Tortle Package AL legal?


That guy, who does that thing.
Just learned that one of WotCs Extra Life activities this year is to publish a document called "The Tortle Package" to the DMs Guild, with all proceeds from the document going to the Extra Life charities.

Is there any indication whether the playable Tortle race in that document will be allowed in AL?


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First Post
To date no. If/when it will be AL legal will depend entirely upon it being listed in the DDAL Player's pack - and even then, it would likely count as the player's +1 resource. I would treat it like UA material - its nice to have for a home game, but ignore completely for AL purposes

Maybe it will be made AL-legal at the same time the AL-legal playtest versions of those two classes hit DMs Guild. And then DMs Guild will be treated as the +1.

Pauper, you planning on playing a Tortle Mystic? ;-)


That guy, who does that thing.
Actually, that grung rogue in the surrogate pack is looking mighty tempting.

Mainly I'm trying to stay ahead of the curve -- we've got a good number of folks at the FLGS who are very much into the anthropomorphized animal thing, so I figure they're going to ask me as soon as they find out.



First Post
Chris Perkins mentioned in the last Dragon Talk podcast that Tortles are going to be an official supplement and will be allowed in AL play.

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