D&D General Tower of Ishmah Premise


Hello everyone, was wondering how my prebuilt adventure looks . Criticism welcome. It is still in the planning phases.

The tower of Ishmah is a 300ft high tower that occupies 2 miles of land mass. It is an ancient tower built by the finest Artificers, Cultists and Wizards in the land of Forkag. Ishmah is said to reach the realms of the gods which reign over the Clerics and Warlocks. The goal of the tower is to destroy other opposing gods of Ishmah’s will which is the desire of all humanoid kind to be free from the deities and gods themselves. To do this they desecrate temples and commit humanoid sacrifices of the Clerics and Warlocks that go against their goals. The patrons of the Warlocks are revoked of their power when the Warlock who serves the patron is killed. Conquest Paladins and Death Knights help the cultists accomplish their goals of ridding the world of Clerics and Warlocks. To help build Ishmah to completion the followers capture and enslave other humanoids. The forests and nature are being torn down to make way for the tower.

Warlocks follow patrons but are being hunted down to rid the world of non humanoid influence.

The Conquest Paladins and Death Knights long to see worthy challengers that seek to stop the construction of the tower.

There exists a Guild of Monks and Rogues called the Silver Hand, led by male Halfling Liken Riverfoot a Shadow Monk/Assassin multi class, whose goal is to free the child slaves of Ishmah mainly occupied by Halflings, Forest Gnomes and Elves. Torn between themselves are the groups of Sorcerers whom are in a civil war. One group longs to complete the will of Ishmah while the other hate the unneeded enslavement to construct the tower. Fighters and Rangers of Forkag are hired hands to deal with the missing townsfolk or do the bidding of the Ishmah cult. Druids hate the destruction of the natural lands to build such a tower and wish to see it destroyed.

Warforged are built to maintain the tower and Lizardfolk are wiping out the Fae regions mainly hunting Elves and Fairies. Dwarves are the most numerous prisoners due to their knowledge of stone cunning and architecture. Dwarvish children are often kept as bargaining chips for the adults to build, stengthen and upkeep the tower. Rock Gnomes are either major parts of the Ishmah group known as the Tech Colony or parts of the Silver Hand. Bugbears, Orcs and Goblins are lead by the Bugbear Scrooth, the Battlemaster Fighter, to fight against the forces of the tower and hold an alliance with the Silver Hand. Scrooth’s forces are called the Feral Vanguard.

The Ishmah Tower absorbs the magic of slain gods and deities further powering the cultists.

The Sorcerers that oppose the tower of Ishmah are the Radiant Ones since they fight for the gods as the opposing side are called the Order of the Eclipse.

Scrooth is a lazy individual but loves challenges and conflicts. He sees being chosen by his god as the highest honor and seeks to praise his god through combat against the Ishmah Cult and Tower. Scrooth is also rivals with Liken Riverfoot and sees the Silver Hand as a necessary ally to destroy the Ishmah Tower
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