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[Trailer] Aliens vs Predators Requiem

Mouseferatu said:
You know what, though?

It looks like it'll be better than the first AvP.
Sad part of that statement is that it wouldn't take a whole lot to make it better than the first AvP.

And I'm not saying this as a fanboy of either franchise. The first AvP was just a craptacular movie on several different levels, enough that I only felt bad about losing the couple hours I spent watching it on Cinemax at my folks' house, which was off-set by the glee of not having spent any actual money to see it.

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Also, I think what is the first rule of Science Fiction movie/TV making - it's a lot cheaper to film a human than an alien. So give as much screen time as possible to humans. (Even Godzilla/Kaiju movies do this, usually the first 2/3 of the movie is mostly human actors.)

IMHO, that's why there was only one Alien/Predator only fight in the original movie - they were too cheap to do the effects for any more than that.


First Post
Little late in commenting here, but I just saw the trailer on youtube and here's what i thought:

WHAT... THE... F**K?!!! :confused:

Since when was the Alien or Predator franchise a frigging slasher series? Sure there was gore and then some in the earlier films, but here it seems to be the main focus of the flick. Gore and shock elements were not what these two great scifi properties were all about. At it's core, Alien was a scifi/horror franchise that later incorporated some action elements in it's sequel. Predator on the other hand, was ball to the walls action with a scifi twist.

As for the complaints about the humans being nothing more than something for the preds and xenos to slaughter, I'd have to agree. But I wouldn't mind humans so much, provided they actually fought back like they did in the AVP comics and games. When the humans were badass colonial marines like the ones featured in Aliens. Why the hell can't the filmmakers get the hint? :\

Sir Brennen

Mouseferatu said:
But then, I liked Jason X. (As a comedy and a "so bad it's good B-movie," not as an actual horror film.)
"It's okay! He just wanted his machete!" :D

For those that haven't clicked the link, the trailer itself is R-rated. Lots of blood. I think they pretty much showed every single one of the movie's death scenes - human, alien or predator - in the trailer.

I also get the impression that there will be human characters who "fight back" in the movie, and looks like we even have a 1) strong female lead character and 2) token kid character to endanger. On the other hand, the movie is being released around Christmas, which always seems to have horror film of some kind dumped with low expectations.

But really, would any of you seriously sit through an hour an a half of nothing but monsters slaughtering each other? Where's the story in that? If you want xeno-violence untarnished by plot, play a video game.


First Post
horacethegrey said:
Since when was the Alien or Predator franchise a frigging slasher series?
Slasher is 10x better than Artsy French film {alien 4].

Besides, we are owed a double helping of gore for AVP being PG-13.

As for the complaints about the humans being nothing more than something for the preds and xenos to slaughter, I'd have to agree. But I wouldn't mind humans so much, provided they actually fought back like they did in the AVP comics and games. When the humans were badass colonial marines like the ones featured in Aliens. Why the hell can't the filmmakers get the hint? :\
How about because most of the humans in AVP-R are not Colonial marines? Heck, if that town was peaceful enough, the cops should not be hardened bad-asses. And even when the ‘the national guard’ shows up, they might not be not ready for such a situation.

Civilians are victims in horror and sci-fi, it is a fact of life. Maybe some of team Homo Sapien in AVP-R might be combat competent, but most shouldn’t be. We need them to be incompetent for the Aliens to breed.

Though the trailer did show too much.
Granted, I am glad to know that the government will be nuking the town at the end.
But after AVP, they basicly HAD to show us the real deal to get me into the theater.
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frankthedm said:
Slasher is 10x better than Artsy French film {alien 4].

Besides, we are owed a double helping of gore for AVP being PG-13.
I've never watched the artsy French film in question because of the negative reviews it got. But I hardly think any slasher film will match the original Alien directed by Ridley Scott.

I do understand why fans are demanding more blood after being underwhelmed by the previous film's pansy ass PG-13 rating. But the violence in the trailer was a mite excessive and totally killed the mood for me.

frankthedm said:
Civilians are victims in horror and sci-fi, it is a fact of life. Maybe some of team Homo Sapien in AVP-R might be combat competent, but most shouldn’t be. We need them to be incompetent for the Aliens to breed.
See, I don't agree with that. Yes humans are slaughtered by the score in many scifi and horror flicks, but they don't always have to be witless cattle. The Colonial Marines in Aliens were an elite and battle ready bunch and they still got slaughtered by the xenomorphs. Ahnuld's team too were a bunch of hard core special ops types who could overthrow a small country, yet one Predator made mince meat out of them. And that adds to the suspense I feel, that the best that the human race can offer are nothing to these beings from space and beyond. You won't find such in a slasher film, where most of the victims are horny and scared teenagers who've barely hit puberty (and primes examples of the witless cattle type I mentuoned).

Aliens vs Predator should be and scifi action franchise, not a slasher flick.


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horacethegrey said:
Aliens vs Predator should be and scifi action franchise, not a slasher flick.
Well, it most likely would have been had this happened years ago back in the heyday of the Dark Horse Aliens vs. Predator era.

If I understand correctly, the Studio decided to in no way use anything plot wise Dark Horse has done with the AVP property out of fear of lawsuits. We basically have a situation where the studio is afraid to use the best ideas to come around for their own properties because of lawsuits they would almost certainly win. This is why I’m not bothered how they ruin the AVP movie franchise, because it has been ruined for years.

At least with this film, my inner gorehound gets to enjoy it.
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First Post
Well a damn shame that is. A studio refusing to use the best story concepts for a property all because they're afraid to go to court? F**K.

I still feel that Aliens vs. Predator as a franchise has the potential to churn out a good movie (possibly even great). But it needs to be handled by people who will do it justice, and not bunch of hacks looking to make a quick buck. :\

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