[Trailer] Last Airbender: what's the appeal?


Staff member
Count me as another person who liked Dune as a book...AND the David Lynch film.

Sometimes, when you are "covering" someone else's work, you need to bring your own touch to it, or else it will only suffer in comparison. Make it too much your own, though, and you'll commit just as grave an error as being overly faithful.

Its a fine line, and not everyone can do it. In music, Jane's Addiction screwed up "Sympathy for the Devil" by getting overly goofy with it. OTOH, Joe Satriani- who, IMHO can do almost no wrong- bored me to death with his nearly slavish version of the classic song "Sleepwalk." It was as if he were afraid to be himself, too in love with the original to assert his own artistic vision on it. Brian Setzer's interpretation manages to be both faithful to the original's spirit, but also to Setzer's unique voice as a guitarist.

Lynch's Dune took Herbert's general storyline and generally followed it...but also re-imagined it into something completely new.

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I dragged my younger sister to this (we are both in our mid twenties). I liked it well enough, though I completely agree that it could of been a lot better. My sister did not like it really, though I think she is at least interested in where the plot is going, so I am curious to see if I will be able to get her to go to the second one.

Of course, as with Transformers, why I absolutely wanted to see it was because I wanted to see how they would make bending look " in real life " . That part was decent, though I think it could have been a little more epic (Aang's tidal wave notwithstanding, of course).

I may have had an advantage over more hardcore fans though in that I have only really seen Book III, and not even all of the early episodes of that I think. What I did see though, I thoroughly enjoyed. At some point I probably should get around to seeing the whole thing, I do not know if I could rent the series or watch it online somewhere.


Staff member
Sometimes, when you are "covering" someone else's work, you need to bring your own touch to it, or else it will only suffer in comparison. Make it too much your own, though, and you'll commit just as grave an error as being overly faithful.
For illustration's sake, here's a good example of a nice cover song:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biCaNHq7ncg]YouTube - Cat Power - New York, New York (Later with Jools Holland) [/ame]

Voidrunner's Codex

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