Battle Concludes
Gimble, not sure of the hellhounds intentions, readies an action to activate the device if the Hellhound goes after the fallen Guardian.
The hellhound, with no other target in reach, does indeed strike at the warforged knight, and vanishes instantly when the magic stick is broken.
*End of Combat*
The party looks down at Guardian, inert on the floor below, and considers how best to get him out. Shortly, they are joined by representatives of house Kundarak, who assist them in retrieving and reviving the warforged. The party is quickly healed and taken back to Sharn, where they rest before meeting with their employer on the next day.
Johan d'Kundarad is pleased to see you.
"I see you penetrated quite a ways into the manor, but not quite to the vault itself. My men also report that you did so without any unecessary breakage, and our work crews should be able to restore the defenses within a few days, add a couple of finishing touches, and then the manor can be turned over to our client."
"You've earned this, and I won't delay your recieving it."
He pushes a sack containing 2,000 gp across the table.
"Do you have any suggestions in terms of making the manor more secure?"