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A Wicked Kendragon
What is considered a thorphy? i started collecting heads to show a story of the groups adventure. When i used a human head (a bounty hunter after us) my aliment was in question the Dm made his call this is just a chat to indulge in the topic.
Ok, I'll bite. What was your characters alignment before? What were the reasons your DM gave for having human heads change the situation? What was your alignment changed to? And did you object to it, or are you just curious of how others have handled similar situations?


First Post
In Cold Blood

Eh, I'd chip in, but I lost my rights to make fun of typo-s back when I suggested that basic knowledge of psychics explains nuisances of crossbow loading. Besides, the subject is fairly interesting.

So back to the topic - Aren't heads kinda... bulky? It's 1/8 of body length, so how many can you carry around? How fast do they start decomposing, and attracting every vermin in 5 miles radius? Ears could be nice, but again - you'd have to cast gentle repose on them all the time, or pickle them (yum, yum!). I'd vouch for jaws. Each one is unique*, and it's easier to get rid of all the flesh.
To do that in the field, take a kettle and fill it about to 1/3 with water. Boil it, and pour in vinegar - enough to nearly fill the kettle (not too much, remember that when you put bodypart inside, the level of liquid will rise). Wait until it boils again and put either the head or just jaw (you'd have to rip it from head beforehand) inside. After a while, parts of flesh and fat will appear on top - fish them out with a spoon.
If you're planning to camp near this site, remember to bury all discarded flesh, at least 2 feet underground or it'll attract critters.
Game-wise, I'd advise to do this as two-fold survival check: 1st for knowledge how to do this, 2nd with two tresholds - ie DC15 to know to bury it, DC25 to bury it deep enough (lower chance of attracting critters). For 4e, I'd say - maybe a micro skill challenge - heal + survival.

Other take, could be copied from catholic church and relics of saints. Dunno how Vatican relics look like, but I've seen biggest collection of "saintly relics" outside of Holy City - in Vodnjan. Dude, was I freaked out. Aside from 6 mummies and one ankle on public display, there's dozens of small bodyparts - for example small fragments of femurs (as in a slice), single finger bones, teeth and such - placed in vials with some cotton, and I guess - preservatives. Vials are like what - 1cp apiece? Since the part needed is so small, you could talk your DM into allowing you to have gentle repose + permanent spell cast on those for fraction of normal price (gp and xp wise). The vials can be easily labelled, so there's no risk that after a while you don't remember who's palatine is in your pocket.

All in all, trophies are meant to be displayed or otherwise used, not carried around, same stands for psychopathic killers (nothing personal, I tag as such about 80% of all adventurers :) ), who'd rather make human suits or masks, or even furniture. You should try and avoid the Dexter blood-drops conundrum - I mean how the F does he know which slide comes from who? He could remember exact order of victims, but this would require some serious Rain Man skills after a while, and if he ever drops the slide box... aww man.

In the end, all you really need is the smallest part that retains whole idea. A scale of dragon, a canine of vampire, a finger of Lich. Again, this can be troublesome if you're in some serious Dragonslaying/Buffy/OOTS business.

There's a lot of unique bones in human body that'd look nice as applications on a trendy psychopaths outfit. You can browse available here. Of course not all are any good - for example out of facial bones, I figure only maxilla, palatine and nasal bone are shapely enough.

As to alignment change - well I'd say it depends on race and class - and therefore what given social group regards as evil. As far as I'm concerned, barbarians could wear skull mask and be of whatever alignment he was (if it's justified/explained). Clerics on the other hand, having "special" relations with dead, would have to do some serious rationalization RP not to go all Chaotic evil. Elves... ChE if the subject was an Elf, otherwise it could be rationalized easily as being just more clever animal.
But this would count as a strong nudge at best - if the character is otherwise in line with her alignment, I could let it slide.

*(more so in quasi-medieval setting. If you're ever in Gdańsk, I highly recommend going to our Archaeology Museum** to see exhibition of various pathologies across ages, some of them were fairly common
**Both of them actually. Second one is much more interesting, though it contains material only about medieval sites in our city (so in context - typical for Hanseatic League cities).


It's up to the GM to determine what Alignment means in his game. If taking Goblin heads is Neutral but taking the heads of Men is Evil, I say just go with that. This would indicate a (Demi)Humanocentric alignment system, which would fit with eg 1e AD&D just fine.


What is considered a thorphy? i started collecting heads to show a story of the groups adventure. When i used a human head (a bounty hunter after us) my aliment was in question the Dm made his call this is just a chat to indulge in the topic.
If I had used a human head, my aliment would have been in revulsion, possibly leading to regurgitation. Those things are gross when severed.

Broadly speaking, if you can take enemy hammers as thorphies, Thor would be proud of you; and hammers are generally much cleaner than heads. Of course, this plan only works with enemies who carry hammers. . . .


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This thread makes me laugh. In a guilty way, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that vocal laughter escaped.

I want to hypocritically tell people not to haze the newbie. But you did it so well...

Stop hazing the newbie, eh? Not his fault he can't type.*

*By "not his fault" I mean "entirely his fault". Dammit, I did it again.**
**Sometimes it's good to be the King. Nobody else do it, now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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