Trying to build an archive of responses from The Sage


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I realize a lot of people don't care for e-mail responses from The Sage, Skip Williams, but at least as many find them useful, if only as another opinion from an experienced gamer. So many of his responses have been lost over the last year and a half that I'm trying to build an archive on the WotC message boards.

If you have an e-mail response from The Sage, please add it to the list at this link:
Archive - Sage Responses

Please do not engage in "Sage Bashing" on that thread. I mean for it to be simply a resource for people searching for an official opinion, rather than a discussion forum. Though discussion to attempt to clarify his answer, if it's not completely clear, would be useful.

Someone on the WotC board asked a valid question, though. Has anyone ever asked Skip for permission to repost his replies on the internet? Not that I think he would mind, but then again maybe he would, considering the kind of discussion that his replies usually generate. :(
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I'd also give a link to the site to Morris. This is something that should be done and easily availible for all gamers. I wish I hada response to give you, but I do wish you the best of luck with this.

You also might e-mail the Sage your plan. See if he can e-mail you some of his responses to other people. :cool:


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Artoomis, do you mind if I scribe full text responses from The Sage from your page and add them to my thread? I would also include a link to your thread.


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Artoomis -- I visited your web page, and found it very, very cool. One question, though -- I was almost positive that the Sage said that a monk can wear gauntlets without them counting as "armor". He also ruled that a monk can't wear gauntlets and get unarmed attack BAB/damage, but that's a different issue.

Are you 100% sure that he said gauntlets are armor for monks?


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Faragdar said:
Artoomis, do you mind if I scribe full text responses from The Sage from your page and add them to my thread? I would also include a link to your thread.

Be my guest. Please let me know if any of my Sage responses turn out to be in error - it could be - I think it did one or two of them from memory.


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Forrester said:
Artoomis -- I visited your web page, and found it very, very cool. One question, though -- I was almost positive that the Sage said that a monk can wear gauntlets without them counting as "armor". He also ruled that a monk can't wear gauntlets and get unarmed attack BAB/damage, but that's a different issue.

Are you 100% sure that he said gauntlets are armor for monks?

No, I'm not 100% sure. Anyone out there have a Sage quote either way? Obviously I did not, or I would have used a quote.

I don't even remember why I put that in there. Hopefully someone can remind me with a quote from the Sage.


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Artoomis said:

No, I'm not 100% sure. Anyone out there have a Sage quote either way? Obviously I did not, or I would have used a quote.

I don't even remember why I put that in there. Hopefully someone can remind me with a quote from the Sage.

I forgot what it said, but the FAQ talks about a monk wearing guantlets and spiked guantlets.

That should provide a reasonable source for sage responses.


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Yeah, check out the very latest official FAQ (came out day or two ago). It has a bunch of info on gauntlets and monks...


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Sage Responses

I'm not registered over at the other board, and you needed a bump anyway, so here are a couple of responses I have gotten:

1) If a fighter is hit by a targeted Dispel Magic and that fighter is holding a flaming sword that has had Greater Magic Weapon cast upon it, is the sword affected?


Do we need to make the dispel check to see if the GMW spell is removed from the sword even though the fighter (not the sword) was the target of the dispel?

A creature's equipment is part of the creature.

2) If instead the fighter and sword are caught in an area Dispel Magic, is the Greater Magic Weapon spell cast upon the sword in any danger?

Possibly. The sword is part of the creature, and the greater magic weapon effect goes into the queue of effects that might be dispelled.

For number 1, logically I would think "yes", but the spell description is pretty clear in saying "One object, creature, or spell is the target of the spell. ". Since the sword (not the character) was the target of the Greater Magic Weapon spell, it seems that it would have to be the target of a Dispel trying to get rid of it. Or do you get a bunch of objects for free when you target a creature?

See first answer.

For number 2, again I would think that the sword should be affected, but the spell description says "Magic items are not affected by area dispels. " I assume this meant that (only) the inherent magical properties of magical items are not suppressed, but that is not what is written. Any clarification (either on the rules as written or on the intent) would be much appreciated.

You assume correctly,
Also see second answer.

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