D&D 5E Trickster/Expert/Adventurer/Rogue


Well, classes other than the Fighter still get to fight, so I think having a class-group called Expert is totally reasonable, and probably the best option.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Elven Boots: While wearing these boots, Experts gain expertise in all Dex (Move Silent) checks, all others gain proficiency in the Dex (Move Silent) skill.
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I'd much rather they name these class groups Apples, Oranges, Cranberries, and Grapes just so people would stop quibbling about the names. Oh wait, they still would. "It's pretty stupid to call the Wizard a Grape because Apples are given to teachers and fell on Newton's head so that's a symbol of intelligence."


I'd much rather they name these class groups Apples, Oranges, Cranberries, and Grapes just so people would stop quibbling about the names. Oh wait, they still would. "It's pretty stupid to call the Wizard a Grape because Apples are given to teachers and fell on Newton's head so that's a symbol of intelligence."

"But wizards are supposed to be squishy!"



Vest of Escaping, Armor of Shadows, Montebank's cape, Acrobat's Boots, Liar's Mask, Hat of Disguise, Sword of Subtlety, Instruments of the Master Bard, Songblade, Assassin's Dagger.

How's that for a start?

Okay, but how would it be benefited if all these items were restricted only to the rogue. Only rogues can use hat of disguise. Only them. That is what is being said.

To me, it seems more reasonable that anyone can use a hat of disguise. Anyone. The point Savage Wombat made was name something that would be benefited by saying "rogues ONLY" that can't be substituted with "fighter". Afterall, a fighter or ranger or whatever could use a hat of disguise no problem, vest of escaping gives a flat bonus. I don't know what "Instruments of master bard" are but they have bard in the title, they may fit the "bard only" thing I was asking for. I don't know, just seem a shallow reasoning to me.

It makes sense for there to be "arcane casters only" items, and "divine casters only." But where does paladin or ranger lie? If they get divine spells they should be able to use the "divine casters only" item without being in the Priest superclass.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Okay, but how would it be benefited if all these items were restricted only to the rogue. Only rogues can use hat of disguise. Only them. That is what is being said.

To me, it seems more reasonable that anyone can use a hat of disguise.

It gives them a way to say the items work better for rogues. So a normal character gets disguise proficiency while wearing a hat of disguise, while a rogue gets expertise in their disguise checks while wearing it.


First Post
The playtest has vacillated between Skills and no-skills, skills light, skills heavy, etc. Recently Mearls Tweeted skills were back (last playtest) essentially for the rogue. I think thats the gist of it. The "trickster" is the skill-monkey, to which "trickster" is a poor name. Expert or Specialist work better. I like skill-monkey myself.

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