TRAILBLAZER - PDF Release - Discussion/Questions/Errata

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More ask a simple question, get a simple answer (I hope) . . .

Solo and Elite monsters. Keep the same CR. Got it. Same spine, so same CR. However, since they have the hit points of multiple monsters do they reward more xp? Or do they still grant the same xp as a standard of the same CR?



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More ask a simple question, get a simple answer (I hope) . . .

Solo and Elite monsters. Keep the same CR. Got it. Same spine, so same CR. However, since they have the hit points of multiple monsters do they reward more xp? Or do they still grant the same xp as a standard of the same CR?

Yeah, I was pondering increasing XP rewards for them as well. Curious on official thoughts on this.

Wulf Ratbane

Same CR means the same XP.

They're just more dramatic battles. They aren't supposed to increase the speed up character progression.

For Elites, the effect of the template isn't really worth any additional CR. It's negligible.

For Solos, clearly the changes to the monster are significant. However, I counter that the Solo changes are required to make the monster actually perform at its listed CR.

Ultimately, if the players have a hard time with a Solo monster and you think it is warranted, you might award them some ad hoc bonus XP.

But I would not, in terms of looking at XP first to budget encounters or weigh the challenge for a party, consider a Solo as "worth more" than the listed XP value.


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Trailblazer with Pathfinder question


I just have bought the pdf of this game and absolutely love what i have read so far. I am working out the class comparisons for the Pathfinder RPG so i can do some tweaking.

My main question concerns determining the spellcasting ability point value. I figured out how the total spell levels work. I know it is based on total spell levels, max number of spells, and a fixed multiplier. I seem to be having problems with what the multiplier is.

Thanks for any help.

Multiclass spellcasting clarification

Hi all!
First post on this forum :)

Great job with Trailblazer, i like it so much! We re still trying it out,but our next campaign will surely be based on it.

I have some questions, the first regards multiclass spellcasting

At first i thought that with "The highest level spell a character may cast from any class spell list is equal to his base magic bonus from that class. " you ment that is BASED on its BMB, i.e, following the appropriate row on the table at page 27.
However, the example at page 28 and this answer confirm differently:
Perhaps I read it wrong, but would a cleric 10/wizard 10 be able to cast 9th level spells of both classes?

Also: The cleric ends up having 4 domain spells from spell levels 1 to 5, yet he only gets access to 3 domains. How does this work?


That's an error. Ignore the second entry.

The question now is: if a clr10/wiz10 can cast level 9 spells of both classes, why should one choose not to multiclass? Isn't it overpowered? I mean: spellcasting is the "meat" of the wizard class, and also a good slice of the cleric also. This way one gets a huge spell list, a lot of slots and also half of the total of class features of both classes...

What do you think of my first interpretation: max spell level is given by max spell level at the BAB of each of your casting classes?
This way a clr10/wiz10 gets max spell level of 5 in both (+10 BMB each), and a total of 5/4/4/4/4/4 spell slots (not counting bonus from ability scores, domains, bonus slots ecc ecc)

Thanks, and keep up this wonderful work!


First Post
Hi all!
First post on this forum :)

Great job with Trailblazer, i like it so much! We re still trying it out,but our next campaign will surely be based on it.

I have some questions, the first regards multiclass spellcasting

At first i thought that with "The highest level spell a character may cast from any class spell list is equal to his base magic bonus from that class. " you ment that is BASED on its BMB, i.e, following the appropriate row on the table at page 27.
However, the example at page 28 and this answer confirm differently:

The question now is: if a clr10/wiz10 can cast level 9 spells of both classes, why should one choose not to multiclass? Isn't it overpowered? I mean: spellcasting is the "meat" of the wizard class, and also a good slice of the cleric also. This way one gets a huge spell list, a lot of slots and also half of the total of class features of both classes...

What do you think of my first interpretation: max spell level is given by max spell level at the BAB of each of your casting classes?
This way a clr10/wiz10 gets max spell level of 5 in both (+10 BMB each), and a total of 5/4/4/4/4/4 spell slots (not counting bonus from ability scores, domains, bonus slots ecc ecc)

Thanks, and keep up this wonderful work!

The main thing keeping Wiz10/Clr10 from being more powerful than a Wiz20 is that they get the same base number of spell slots, since they have the same BmB. The multiclass gets access to a much larger spell list, and bonus domain spells of 5th level and below, but loses out on the high-level readies, and has to divide his available slots and readies between his two spell lists. I guess that's really the thing; you take your total BmB from all classes and index it into the table to determine how many total readies and slots you have per day. Then, for each available ready, you choose a spell from one of your class' lists of the appropriate level, provided that you have BmB from that class of at least that spell's level (ex: A Clr2 / Wiz3 can't ready Cure Serious Wounds, since it's a 3rd-level spell and his BmB from Cleric is only +2, but he can ready Fireball and Cure Moderate Wounds).

When all your spells from all classes come from the same pool which scales appropriately for your level, caster multiclassing is actually very very balanced. We had a Cleric 4 / Sorcerer 4 in one of our games who was pretty versatile, but no more powerful than a straight sorc 8 or cleric 8 would've been (he actually decided after a couple of sessions that since he was almost only using sorcerer spells, he would've been happier as just a sorc 8, but the ability to switch to an all-cleric spell list on a daily basis would've been nice if we'd been up against undead or other cleric targets).

Voidrunner's Codex

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