelords, Crimson Throne, Strange Aeons, etc adventure paths.

Its certaintly bringing new people but I think the statement is a little suspect.

Its not bringing new people to the HOBBY wherein they explore and try things that it has to offer both in the inde space and some older contenders (Shadowrun Warhammer, etc)

Its bringing new people to D&D and from looks of it they have no desire to go anywhere else which is a dam shame

Same as it ever was. D&D may be a gateway to other games (in fact, I’m sure it is) but not for everyone. Large numbers of players have never sought out any other RPG throughout D&D’s history.

It most likely is not. This industry isnt the kind where you really bounce back unless your radically change things. I also think 5e success has full on ushered the Disney effect wherein various other competitors might as well not exists just due to the massive scale D&D inhabits. Add the lack of advertising available to other games (Ill eat a shoe the day Critical Roll plays something not D&D) and they just never really get the ball rolling.

This may sound a little "The end is nigh" but I think there are dark times ahead for the industry at large. D&D isnt just the 10 ton gorilla anymore its an institution now and honestly it looks to be an institution that really will just be the only thing left with the rest just forgotten or so barely scrapping by its little more than a joke.

Critical Role has played multiple non-D&D systems.

I know Critical Role played and streamed a Deadlands Reloaded one-off several years ago. Deadlands Reloaded is built on the Savage Worlds Deluxe game system, and IMHO Savage Worlds is pretty "mainstream" these days.

Welp, off to find an old shoe and some bread batter. Though Ill be happy to eat it.

Now another question habe they ever played anything on stream on the bigger side (Vampire, Shadowrun, etc) and not one page stuff?

I believe Taliesin ran a weird Vampire the Masquerade one-shot - well, two-shot, technically, IIRC. Yeah, here's the first part:

IIRC, the game has an even looser relationship with the nominal rules than usual.

I wonder if, assuming that 5e is truly bringing new people to TTRPG, some of the 5e numbers will eventually lead to a rise in the rest of the numbers as people try other systems.

Perhaps eventually.

I think, though, the average time for someone to transition like that is on the order of years - one typically probably go through a couple of entire D&D campaigns before saying, "Okay, I've had that experience, now what else is there?" SO, for any increase seen in D&D that's considered to be new people, the rise in other games will be a couple years afterwards.

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