Ok, I promised myself I wasn't going to do this, but dammit I can't look at this list without comment anymore....
[sblock=Dropped into a sblock by admin
1. I love our core-only game. We have plenty of classes and races, and with multiclassing it there is even more. I love my single-classed gnome fighter.
While I have nothing against core-only games, but Gnome Fighter? Gnome "-2 strength, must use weapons one-die smaller" fighter? Ranger, I'd buy (skills) or even gnome barbarian (for the lolz) but fighter?
2. I love spending my skill points when I go up a level. Sure, some places are automatic picks, but I usually give my character enough intelligence so I can take a few ranks of swim or profession(sailor) after an extended sea voyage.
And by automatic picks, you mean "rogues need Search/DD, bards perform, rangers survival, wizards spellcraft, etc at max levels to beat the escalating DCs.
3. I love rolling for stats. Who would have expected a fighter to have a 13 charisma. I gladly forgo optimization for uniqueness.
I'm going to assume you mean "my lowest score was a 13, since I can
arrange to taste and I already put higher scores in Str (melee), dex (AC/init/ref/missile), Con (hp/fort), Wis (will), and Int (skill points).
4. I love rolling for hit points. I love the excitement of hitting that 10 for my fighter. I gladly accept the chance of rolling a 1.
Tell me that when your second-level fighter has 11+ con hp.
5. I love save or die. Say what you will, but it is dramatic. The barbarian intentionally sets off a save or die trapping knowing full well he could die if he rolls a 1. That's heroism. The mage kills a significant NPC with a single finger of death. We will be talking about that for years to come.
No, that's not heroism, that's stupidity. Its like running across a warzone with a bullseye on your chest. Any D&D player knows that you're better off with a rogue disabling it or a spellcaster dispelling it. Or summoning a monster/animal to set it off.
As to one-round killing an important climax BEFORE other PCs get to play is something we'll talk about; we'll fondly recall how lame it was to watch the climax of years of gaming end in one character's turn.
6. I love buff spells. I love buffing up the party to take on a green dragon that is way out of our league. I love hacking part the buffed NPC after the mage takes him down twenty notches with a well-placed Greater Dispelling.
I love it too, until we spend half-an-hour or more re-calculating AC, saves, attacks, temp hp, spell DCs, skills, etc along with what type or bonus it is and does that stack with my magical do-hickey +1, and...
Oh year, dispelling. Welcome to "Remember that half-an-hour you just spent figuring out your new stats? Crumple it up."
7. I love Mordenkainen's Disjunction. It is a nuclear bomb. If someone drops it on you, you are hosed as your current wealth is decimated. If you drop it on someone, you are also hosed as your potential wealth is decimated. We fear it in a way that is hard to reach in RPGs.
Ah yes. Mordie. Watch as the cleric and wizard walk through with a few items lost and the fighter and rogue get spiffy new masterwork armor and swords...
8. I love level drain. If I had one wish for 3E, it would be that level drain was more old school and permanent like 1E then it would have the same fear potential as Mordenkainen's Disjunction. Still level drain can kill you quickly and turn you undead. Fighting against something like that is just too cool.
Right. PCs gain two things as they play; XP/levels and GP/treasure. We already talked about how to get rid of the latter, now lets get rid of the former.
9. I love attribute drain. One shadow can teach your mage to dump stat strength, one allip can teach you to grab a high wisdom for your next character. And nothing quite hurts as much as the constitution drain of the wraith. Charisma-drain is also loads of fun.
This should be a problem, since your lowest score in a 13 (see .3) but what are you supposed to do with that "8" you just rolled? No PC (barring certain types of players) can have ALL good stats, so then ability drain like that is just kicking PCs in their weak-spots.
Oh, and that doens't take into account the effects of stat-loss (see .6)
10. When we get sick of core only (which ain't happened yet), we have literally hundreds of books from various publishers to choose from. We have cool variants from Monte Cook, from Wizards' own Unearthed Arcana, from Necromancer, etc. Not to mention loads of adventures (although we tend to run stuff we write outselves).
Go for it man. Here we agree.[/sblock]
Note: I've dropped this into a sblock due to its nature. Please see my note below. ~ Piratecat