Getting lost in fantasy maps
The multi classed character doesn't get any more slots than a single classed character.The question now is: if a clr10/wiz10 can cast level 9 spells of both classes, why should one choose not to multiclass? Isn't it overpowered? I mean: spellcasting is the "meat" of the wizard class, and also a good slice of the cleric also. This way one gets a huge spell list, a lot of slots and also half of the total of class features of both classes...
Quoted from Page 26 of the Trailblazer book.
Characters who multiclass into another spellcasting class gain access to all of the spells on the spell list of the new class. However, although this adds considerable versatility, their spells readied and spell slots per rest are still calculated solely on their base magic bonus.
In other words, the multiclassed Trailblazer spellcasting characters only gets an expanded spell list and additional lower level class features at the expense of higher level class features from the single class.